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Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis - its physiology and use in tropical agriculture. 1. WATANABE. 1. Introduction. Azolla is a water fem widely distributed in aquatic habitats like ponds, canals, and paddies in temperate and tropical regions. This plant has been of interest to botanists and Asian agronoTIUsts because of its symbiotic
Cultivation and use Azolla as nutritive feed supplement for the livestock. A study on Azolla cultivation and feeding to milch animals was taken up with about 110 farmers in Chitradurga district of Karnataka under NAIP Livelihood project. Co-operating centres Azolla's cultivation
of urea). The important factor in using Azolla as a biofertilizer for rice crop is its quick decomposition in soil and efficient availability of its nitrogen to rice plant. The quick multiplication rate and rapid decomposing capacity of. Azolla has become paramount important factor to use as green manure cum biofertilizer in rice field.
man if attractive uses can be developed. The photo on the right shows a deep fried dish of azolla mixed with batter. by. Suppressing the Growth of Aquatic Weeds. Agricultural economists have estimated that. Asian farmers, particularly women, spend more time weeding than on any other activity required for rice production.
The Use of the Water Velvet Azolla Filiculoides in Wastewater. Treat men t. M. G. Ghobrial, PhD and E. E. Siam, PhD*. Abstract. Azollafiliculoides is a free-floating water fern which fixes atmospheric nitrogen in association with the nitrogen- fixing blue-green alga Anabaena azollae. It is used for nutrient-removal purposes
PROPAGATION AD AGRICULTURAL USE OF AZOLLA. 1.1. General. 1.1.1. Biology of Azolla. 1. 1.1.2 Fixation of nitrogen. 2. 1.2. Propagation of Azclla. 3. 1.2.1. Extent of Azolla cultivation in China. 3. 1.2.2 Methods of Azolla cultivation. 3. 1.2.3. Optimum conditions for cultivation of Azol)a. 4. 1.2.4 Preservation of Azolla. 9.
The Azolla. The University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Michaela Sedlackova. Page 2. Overview. What is Azolla ? Composition of Azolla. Being used. Use of energy. (Azolla filiculoides) . •
The nitrogen fixing aquatic pteridophyte Azolla has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen at cheaper and faster rates due to the presence of a symbiotic cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae. Because of this property it has been exploited widely as biofertilizer for rice plants. In addition to this it has several other uses such as
Azolla use in Thailand 119. L. Loudhapasitiporn and C. Kanareugsa. Use of Azolla in Brazil 123. M.F. Fiore and K.G. Gutbrod. Use of Azolla in Sri Lanka 131. Utilization of Azolla in agricultural production in Guangdong Province,. China 141. Azolla and its use in rice culture in West Africa 147. Use and importance of
Plant and Soil 99, 219-230 (1987). 9 1987 Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht. Printed in the Netherlands. Ms. 6397. Use of Azolla as a test organism in a growth chamber of simple design. HARROW. WONG FONG SANG*, VU VAN VU**,. BiologicalLaboratory, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam,