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beretta tomcat cracking
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2 min - Uploaded by MrSfinn9mmberetta tomcat cracked frame.. I have the same crack in the same position of the Inox Tomcat. Hi, New to the forum and have found a large amount of great info. A few weeks ago, I discovered that my Beretta Tomcat 3032 had a cracked frame rail. Is frame cracking a foregone conclusion, and I should sell it now before I get attached to it? Being the who knows how many owners down the line, will Beretta support MY Tomcat? I have two other Berettas, the 70S which I LOVE aside from the safety unintentionally engaging if my grip is off, and the 9000S. While Beretta's lawyers might vehemently disagree, an argument might be made that the Tomcat is a more reliable firearm after it cracks than before! With an un-cracked Tomcat, there is a risk that it will crack in such a way that the, whatever it is called, fully breaks off and jams the gun — like it did with mine. I've owned this 'tomcat' since they first became available at a LGS. rarely fired it, only around 80 rounds of Winchester wb fmj through it. frame cracked I I know it's beyond warranty period but 80 rounds?? contacted beretta CS for a rude confrontation so now - get mean, nasty and dirty with them for fair. Hi All, I'm looking for a little help on what to do with a Tomcat I have. Long story short, I got this tomcat in partial trade for a dirtbike I sold... So, a couple a months ago I pull out my Beretta Tomcat Alleycat to give it a lube and cleaning. I haven't shot it in a while because I don't reload... This is a discussion on Beretta 3032 Tomcat - Frame problems within the Defensive Carry Guns forums, part of the Defensive Carry Discussions.. From what I understand the Tomcat's used to have a lot of issues with cracked frames that Beretta resolved by deploying a thicker frame like on the INOX model. IF YOU OWN A BERETTA TOMCAT - Check for frame crack! - Hand Guns - Guns & Shooting - The Cast Bullet Association Inc. Forum Ed Harris reports. My Beretta Model 3032 INOX Tomcat until recently had digested over 2000 rounds of hot Euro and heavy bullet hand loads before eventually failing. If you own a Beretta Tomcat, open the tip-up barrel and inspect the frame rail above the trigger pivot hole for cracks, as shown in the photo. Beretta doesn't. I'm wondering if anyone on INGO has personally had issues with frame cracking on a Beretta Tomcat--particularly on the inox (stainless) version. I. So I just picked up a cracked frame older version tomcat. Does anyone know by first hand or expirence if I can get it fixed or replaced? I would... It seems that Beretta is still having same problems with Tomcat 3032. I just sent mine in for a crack in the same place. On the frame just above the trigger. I also had a chip of metal come of the slide rail on frame by tailpiece. I suggested to them to go standard with the titanium frame instead of aluminum. Does anyone out there have any new (within the last 6 months) info on the Beretta Tomcat cracked frame issue? Is it still a problem or have they fixed the issue? I would appreciate any useful input. Thanks. Did you learn something new today and did you smile? if not, why? Have a Great One, Art S. Image. I acquired a Beretta Tomcat that has a broken frame on the right side of the frame around where the pin slides in. I have read other forums on the net about this same problem. My question here is has any one been able to get one of these repaired or replaced? I have no confidence in the 3032 model and. My EDC is a Beretta Tomcat 3032 wide slide. It eats Aquila FMJ ammo without fail. To avoid cracks, use standard load ammo only. Wife carries a Bobcat 21a loaded with CCI Stinger .22lr. Both are rock solid reliable if kept clean and lubed. collim1 Mar 17, 2017. The little Tomcat doesn't get much attention. I have the opportunity to purchase a Beretta Tomcat 32acp (A pistol I have always wanted) for a very reasonable price. I have heard that earlier models of these had problems with frames cracking. I was wondering if any of you all could provide me with information as how to spot those older ones and what. I've yet to test the slightly heavier wide-slides, but even with the 14.38-ounce/408-gram original version Tomcat absolutely no problems staying on paper. And that slide cracking issue on the originals? This 1997 showed no signs of having this problem. Beretta's manual recommends that ammunition for the. Location: Santa Clarita, Palmdale/Lancaster Price: SPF Model: Beretta Tomcat I bought this Tomcat with a cracked frame. The seller says it wasn't like that. I never fired it. I have no proof otherwise so I guess I'm SOL. I called Beretta and they told me to send it in. They even paid for UPS pick up. Hate me now.. I found a used one with 2 mags for 149.99.. Frame is still intact so let's see if the cracking frame issue is as bad as people make it. OK Guys, cracked frame Tomcat returned to Beretta on 11/15/2010; replacement (new) received 2/9/2011. And that only after calling ot find out status after no word in two months. Sold it on 2/9/2011 to the gun dealer who helped my with return. BTW - I saw a photo of a cracked frame posted here months. tony101365, Perhaps you are lucky or have not noticed the crack. The reports and experiences of reliable frame failure are rampant. The failure of Beretta to acknowledge their design fault is just as reliable. This little .32 piece of disappointment has turned me away from any weapon with the name Beretta on it. Post again. And some pics of the infamous crack as well as the two slide designs thick and thin...eta not my photos. I found another discussion of this issue at this link. this includes a photo of a cracked frame, so you know where to look for the crack . Beretta beretta tomcat .32acp 2mags very good parts nr picture 7. No, seriously there. Beretta Tomcat 3032 32acp Inox wanting to buy one. Worth it, or does it inherit same problems with frame cracking with older version of Tomcat? Person who wants to sell to me is brand new never fired, except for scratch on front of gun for 425.00 worth it? The intended use (self defense) was the same. Beretta 3032 Tomcat .32 ACP Tip Up Barrel Cracked Slide But Beretta ran into problems with this gun. The initial design had a lot of problems with frame cracking on the right side, just above the trigger guard. A lot of people experienced this within a very short. The Beretta 3032 Tomcat and Beretta 3032 Tomcat Inox are semi-automatic pocket pistols designed and manufactured by Beretta. They are chambered in .32 ACP (a.k.a. 7.65 mm Browning) and are small pistols, designed for concealed-carry and use as backup weapons. The Beretta 3032 Tomcat builds on a long line of. Today Beretta's Model 92 gets all the attention, but the company has not forgotten its roots and still offers a number of blowback-operated, sub-compact pistols. The .32 ACP Beretta Tomcat is an extremely small concealed carry pistol that some officers use for backup and off-duty carry. The only thing you'll give up is the tip up barrel. Practice? The Tomcat has a reputation for cracked frames. The gun isn't meant to be "practiced" with a lot. I wouldn't shoot more than a box through it for function testing and that's about it. Yes, Beretta will generally send you a new gun if the frame cracks,. a cracked frame. Sent it back to Beretta, they in return sent me a brand new Tomcat. About this same time, NAA came out with the Guardian in .32ACP. My FFL ordered me a Guardian and took the brand new Tomcat that I had received from the factory in trade for the. NAA Guardian. Love the little Guardian. I hope yours is an Inox Tomcat. The matte version has problems with frames cracking, even with the latest "reinforced" design. I experienced this personally after 200+ rounds fired through the gun and know 2 others who had the same problem. Do a search on Tomcat cracked frame and you will see. Beretta. I have never heard of one of these Ti framed Tomcats cracking. They're hard to find and slightly heavier, but if you really like the model, keep an eye out for one. I own one of them, and it's utterly reliable. It cost me $625, and I'd pay that again as I'm a big Beretta fan and the Tomcat fills a niche for me. Tomcat and I understand that to be Beretta's effort to fix the reported cracking problem. It might take many more rounds to adequately test, but so far I'm very satisfied with the little pistol. I wish I had seen the. Alley-cat version, with the night sights, first. Scott. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can learn. The inox Tomcat issmall 'chunky' gun (due mainlyto the 'fatter' slide the inox version has, solves any issues of slide cracks the earlier non-inox/thinner slide3032ssometimes had -- but I have no data re: how many guns actually had this issue) but that's fine with me. Small means someone trying to leverage it. The Beretta M9, officially the Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, is a 9×19mm Parabellum pistol adopted by the United States Armed Forces in 1985. It is essentially a. So, a couple a months ago I pull out my Beretta Tomcat Alleycat to give it a lube and cleaning. I haven't shot it in a while because I don't. Reading on the Beretta forum this sounds pretty common the cracked frames. I have no intention of buying a Tomcat. After reading about the crack frames I know I would never buy one. Beretta has a 3 yr warranty. 1000 rnds isn't much when you consider if it's your carry gun and need to keep practicing with. For sale is a Beretta Tomcat model 3032 pistol in .32 ACP. This Tomcat has only had about 150 rounds fired through it, but the frame developed a small crack, and it hasn't been fired since. This is a known issue with these Tomcats (Google "Beretta Tomcat frame crack" for all of the information and pictures. Found that it is a common problem for the Beretta Tomcat frames to crack in .32 acp. You might want to research that online before buying. Apparently, there are some made with a heavier INOX frame that reduces blowback and doesn't crack. The frame will crack on this handgun. I bought one in December '08 but did not do enough research before I bought it. After researching I learned about the potential for the frame cracking so I called Beretta and spoke to a tech about it and he assured me there was not a problem. After less than 200 rounds the frame. As with all guns, this one does have some limits though. The current trend toward purchasing "hot" +P ammunition is not a good idea when applied to the Tomcat as a number of cases of the frame cracking under undue stress have been reported. Features of the 3032 Tomcat include a frame-mounted, thumb activated safety. The Inox and newer blued pistols have a thicker slide to cure the common Tomcat frame cracking problem. I'm conservative and would stick to recommended ammo but it looks like that 130 fpe recommendation is really to cover Beretta's butt for the older narrow frame Tomcats and the S&B will be OK since. The 3032 Tomcat blue steel version has had some past problems with the alloy frame cracking after fireing. Beretta may have addressed that problem, I'm not sure. Beretta does make a 2 tone version I believe known as the Inox that supposedly has a stronger frame then the bllue steel version. Randy. 4 minVideo quick field strip of the beretta tomcat 3032 - doing a quick field strip of the beretta tomcat. Beretta is one of the world's oldest firearm manufacturers and has made a long line of marvelous pocket pistols, but often the Model 3032 Tomcat is considered a lemon. This is because there are numerous examples of the frame cracking. However, Beretta has redesigned the Tomcat with a new wider, stronger slide and. I check the YL's Tomcat. It has the same crack in the frame they mention on that site. Apparently, this is a problem with newer Tomcats and not the older ones, but no one so far can find a manufacturing change or serial number where it started. At least according to what I have found so far, Beretta apparently. Well, it's appears I'll be getting a brand new or repaired tomcat now. Let me tell you things seem to have changed at Beretta Cust. Serv. (thank goodness after reading Searchers horror story) this gun was from 1996, called Beretta 800 # explained this gun had a cracked/broken frame (noticed this today after. 10 minWith modern ammunition and the accuracy of the Beretta Tip Up barrel design, the Tomcat is. Beretta Tomcat. I like this Beretta 3032 Tomcat so much I put custom grips on it. It's my list so I can put whatever I want here. Yeah, I know, this gun is... I know I own one and Beretta will NOT doing anything to rectify this problem do a internet search on Beretta Tomcat frame crack you will see article after. RayGunz: Mine is the Inox model 22 caliber just inspected don't see any cracks RayGunz: I have the 22 caliber version I'm going to check mine tonight I bought it used and did not think of that. LJ MAGNUM: The Tomcat frame was weak until 2010 models. I just purchased a new in the box/never shot 2008.Beretta told me to. Using an ultra-compact 3.3mm laser diode, these Lasergrips® are activated instinctively with your ring finger while gripping the firearm naturally. Fit Notes: Fits Beretta Bobcat and Blued Tomcat Models Manufactured Prior to 2010. Does not fit 950 Jetfire, 950 Tomcat, 950 Bobcat, Stainless Inox Tomcat, Tomcat with slide. Next to the Beretta was a crack pipe, a five-inch glass tube with a burned-up Chore Boy on one side. It appeared to have residue inside it. Five more weapons were tucked under the bed: another Beretta Tomcat .32 semiautomatic; a Marlin classic 40/75 rifle Model 1895 with ten four-shot tubular magazines; an SKS Chinese. He thought about opening the window a crack but decided against it. Instead, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a silver .32 Beretta Tomcat. From another pocket he took a 5 inch silencer and screwed it onto the end of the pistol's barrel. The man scrunched his nose up at the gun in his lap. It was such a coarse. Instead, they take advantage of an "amenity" they get for paying exorbitant rates and put their money and jewelry and drugs and weapons in convenient room safes, cracker boxes made of soft metal with no alarms. I laid the black bag on the bed. It held a .32-caliber Beretta Tomcat, a very expensive, very powerful, nearly. He cracked his knuckles. “Sadly, it turns out there. He placed a brandnew Beretta Bobcat handgun on the desk. He's so cute sometimes,. She didn't have the heart to tell him that hers had been a Beretta Tomcat, not a Bobcat, and that she'd replaced that little ditty within a week after her return to Atlanta. Oh well, having a. With a guttural roar of pain, Rov managed to draw a Beretta Tomcat pocket pistol with his other hand. Before his opponent could make a move to fire the weapon,. Pink, frothy blood spewed from the man's mouth as the cartilage and bone cracked beneath Bolan's heel. The Executioner stepped back, breathing heavily with. A Social Media Story storified by nomaralaclu.