Thursday 6 July 2017 photo 1/1
Big Data and Data Science Initiative in India- Upcoming Job Opportunities: Big Data Job Opportunities in India (Big Data-Series-4) (Volume 1)
by Prof ajit kumar roy
Researchers from Indiaare active, in the fields of astrophysics, materials science, earth andatmospheric observations, energy, computational biology, bioinformatics,cognitive science, statistics etc., which generate a lot of data. To deal withthese data it requires the development of advanced algorithms, visualizationtechniques, data streaming methodologies and analytics. Keeping in mind themomentum that big data analytics is gaining in India, there is a need to builda sustainable eco-system that brings in a strong partnership across theindustry players, government, and academia. With this objective, the Indiangovernment has launched a BigData Initiative. Digital India is an initiative of Government of Indiato integrate the government departments and the people of India. It aims atensuring the government services are made available to citizens electronicallyby reducing paperwork. The NIC has created the Open Government Dataportal, .Currently 85 government ministries, departments and agencies have contributedmore than 12,000 datasets across segments such as population census, water andsanitation, health and family welfare, transportation and agriculture to government's pet project ofbuilding 'one hundred smart cities' which has been allocated Rs 7,060crores is another major project that would rely strongly on technology, callingfor a robust cloud computing backend coupled with real-time surveillance andbig data analytics technologies. The UID-Aadhaar project will be the largestsuch citizen database on the planet. NASSCOM 10,000 Startups launched a report on"Institutionalization of Analytics in India: Big Opportunity, Big Outcome.
Keeping in view the giantinitiative by Govt. of India the book entitled 'BigData and Data Science Initiative in India-Upcoming Job Opportunities' is compiled with latest developments in this sector. The recenttrend in methods and tools that Data Scientists use and are covered in thefollowing chapters
Chapter 1: Basics of Big Data and Application
Chapter2: Fundamentals of Data Science /Data Scientist
Chapter3: India's Initiative in DataScience and Big Data Application
Chapter4: Skill Development for DataScience Jobs
Chapter5: Data Science and Big Data CoursesOffered in India
Chapter6: Best Data Science and Big DataCourses Offered Abroad
Chapter7: Ways to become Data Scientist byOneself
Chapter8: Job Prospect of Data Science
With respect to Jobcreation and opportunities of data scientists in India and abroad
suggested that the Analytics and Big Data sector has seen aconsistent growth in the last five years and is expected to further grow at a CAGR of 33.2% and 26.4% respectively, almost six to eight times thatof the overall IT sector. According to NASSCOM, the Indian marketis expected to grow to US$ 2.3 billion by the year 2018. Big data analyticsaccounted for some 29,000 jobs in India in 2014.
The book maybe helpful for a large pool of English-speaking engineering, mathematics &management graduates to equip themselves with skill to grab forthcoming datascience jobs as India is an attractive destination for the off-shoring of big dataanalytics, which Indian tech entrepreneurs are well placed to exploit as wellas major initiatives taken by the present government to uplift the analyticssector that is going to create huge job opportunities in data science and bigdata analytics.
Big Data and Data Science Initiative in India- Upcoming Job Opportunities: Big Data Job Opportunities in India (Big Data-Series-4) (Volume 1) Prof ajit kumar roy
..Apr,,,24,,,,2017,,,....a,Big,Data,InitiativeWe,,,here,,,present,,,software,,,–,,,in,,,the,,,form,,,of,,,an,,,identification,,,pipeline,,,for,,,large,,,,,,identification,,,pipeline,,,for,,,large,,,sets,,,of,,,fungal,,,ITS,,,sequences,,,–,,,developed,,,,,(United,,States),,...Results,,,show,,,that,,,large-scale,,,climate,,,differences,,,between,,,now,,,and,,,then,,,are ...The,,,LSST,,,data,,,management,,,science,,,pipelines,,,software,,,consists,,,of,,,more,,,..foster,new,methodological,approaches,to,big,data;;,provide,new,educational,opportunities,for,students,pursuing,careers,in,data,science;,..MIDAS,,,will,,,build,,,an,,,interdisciplinary,,,core,,,faculty,,,of,,,40,,,data,,,scientists,,,,and,,,lead,,,programs,,,in ...The,,,Data,,,Science,,,Initiative,,,at,,,UC,,,Irvine,,,is,,,a,,,broad,,,initiative,,,with,,,a,,,focus,,,on,,,coordinating,,,and,,,linking,,,the,,,activities,,,..the,,,large,,,size,,,of,,,the,,,medical,,,imaging,,,data,,,produced,,,by,,,current,,,CT,,,....Big,data,Job,Opportunities,in,India,(Big,Data-Series-4,Book,1).The,LSST,data,management,science,pipelines,software,consists,of,more,...In,other,words,,big,data,is,characterised,by,volume,,variety,(structured,and,..The,,,supply,,,is,,,short,,,even,,,in,,,the,,,US,,,job,,,market,,,with,,,only,,,40,,,out,,,of,,,100,,,positions,,,for,,,data,,,scientists,,,being ...Applied,,,Big,,,Data,,,Analytics:,,,Business,,,Analytics,Healthcare,Capital,,,Market,,,......Work,has,continued,as,part,of,SHAPE,initiative,(INQUA,project,#1302),,but,.....The,,,international,,,SGMIP-1,,,(Stretched-Grid,,,Model,,,Intercomparison,,,Project,,,,...5]...future,,,of,,,data,,,scientists,,,,with,,,central,,,focus,,,on,,,India's,,,big,,,data,,,futurehuge,,job,,opportunities,,in,,data,,science,,and,,big,,data,,analytics,,[2-Facts,and,Figures,of,Demonetization,in,India,-,Views,,Reactions,and,Impact:,Impact,of,.. 07f867cfac Tags: book read online, thepiratebay torrent download, book download fb2, book google docs, purchase book, audiobook free, book iCloud, book in English, format eReader thepiratebay text online, discount for book, free txt, francais ebook access online offline, book book free from xiaomi, bookstore, audiobook free, fb2 sale tablet access online, value pdf full mp3 book, book book free from Galaxy, book RapidShare, story offline online doc finder, link italian free iBooks ipad, read without register, book download via Transmission, information wiki author book francais, ios сhapter cheap eng download, download without account, book DropBox, no registration read macbook full sale