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Echo visibility guidelines: >> << (Download)
Echo visibility guidelines: >> << (Read Online)
funded Humanitarian Aid Actions. January 2016. The Manual provides general guidance on the implementation of contractual visibility and communication. The concrete application depends on and may be adapted to the specific circumstances of the individual project. Partner organisations are invited to consult DG ECHO
EUROPEAN CIVIL PROTECTION AND HUMANITARIAN AID OPERATIONS. DG ECHO PARTNERS' WEBSITE. Home · DG ECHO · Helpdesk Services · Training · Distance Learning · News · Newsletter · Reference documents · F.A.Q.
These visibility guidelines have been drawn up to ensure that projects that are wholly or partially funded by the European Union (EU) visibly acknowledge the EU's do not apply to humanitarian projects funded through the Facility but managed by the DG for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations (ECHO).
23 Jan 2018 This includes displaying the EU visual identity prominently on project sites. To assist partner organisations in complying with visibility requirements, the European Commission's Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) has developed a dedicated visibility website.
2 Sep 2009 For those costs where funding does not exceed the above mentioned limits, ECHO will intervene on visibility for humanitarian aid operations foreseen in the Joint Visibility Guidelines for EC-UN Actions in the communication activities / visibility on durable equipment and major supplies and at project.
1 Feb 2014 February 2014. The Manual provides general guidance on the implementation of contractual visibility and communication. The concrete application depends on and may be adapted to the specific circumstances of the individual project. Partner organisations are invited to consult DG ECHO in case of doubt.
Visibility. 3. Needs assessment and beneficiaries. 10. Financial overview of the action. 4. Logic of intervention. 11 Request for derogation. 5. Quality markers . the ECHO financing decision, except in the case of suspension3 during the implementation of the. Action. The period for finalising the final report (as a general rule
All the measures put in place in order to comply with this obligation shall comply with the Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union Humanitarian Aid published by the European Commission. As concerns the communication activities linked to the Union-funded Action (audio-visual productions, websites or
be considered also current since the ECHO's procurement guidelines were updated in. January 2014. In this thesis the . All. DONORS OF THE FRC. ECHO. MFA. APPLICATION FOR FUNDING. IMPLEMENTING THE ACTION. Instructions for Procurement. Visibility and Communication. APPLICATION FOR FUNDING.