Monday 4 May 2009 photo 1/1
I will watch the past me,
get destroyed bit by bit,
and I will laught at all
those memories
good as bad.
Even though some
memories bring back pain,
I will keep them close
to heart, so I wont make
the same mistakes again.
The only thing I will
focus on now is the future.
So thanks for all those
memories that will help
me move towards a
brighter future.
- by Luisa
get destroyed bit by bit,
and I will laught at all
those memories
good as bad.
Even though some
memories bring back pain,
I will keep them close
to heart, so I wont make
the same mistakes again.
The only thing I will
focus on now is the future.
So thanks for all those
memories that will help
me move towards a
brighter future.
- by Luisa
Comment the photo
Fri 8 May 2009 12:03
Snygg bild =)
Bra text, man kan verkligen relatera till den så df snor jag den <3 xD
Bra text, man kan verkligen relatera till den så df snor jag den <3 xD
Mon 4 May 2009 17:01
Du, jag har fixxat fram en annan version av photoshop. Skall vi prova ? :D
8 comments on this photo