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Lvl 100 resto shaman guide: >> << (Download)
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Best Restoration Shaman Healing Guide in WoW Legion 7.3. Level 110.
PvE Resto Shaman Guide 7.2 (Last updated 5/31/2017): My name is Vaayu, and this is my guide to Resto Shaman in Legion. . Level 100: 1. High Tide: Given the nerfs to Chain Heal in 7.1.5, this talent loses a bit of it's value. Still, this talent is a very substantial increase to your Chain Heal healing, and
19 Feb 2015
Leveling/Questing as Restoration Spec. This Resto Shaman build is recommended for players who wish to level from 100-110 entirely, or partially, by questing in Restoration spec.
18 Feb 2015
19 Apr 2016 leveling a resto shaman? This guide keeps you informed of all the changes you encounter while leveling. This is the Warlords of Draenor edition: level 9
Popular Level 100 Restoration Shaman Talent Builds Talents, Shaman, Restoration. Class, Spec, Popularity ?, Talents, Link. Shaman, Restoration, 6 star. Shaman, Restoration, 5 star. Shaman, Restoration, 5 star. Shaman, Restoration, 5 star. Shaman, Restoration, 4 star. Shaman, Restoration, 3 star. Shaman, Restoration
13 Jan 2016 So you used your Legion level boost to get a new Restoration Shaman to level 100. But what do you do next? We've got some advice on where to get started.
8 Jun 2016 On this page we'll take you through the spell use, rotations and best advice for a Resto Shaman Healer, from low-level right up to maximum level. This page informs . or Healing Rain. This cool down lasts for 15 seconds and should be used for maximum healing by casting almost 100% of the time it is up.
28 Aug 2017 Best talents for your Restoration Shaman in WoW Legion 7.3.2. This guide has been reviewed and approved by Seksixeny, Restoration Shaman and general healing expert. He has been raiding in Group Therapy since Cataclysm of the Elements Icon Echo of the Elements; Level 100: Ascendance Icon