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Pay yourself first book pdf: >> << (Download)
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savings account or you could invest in unit trusts, but the best way is to talk to a financial adviser. They'll give you the advice on how to save and, most importantly, grow your money. How can I save when I have little money to begin with? • PAY YOURSELF FIRST LIKE THE LION. • CREATE THE HABIT OF SAVING. • START
Objectives. After completing this module, you will be able to: Explain why it is important to save. Determine goals for saving money. Identify savings options. Determine which savings options will help you reach your savings goals. Recognize which investment options are right for you. List ways to save for retirement.
Module 4: Pay Yourself First. Instructor Guide. Money Smart for Young Adults Curriculum. Page 6 of 60. Getting Started. Purpose. The Pay Yourself First module helps students identify ways they can save money and introduces savings options that they can use to save toward their goals. Objectives. After completing this
Pay Yourself First 3. Objectives. • Explain why it is important to save. • Determine goals for saving money. • Identify savings options. • Determine which savings options will help you reach your savings goals. • Recognize which investment options are right for you. • List ways to save for retirement. • List ways to save for large
Pay Yourself First. Many Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. Savings rates are less than 7 percent and have fallen near zero several times in the past few years. Personal finance experts recommend that you save at least 10 percent of your income. A savings fund will increase your financial security. One tip for
Pay Yourself First. 1. FDIC Money Smart – Financial Education Curriculum. Instructor Guide. MODULE OVERVIEW. Purpose. The Pay Yourself First module helps students identify ways they can save money and introduces savings options that they can use to save toward their goals. Objectives. At the end of the module,
TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Pay Yourself First Worksheet. 1. Saving Tips. 2. Annual vs. Daily Compounding. 4. Compounding Interest Over Time. 4. Saving $1 and $5 a Day. 5. Four Savings Products. 6. Special Accounts. 7. Investment Products Exercise. 12. Investment Issues to Consider. 13. Pay Yourself First Action
By the end of this module you will be able to: • Explain why it is important to save. • Determine goals toward which you want to save. • Identify savings options. D t i hi h i ti ill. • Determine which savings options will help you reach your savings goals. 3
FDIC Money Smart Financial Education Program. Pay Yourself First. Pay Yourself First. Use this tip sheet to help you in the process of setting and reaching your personal savings goals. This tip sheet covers the following topics: • Identifying steps you can take to save. • Deciding which type of savings account is best for you.
Personality: Shy, good sense of humor, intelligent. School life: Likes school, but does not work very hard at it. Jobs: Two part-time jobs (fast food and a grocery store). Family: Mom and sister. Future plans: Attend college; he is not sure where he wants to go or how he will pay for it, but is saving all he can