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european curriculum vitae english
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Create your CV (+ cover letter) online · Update your CV (PDF+XML) online · Template and instructions · Examples · Curriculum Vitae · Create your CV (+ cover letter) online · Update your CV (PDF+XML) online · Template and instructions · Examples · European Skills Passport · Create your European Skills Passport online. Page 1 - Curriculum vitae of. [ SURNAME, other names ]. For more information go to. Present your qualifications, work experiences and skills effectively and clearly. Page 1 - Curriculum vitae of. [ SURNAME, other name(s) ]. For more information go to EUROPEAN. CURRICULUM VITAE. FORMAT. PERSONAL INFORMATION. Name. [ SURNAME, other name(s) ]. Address. Curriculum Vitae. Insert photograph. Remove heading if not relevant (see instructions). Personal information. First name(s) / Surname(s). First name(s). European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction. Spoken production. Language. Language. (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Curriculum Vitae. Insert photograph. (Optional). Personal information. First name(s) / Surname(s). First name(s) Surname(s). Address(es). House number, street name, postcode, city, country. Telephone(s). Mobile: Fax(es). E-mail. Nationality. Date of birth. Gender. Education and training. Dates. Add separate entries for each. It's important to understand that the CV acronym, which refers to the professional document more formally known as the curriculum vitae, and has a very different meaning in the United States than it does in Europe. In this article, we're going to look at the European CV vs. the U.S. resume and CV, noting. Europass. Curriculum Vitae. Personal information. First name(s) / Surname(s). Joseph BORG. Address(es). 44, Triq il-Barmil. San Giljan. STJ 1012. Malta. Telephone(s). Maltese & English. Other language(s). Self-assessment. Understanding. Speaking. Writing. European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction. Having your Curriculum Vitae in this format is therefore vital and makes exchanging CV's within Europe easy, even in different language versions. Remember:. English. Spanish. French. Irish. Croatian. Icelandic. Italian. Lithuanian. Latvian. Hungarian. Maltese. Dutch. Norwegian. Polish. Portuguese. Romanian. Slovak. Sample of a standardized European CV, known as the Europass CV.. International Language Job Centre Home, guide to european curriculum vitae preparation * write a CV for a european company* how to write a resumé * europass. Name and address of employer, British Council, 123, Bd Ney, F-75023 Paris. Type of. Level in national or international classification. (remove if not relevant, see instructions). Personal skills and competences. Mother tongue(s) Specify mother tongue (if relevant add other mother tongue(s), see instructions). Other language(s). Self-assessment. Understanding. Speaking. Writing. European level (*). Listening. Please let us know if you find any problems. Send your help requests here: Contact us. Create your online CV once and for all. The entire world will be able to use a simple link to access your curriculum, and it will be visible without any advertisements. It's free and without ads! New European Curriculum. English. Albanian. Dates. March 2007 - September 2007. • Name of employer. "College" Agency for Foreign Languages. • Occupation or position held. Associate in Teaching English to children in lower grades. • Main activities and responsibilities. Preparation and performance of English language lessons at the age of 7-10. European Communities, 2003. Europass curriculum vitae. Personal information. Surname(s) / First name(s). Farrelly, Danielle. Address(es). 12 Georgian Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6. Telephone(s). (555) -623458. Mobile: 086 2222222. Fax(es). (555) 623457. E-mail(s) Nationality(-ies). Irish. Date of birth. Europass curriculum vitae. Personal information. First name / Surname Luca Cornetti. Address Via Colombo n° 25, 44034 Copparo (Ferrara) Italy. Telephone.. Self-assessment. Understanding. Speaking. Writing. European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction Spoken production. Inglese. B1. Intermediate level. I would like to work for marketing or advertising of an enterprise/industry, or also as a PR and for all concerning communication and events between the enterprise and the external audience. Work experience. Dates. Occupation or position held. Main activities and responsibilities. Name and address of employer. Type of. European Institute of Oncology (IEO), via Ripamonti 435, Milan IT. Thoracic Oncology Division,. High Specialization Hospital – Lung Disease. • Occupation or position held. Director 1st Oncological Pulmonary Unit. EUROPEAN. CURRICULUM VITAE. FORMAT.. ENGLISH AND FRENCH LANGUAGE. • Reading skills. Academy of Fine Arts - Verona. School of Visual Arts - School of Enterprise Art Design - ▫ Professor in Multimedia Stage Design. ▫ Professor in Multimedia Graphic Design (starting from the academic year 17/18). ▫ Professor Graphic Design (Web Design) (3 years, until 28/02/2016). Contract. EUROPEAN. CURRICULUM VITAE. FORMAT. Page 1 - Curriculum vitae of. Silaghi Helga. For more information go to ENGLISH. • Reading skills Very good. • Writing skills Very good. • Verbal skills Very good. GERMAN. • Reading skills Very good. • Writing skills Very good. • Verbal skills. See a Completed Curriculum Vitae. Introduction. Curriculum Vitae (CV) are used by many people as a tool to promote and describe their academic, training and professional accomplishments when applying for a job, further study etc. As many different CV formats. The European CV step by step. Just follow the instructions:. 2001- Professor of Demography and Social Statistics. University of Milan Bicocca – Department of Sociology and Social Sciences, Italy. Research and Teaching. 1998-2001- Researcher of Demography. University of Milan Bicocca – Department of Statistics, Italy. 1995-1998 – Research Fellow. University of Milan, Italy,. CV Template for European Commission / EuropeAid funded projects. The CV template is on pages 2 and 3 of this file. Please. Please delete these notes after completing your CV. At the end the CV should not have more than 3 pages. Curriculum vitae. Proposed role in the project: Family name: First names: Date of birth:. European Specific CVs. Living in North America, it is very easy to get used to the idea of using almost the same type of resume, or curriculum vitae (CV) as it is typically referred to in Europe, no matter where you apply for work. While some differences can be found in resume styles depending on job sector, a resume that is. European resume experts often have to have some alternative advice prepared for those wanting to work in the UK.... your CV in English is generally well perceived. Also, in countries such as Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland and Scandinavia, a CV in English is often well accepted. CURRICULUM VITAE 2011 DECEMBER. JING LIN. Address. Schaumburg-Lippe-Str.. requirement and standards namely RoHS, REACH, and WEEE with those of E.U.. • Internal policy reports to. Area Economics, Advanced Math, Management, Trade, Finance, Accounting, English, Philosophy,. Psychology. Dissertation. A British Curriculum Vitae. CURRICULUM VITAE. Name Johanneke. 2006-2010 Leiden University, M.A. in English Language and Literature obtained in 2009. 2000-2006 Stedelijk Lyceum Arnhem,. Responsibilities: Liaisoning with European associate clubs; organising social events. Languages Dutch: native speaker;. Page 1/3 - Curriculum vitae of. European Union. Europass. Curriculum Vitae. Personal information. First Name and Surname Maria Daniela Cirnaru. Address Via Damiano Chiesa, 13, 20099, Sesto San Giovanni (MI), ITALIA. Polytechnics University of Bucharest - School of Engineering in Foreign Languages (English). EUROPEAN. CURRICULUM VITAE. FORMAT. PERSONAL INFORMATION. Name. ANTONIO CAPONE. E-mail Web page. 2 - Curriculum vitae of. Antonio CAPONE. PERSONAL SKILLS. AND COMPETENCES. MOTHER TONGUE. ITALIAN. OTHER LANGUAGES. ENGLISH. providing education and training. Personal skills and competences. Good interpersonal skills, education, and organization. Good skills in the use of technical tools. High cultural level. Mother tongue(s) ITALIAN. Other language(s) ENGLISH. Self-assessment. Understanding. Speaking. Writing. European level (*). Listening. The abbreviation `CV' is also used. American English: curriculum vitae; Arabic: سِيرَة; Brazilian Portuguese: curriculum vitae; Chinese: 简历; Croatian: životopis; Czech: životopis profesní; Danish: curriculum vitae; Dutch: curriculum vitae; European Spanish: currículum vítae; Finnish: ansioluettelo; French: curriculum vitae. Many translated example sentences containing "curriculum vitae" – Maltese-English dictionary and search engine for Maltese translations.. Application forms, together with detailed curriculum vitae in English, should be sent electronically up to 30 days from publication of this call in the Official Journal of the European. European Union, 2004-2010 24082010 b. Europass. Curriculum Vitae. Personal information. First name(s) / Surname(s) First name(s) Surname(s). Address(es) Department of Oncologic, Pthologic and Radiological Sciences,. Policlinico Umberto I Hospital, “Sapienza" University. Viale Regina Elenza 324, 00161, Rome, Italy. Europass. Curriculum vitae. Personal information. First name(s) / Surname(s). BettyHOBKINS. Address(es). 32 Reading rd, Birmingham, B26 3QJ, United Kingdom. Nationality(-ies) British. Date of. Main activities and responsibilities Evaluation of European Commission youth training support measures for youth national. The Europass curriculum vitae allows you to present your qualifications, skills and competences in a logical order:. If you need guidance, consult the sample CVs provided on II. Fill in the different.. General. - English language, Welsh language, mathematics, foreign language (Spanish). European curriculum vitae. Personal information. Surname/ First name Cislaghi Mauro. Work experience. Dates September 2010, ongoing. Occupation or.. European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction Spoken production. English. C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2. Curriculum Vitae. Personal information. First name(s) / Surname(s) Nasiya Ildarovna Daminova. Address(es) Italy, Pisa, Via di Mezzana, 17, apt. 3, 56124 Pisa PI. Writing. European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction. Spoken production. English. C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C2. You can find EuroPass CV guides and examples here: · Hollandjobs do not allow searching of the database. Your information will be stored on our secure. Unofficial LaTeX implementation of the Europass CV, the standard model for curriculum vitae as recommended by the European Commission. More information: Page 1/3 - Curriculum vitae of. Omazić Marija. For more information on Europass go to © European Union, 2004-2010 24082010. Europass. Curriculum Vitae. Personal. Occupational field higher education, research, translation and interpreting studies, English language and linguistics,. Page 1/6 - Curriculum vitae of. Butković Matea. Main activities and responsibilities Lectures in Business English and Business German for undergraduate students. competences. Mother tongue Croatian. Other languages English, German. Self-assessment. Understanding. Speaking. Writing. European level (*). Listening. European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction Spoken production. Spanish C2 Proficient User C2 Proficient User C2 Proficient User C2 Proficient User C2 Proficient User. English. Certificate of Proficiency in English,. University of Cambridge (Barcelona, 1997). C2 Proficient User C2 Proficient User C2 Proficient. Europass Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a set of five documents prepared by European Union (Directorate General for Education and Culture) aiming to increase transparency of qualification and mobility of citizens in Europe. For job seekers, their objective is to help citizens communicate their skills and qualifications effectively. European curriculum vitae format word in english. Business negotiations and business meals Applying for a job Found an exciting job offer? The first step is to send your word europeans to the word. After that, the company format, hopefully, vita you for an interview. You can word out the best way to apply and vita yourself. curriculum vitae. Personal information. Surname(s) / First name(s) De Raeve Paul. Address(es) 11A, Clos du Parnasse, 1050, Brussels, Belgium. Phone +32 2 512. European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction Spoken production. English. C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient. dimensions of Europe, problem solving and dispute resolution. Faculty of European Studies, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Overall average grade: 8.66 out of 10. ISCED 5 (5a-1st qualification). September 2003 – June 2007. College graduation. Romanian Language and Literature, English, French,. EU CV is a curriculum vitae format used in academic and job applications. The EU CV is officially recommended by the European Commission. The EU CV is simple to use because it consists of several logical sections. Here you will find: CV template (Source:; MS Word format, 45 KB, English). EU Curriculum Vitae Format. Evropský životopis byl vytvořen administrativou EU a představuje vzor pro užívání v rámci Evropské unie. Přestože se tento formát v České republice dosud neprosadil jako daný standard, bývá v hojné míře užíván u nás i jinde v Evropě. Vzor životopisu standardizovaného dle směrnic EU. If you need to create a CV with the standard European format, go to Europass official website, compose yours using their free CV generator, available in different languages, and download it in PDF or Word file format before leaving the editor. Print your curriculum vitae on crisp white paper to make sure that. The Europass curriculum vitae allows you to present your qualifications, skills and competences in a logical order:. If you need guidance, consult the sample CVs provided on II. Fill in the different.. General. - English language, Welsh language, mathematics, foreign language (Spanish). Short Curriculum Vitae (English). GISELA DROSSBACH is Professor of European Regional History at the University of Augsburg and has her re- search projects at the Leopold-Wenger-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte at the Ludwig-. Maximilians-Universitat Munich, and at the Stephan Kuttner Institut of Medieval Canon Law. European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction Spoken production. English C1 Proficient User C1 Proficient User C1 Proficient User C1 Proficient User C1 Proficient User. German A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A2 Basic User. (*) Common European Framework of Reference for. A document to present your skills and qualifications effectively and clearly. Europass CV. Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) [All CV headings are optional. Remove any empty headings.] Replace with house European. curriculum vitae. format. Personal information. Name. [ Surname, other name(s) ]. Check out the Europass website to see sample CVs. As you vita see from the curriculums, most Europass CVs do online include all of the english categories mentioned above-that would make for a pretty long CV. As a european note, remember that the curriculum paper size across Europe is Online A4 european, which. European Union, 2004-2010 24082010. Europass. Curriculum Vitae. Personal information. First name(s) / Surname(s) Michele Scardi. Address(es) Riviera di Chiaia. European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction Spoken production. English C1 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient. Curriculum Vitae. Personal information. Surname(s) / First name(s) Tertois, Sylvain. Address(es) (hidden). Telephone(s). Mobile: (hidden). E-mail. (hidden). Self-assessment. Understanding. Speaking. Writing. European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction. Spoken production. English. C2. Proficient user. C2. The Europass curriculum vitae allows you to present your qualifications, skills and competences in a logical order:. If you need guidance, consult the sample CVs provided on II. Fill in the different.. General. - English language, Welsh language, mathematics, foreign language (Spanish). Curriculum vitae of. Ana Marisa Mendes Gonçalves Vinhais. Guedes. For more information on Europass go to Self-assessment Understanding. Speaking. W r i t i n g. European level (*). Listening. Reading. Spoken interaction Spoken production. English. C1. Proficient user. Occupational field. Dates 2014 -. Occupation or position held Associate professor (full time), Institute of Surgical Research, University of Szeged. Main activities and responsibilities Experimental techniques familiar with: animal models of mesenteric ischaemia/reperfusion, hemorrhagic shock in rats and pigs (cardiac.