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Android Facebook Login Custom Button ->>>
PHPSELF /index.php . According to facebook sdk 4.x, There new concept of login as from facebook LoginManager and AccessToken - These new classes perform Facebook Login So, Now you can access Facebook authentication without Facebook login button as layout.xml Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize(this.getApplicationContext()); callbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create(); LoginManager.getInstance().registerCallback(callbackManager, new FacebookCallback () { Override public void onSuccess(LoginResult loginResult) { Log.d("Success", "Login"); } Override public void onCancel() { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Login Cancel", Toast.LENGTHLONG).show(); } Override public void onError(FacebookException exception) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, exception.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTHLONG).show(); } }); setContentView(R.layout.activitymain); Button btnfblogin = (Button)findViewById(; btnfblogin.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { Override public void onClick(View view) { LoginManager.getInstance().logInWithReadPermissions(MainActivity.this, Arrays.asList("publicprofile", "userfriends")); } }); } Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); callbackManager.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } shareimprove this answer edited Nov 16 '17 at 5:29 EduardoMaia 13911 answered May 14 '15 at 6:45 TejaDroid 2,99321524 6 Error : logInWithReadPermissions(this, Arrays.asList("publicprofile", "userfriends")); Can not resolve symbol –Shaktisinh Jadeja May 28 '15 at 12:34 1 TejaDroid nice answer, imho you should add onActivityResult to give a best answer. HTTPACCEPT text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1 . PHP. SERVERADDR . shareimprove this answer edited Jan 6 '16 at 9:55 answered Jan 6 '16 at 9:52 AMIT YADAV 114 add a comment up vote 1 down vote This is very simple. GoogleApiAvailability. CONTENTTYPE . We didn't receive a proper request from your browser. step:2 To set com.facebook.widget.LoginButton step:3 To set Textview with customizable. Lead discussions. Here is the error : Error parsing XML: unbound prefix. HOME /var/www . SERVERNAME . HTTPACCEPTCHARSET iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1 . Facebook Login. Great –VVB Jul 3 '15 at 6:51 add a comment up vote 119 down vote In order to have completely custom facebook login button without using com.facebook.widget.LoginButton. Being in the same position, I've succeeded to customize the facebook login button efficiently. GCM. HTTPACCEPTENCODING gzip . HTTPCFVISITOR {"scheme":"http"} . SDKsiOS SDKAndroid SDKJavaScript SDKPHP SDKUnity SDK. Good one –ruX Jun 22 '15 at 18:03 add a comment up vote 1 down vote Its a trick not a proper method. Please try refreshing and contact us if the problem persists. Host meetups. HTTPCACHECONTROL no-cache . REQUESTTIMEFLOAT 1515595092.9217 .. Settings.. –Sierisimo Aug 4 '15 at 22:47 2 ShaktisinhJadeja this refers to OnClickListener context. Json to Java Object. Stack Overflow Questions Developer Jobs Tags Users current community help chat Stack Overflow Meta Stack Overflow your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. rev2018.1.10.28325 . LoginButton Facebook. Hire a Freelancer Choose from 2,000 professionals ready to do the work for you. BackSign UpCreate a Page for a celebrity, band or business.English (US)NederlandsFryskPolskiTrkeDeutschFranais (France)EspaolPortugus (Brasil)ItalianoSign UpLog InMessengerFacebook LiteMobileFind FriendsPeoplePagesPlacesGamesLocationsCelebritiesMarketplaceGroupsRecipesSportsLookMomentsInstagramLocalAboutCreate AdCreate PageDevelopersCareersPrivacyCookiesAd ChoicesTermsHelpSettingsActivity Log Facebook 2018. shareimprove this answer answered Dec 3 '14 at 8:54 Tanka 315 add a comment up vote 1 down vote Customize com.facebook.widget.LoginButton step:1 Creating a Framelayout. Overlap them. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled .. Join the Community Share ideas 5a02188284,364852820,title,How-To-Get-Rid-Of-A-False-Facebook,index.html