October 2008
HELVETE!Plånboken är borta -_-. Good game Peter... noot. Jävla regn... Klockan tolv åker man ut med Friluftsgruppen för att paddla. Vi ska utgå från typ Tör
Fotografisk bild är ganska så nice!Faaast, att läsa om Freuds sömnteorier funkar rätt bra det med ;] Eftersom jag ska träna dirr efter skolan måste jag ladda orde
CAD... inte mycket händer på dessa lektioner. Idag så ska man käka på stan tlsm med älsklingen, Kebabhouse ftw! Ska lämna in mobilen på lagning eftersom den
tack för igår! "She seemed dressed in all of me Stretched across my shame All the torment and the pain Leaked through and covered me I'd do anything to have her to myself Just to have her
This one is abysmal. This is a oneway ticket down. Some say there ain't nothing to lose,but I lost that too. So what am I gonna do?
THE HAUNTED VERSUS Moronic Colussus "It grows definition A stronger conviction Turn words in to action And not back down" Fick hem nya plattan precis, HELT JÄVLA UNDERBAR!
"Raise the dead to hear them scream again It's a prize in its own right Equal in death at last, with no exceptions made There's no escape in this and that's how it ends"  
"No false pride No fashion No fake set of values A primal force-to completely absorb. Transforming, serpent-like. Infernal and true"
Hm, vad händer i veckan nu då? "It's up to you now completion of this eyes staring blindly back at nothing"
"Buy me a trip to the moon. So I can laugh at my mistakes, you see... I can see the end from here. From this perspective it looks kind of silly"