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The Batman: The Killing Joke Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r0y10
As Batman hunts for the escaped Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime attacks the Gordon family to prove a diabolical point mirroring his own fall into madness.
This film made me, bit unhappy. After all, this adaptation of Alan Moore & Brian Bolland's novel, should be a masterpiece for DC (Detective Comic) & Warner Bros. However, it didn't turn out that way. This movie had a really bad day, because this movie was heavily flawed. Directed by Sam Liu, while, this direct-to-DVD animated movie tells the preexisting origins of comic book story about the Joker (Voiced by Mark Hamill) loosely adapted from the 1951 story arc "The Man behind the Red Hood!" and his quest to turn Police Commissioner Jim Gordon (Voiced by Ray Wise) into a madman, by torturing his daughter, Barbara AKA Bat-Girl (Voiced by Tara Strong), while the Batman/Bruce Wayne (Voiced by Kevin Convoy) hunts him down; screenwriter Brian Azzarello did add a few things, I found very puzzling, like the 30 minute prologue, about Bat-Girl having sexual problems with her relationship with Batman, while fighting generic horny silly name mobster, Paris Franz (Voiced by Maury Sterling). I get that, they wanted to show Bat-Girl more as a fresh out character, rather than a plot device victim, but I found those scenes, very clichés in, dealing with Bat-Girl's promiscuity with her boss. It felt weird and out of place. It felt like comic book version of the TV Show 'Sex in the City'. Plus, still, Barbara Gordon is subjected to several Male Gaze shots of her curves, both in and out of costume. Worst of all, none of this has any real bearing on the remainder of the film. Her love story adds no weight. Honestly, the movie would had work better, if they allow some time to flesh out the elder Gordon's role in the story or explore why Batman suddenly develops doubt that he can't stop from killing the criminal. I would even love to see, the reasons why Batman can't figure out, where Joker is, even if his hide out is the most obvious hide out ever. Also, how in the hell, does Joker still able to get henchmen to work for him!? Does nobody in this universe, know his history of randomly murdering people, both foe and ally!? Anyways, while the Joker-related imagery is quite haunting, it's was a bit unrealistic in the serious tone, this film is going for. Still, I can't complain, too much about seeing Joker sing and dance, since it was, in the source material as well. However, I thought, the movie would had cut that. Anyways, I didn't think the movie didn't dig far, enough in, the Joker mythology to make this movie, worthy of its name sake. Despite that, Mark Hamill still provide a good performance. I like that, he was able to return. I always love his work in the TV Series (1992-1995) 'Batman: The Animated Series'. I just wish, his voice for pre-Joker and post-Joker match up more. I also like that, his co-star in the animated series, Kevin Conroy return to his role as Batman. He always had that commanding presence with the tone of his voice. For her part, Tara Strong's performance is decent despite the often painfully limiting role. If they were any voice acting, I didn't like; it was Ray Wise. His weak delivery doesn't do justice to a character who's put through a terrible psychological ordeal. It's unfortunate that the original voice actor, Bob Hastings passed away in 2014; because as it would have been a real treat to see him reprise this role one final time alongside Conroy, Hamill and Strong. About the hand-drawn animation, it's in the same level of 'Batman: The Animated Series'. While, it might sound like a good thing, it's not. It's somewhat dated. You can clearly see the parts, where they didn't want to animate background motions, as most of the background characters barely moves. Another jarring thing about the animation was the use of CGI. You can clearly see, where the hand-held and computer graphics, overlapped. The animation style in my opinion didn't lend well to the animated aesthetic, especially, during the action. It was a bit choppy at times. Another thing that kinda bug me about this film is the fact that it's Rated R, when it clearly could be PG-13. And it's only the second Batman film after the extended cut of 2016's 'Batman v Superman' to earn an R-rating, suggesting a darker, more visceral Batman story in line with the source material. Unfortunately, the movie barely use that medium, right. While, this film had sexually suggestive themes, it doesn't have any gratuitous nudity, nor was it brave enough to show the Joker honestly rape Barbara Gordon. I felt that, it was playing it safe at times. It wasn't edgy enough. About the violence, it's far less violent than other Batman relate animation films like 2012's 'Batman: The Dark Knight Returns' & 2010's 'Batman: Under the Red Hood'. I was kinda disappointing, by the lack of gruesome action. You would think, there would be more blood, than the overused of water down head shots and poisoning. However, the worst thing about this film is the limited discount profanity. It really felt, out of place, not to see, these criminals use strong profanity. It could had made this animation seem more mature. Overall: While, some hardcore comic fans might love, how the film kept the dark overtones and wonderfully ambiguous ending; most general fans found this film, to be, below average and I have to agree with the other. I wish it, could had been better.
It's weird and disturbing like the best stories involving Batman & the Joker going at each other.
The Killing Joke is a classic graphic novel (It's like a classic novel (I don't read so I can't suggest a novel) that you are excited they are going to adapt into a movie, and that's the Killing Joke).
Anything coming out of DC Universe Animated Original Movies is so great and so adult and way better than anything that the DC Cinematic Universe seems to be doing.
I was so stoked that the movie was going to be released in theaters and it shocked me when I saw the movie was going to be Rated R. It was an interesting R, more about the dark adult content than sex, violence and language.
In the Killing Joke, Batman's relationship with his partner, Bat Girl gets too personal for the both of them to focus on their commitment to crime fighting, so they decide to part ways before anyone gets hurt, which Ironically, despite no longer being in the mask, Bat Girl gets hurt anyway when the Joker escapes from jail and plans another outing for the Dark Knight.
A subplot of the movie tells an origin of the Joker as a comedian who falls in with the wrong crowd and meets Batman in the process, which creates an accident that would create the cape crusader's worst nightmare.
Keeping with the fad of Nostalgia, Kevin Conroy who for many is the voice they hear when they think of Batman, reprized his role once again as the Dark Knight. It's a bit of an unfair comparison, but I think many 90s kids would agree that Kevin Conroy is the best Batman ever (poor Christian Bale)
And reprising his role as the Joker is the great Mark Hamhill. What I always loved about Hamhill's Joker (other than he laugh obviously) Is these basic one-lined jokes that they give him to say that makes you giggle just before he does something totally messed up. They really take it up a notch in this film as those jokes lead up to joker doing some really messed up things.
But the joker is not the only villain in the movie. Francesco Franz is a robber trying to rip off his uncle whose a big gangster in Gotham, and he's also obsessed with Bat Girl and this obsession is just Dark. So awesome to watch.
Glad I got to see this on the big screen it's a note worthy film.
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