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Resettlement action plan guidelines for colonoscopy: >> << (Download)
Resettlement action plan guidelines for colonoscopy: >> << (Read Online)
30 Jan 2015 This necessitated the development of this Resettlement Action Plan. (RAP). In addition to the guidelines of IFC Performance Standard 5, the RAP was conducted in line with the applicable Zambian legislation. The objective of the RAP was to ensure that the project affected community, including individuals
1 Apr 2002 Handbook for preparing a resettlement action plan (English). Abstract. A project that involves involuntary resettlement, the economic and/or physical displacement of people, represents a significant challenge for IFC. Without proper planning and management, involuntary resettlement may result in long-term
3 CENSUS AND SOCIOECONOMIC SURVEYS. Geothermal Resources Development Project Resettlement Action Plan 0 February 2018. 13. In September 2017, as part of ESIA Scoping Studies, a socioeconomic, land ownership, and land use survey was conducted for a sample of a cluster of the potentially affected
Describe the insitution(s) responsible: (a) for delivery of each item/activity in the entitlement policy; and (b) implementation of income restoration programs, and (c) coordination of the activities as described in the resettlement action plan (RAP). State how coordination issues will be addressed in cases where resettlement is
IFC Handbook for Preparing a Resettlement Action Plan i. Contents. Foreword iii. Policy and Principles v. Acknowledgments vii. Glossary of Terms ix. Introduction. 1. Section I—Scope of Application. 5. Types of Resettlement. 6. Public Disclosure Requirements. 7. Special Considerations. 8. Section II—Components of a