Saturday 4 September 2010 photo 1/1
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Känner mig nere, vet inte varför eller så är det bara att jag inte vill inse faktumet att jag vet varför.
äsh alltså allt känns skit just nu, du vet det där typiska " jag orkar inte mer" ... det kommer då och då i livet..
och just nu är det tiden för mitt "jag orkar inte mer" -.- helvete va jobbigt :( !
Varför kan vi inte bara snacka ut så att det blir bra?! varför kan du inte bara säga vad du egentligen vill..
jag håller tyst så länge du kontrollerar dig men jag lovar inte att jag kommer tåla allt.
Vill bort härifrån :( långt... till andra sidan av jordklote -.- pallar inte västerås över huvudtaget..inte stockholm heller.. pallar ingenting.. ska dra till E-tuna och träffa tommy :) haha kommer bli trevligt :P
vet dock inte när o,o och största problemet är PENGAR ! :@ cp .. -.- palla att man måste ha pengar till varje sak :(
antingen blir det vecka 38 el 39 som jag åker till e-tuna :)
ska hälsa på min brur och kolla hur han har det :) kanske stannar över natten :) who knows^^
det kommer säkert få mig att glömma allt skit som jag får ta emot nu av vissa personer :S
får slappna av iallafall -.-
U maked me fell special and now u broke my heart with every step of you'r way.
I thought that u were the one ..the right for me..but I guess u don't even care..
I thought we could talk .. but u don't even listen to what I have to say?!
I thought we could trust each other.. but I guess that all u said was just shiet.
U told me to speak out.. u told me to tell u about how fucking bad all this is .. and now I want to tell u..
U have ONE choice.. not two.. and u'r the one who should go the way u want to go..
don't play around cuz You'r the one who going to cry in the end..
Make me cry with the truth but don't make me happy with all you'r lies cuz that a thieng I call for "Bullshiet"
how can u be so heartless? I thought u were better than that.. I'm not a fucking toy for u to play around with and YES that's the truth.. so read this carefull and If u don't like it then just fuck off my life..
that's all I have to say, now it's upp to u.!
I thought that u were the one ..the right for me..but I guess u don't even care..
I thought we could talk .. but u don't even listen to what I have to say?!
I thought we could trust each other.. but I guess that all u said was just shiet.
U told me to speak out.. u told me to tell u about how fucking bad all this is .. and now I want to tell u..
U have ONE choice.. not two.. and u'r the one who should go the way u want to go..
don't play around cuz You'r the one who going to cry in the end..
Make me cry with the truth but don't make me happy with all you'r lies cuz that a thieng I call for "Bullshiet"
how can u be so heartless? I thought u were better than that.. I'm not a fucking toy for u to play around with and YES that's the truth.. so read this carefull and If u don't like it then just fuck off my life..
that's all I have to say, now it's upp to u.!
Sun 5 Sep 2010 13:57
finns gumman!!!<3 om du kommer ha lust nån dag kan vi träffas och snacka lite!!<3

Sat 4 Sep 2010 16:44
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