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In The Name Of God Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd 1080p
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qxvex
Trouble arises when Alex tries to save a friends daughter from a religious cult and is captured.
"Spoilers" I do not know what it is about Alex Cahill but she seems to have the this disease known as the HCS, Held Captive syndrome as she seems to get kidnapped and held hostage on a regular basis but it doesn't knock this episode in any way, in fact I always kind of loved that Walker was always Alex's knight in shining armor which made their love more strong.
"Spoilers" A desperate father arrives at this religious cult where his daughter ran off to and decided to live there. The cult is being run by this crazed cult leader Deacon John Body who manipulates and weakens the minds of people living there. he also has an army of mercenaries who run the cult like a prison. Hank (the father) goes to the services of Alex Cahill and a sad backstory was enough to get her to go out there and check out the cult. Little did she know what the leader was capable of as he takes her hostage after she threatens to charge him with statutory rape. Walker and Trivette start to worry and they hear a message left on Alex's phone left by Hank who was wondering why she hadnt come back from the compound. They get assistance from their good buddy Cobalt to try and get proof that John Body is involved in illegal activity so as to give them probable cause for a search warrant and look for Alex where Walker believes her to be. Episode ends when bullets fly and Walker goes head to head with the lead bad guy as he always does in every episode and rescues Alex.
Great episode with a few favorite scenes of mine which are as follows: 1: After Walker rescues Alex, they kiss and this would mark the first time we ever see them kiss.
2: A comical moment in which Walker and Trivette go to pick up a witness as a favor for Alex but this witness is nothing short of gigantic and Walker and Trivette struggle to take him in and end up dirty by the time they arrive to ranger headquarters 3: A scene that got me as a kid in whhere Alex, who was still being held captive at the compound, has a dream where Walker and Trivette come to her rescue, beat up the bad guys, and Walker finds Alex and whispers to her "I love you" and SURPRISE it was just a dream.
Great episode with some emotion and of course plenty of action.
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