Friday 22 May 2009 photo 10/10
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Friday 22 May 2009 photo 10/10
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Jag läser Everything Wrong with Eragon och har sjukt roligt! :D så här kommer några av de bästa passagerna:
“Elven lady,” – (p.2) “Elven lady,” – (p.3) “She leapt off the animal with inhuman speed.” (p.3)
-I don’t think I am intelligent enough to figure out if she is an elf or human. Please help, CP.
“A cry tore from the elf’s lips” – (p.3) “The elf pulled open the pouch,” – (p.4) “Flew toward the elf,” – (p.4) “strode to the elf.” – (p.4)“unconscious elf.” – (p.4) “After tying the elf” – (p.5)
- Thanks, CP! I knew I could count on you!
“Through their training he passed. Exceeding all others in skill. Gifted with a sharp mind and strong body, he quickly took his place among the Riders’ ranks. Some saw his abrupt rise as dangerous and warned others, but the Riders had grown arrogant in their power and ignored caution. Alas, sorrow was conceived that day.” – (p.32)
- Where have I heard this before? Oh, yes, Star Wars. This is the story of Darth Vader. How could I forget?
“It’s madness.” – (p.58)
- Madness? This is Sparta! Kicks Eragon down endless pit (Sorry)
“Eragon remained at the table, his eyes focused on a know in the wood. Every excruciating detail was clear to him: the twisting grain, an asymmetrical bump, three little ridges with a fleck of color. The knot was filled with endless detail; the closer he looked, the more he saw. He searched for answers in it, but if there were any, they eluded him.” – (p.87)
- So many things wrong with this. First of all, “excruciating detail” is right, except I don’t think it is clear to Paolini. This is one of the most pointless paragraphs in the entire book. Why would we care about a knot in a table? And should readers have to suffer reading an entire paragraph about it. Also, why would Eragon search for answers in it? That is the honestly one of the stupidest things I have ever read. “Oh my gosh, my life sucks. Please, knot in this table, tell me why it sucks so much!” “Well, Eragon, it might have something to do with you asking a knot of wood for answers!”
“When they finished, Eragon flopped on his blankets and groaned. He hurt everywhere – Brom had not been gentle with his stick.” – (p.115)
- Unintentional innuendo, dead ahead!
“‘It is rare for anyone to discover magic on his own,’ he inclined his head toward Eragon,… ‘It may please you to know that no Rider your age ever used magic the way you did yesterday” – (p.144-145)
- Oh, Eragon! You are so wonderful! You must be the best Jed- I mean Rider ever!
“May your swords stay sharp,” – (p.155)
- Wait… I thought it was “May the force be with you.
“Am I supposed to be able to see into people’s minds?” – (p.155)
- Yes, that’s called legilimency. Oh, wait, that’s from Harry Potter.
“How do I know if someone’s prying in my mind? Is there a way to stop that?” – (p.156)
-Yep, that’s occlumency. Oh, oops, that’s Harry Potter also.
“You said that! exclaimed Eragon.” – (p.200)
- The captain returns, yet again.
“‘Thank’ee,’ mumbled the man, tottering away. As soon as hebq. was gone, Eragon pulled his bow from its tube and strung it.” – (p.214)
- Oh, come on. Why would he not have done this before hand? “Oh, he turned around! This is the perfect time to string my bow. I’ll do it really fast, so when he turns back around I’ll be ready.” I honestly think CP thinks you can just slip the string on at a moments notice. If I ever were to meet him, I would bring an unstrung bow, it’s string, and a stop watch.
“he picked up his bow from where it had been thrown by the Ra’zac. He strung it,” – (p.270)
- Wait… when did he unstring it? He had it when he was first ambushed by the Ra’zac. Then ha ran away. Now he is stringing it again. This means that at some point, while running from the Ra’zac he unstrung it. Why would he do that? “Uh oh, I’m being chased and could be attacked at any moment. This seems to be a perfect time to unstring my bow.”
“With trembling fingers, he unlaced the back of her shirt.” – (p.315)
- Oh my god. Drugged? Check. Unconscious? Check. Kidnapped? Check. Naked? Check. Sounds like something bad is happening.