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2. Chapter 3, File Management discusses file management issues. You will see different methods for downloading and uploading files, learn how to use JSF Core, RichFaces,. PrimeFaces, and Apache Tomahawk. In addition, you will see how to export data to PDF and Excel, and how to extract data from an uploaded CSV. JSF i. About the Tutorial. Java Server Faces (JSF) is a Java-based web application framework intended to simplify development integration of web-based user.... Open Command Console c:> java -version. Linux. Open Command Terminal. $ java -version. Mac. Open Terminal machine:~ joseph$ java -version. 2. JSF. JSF 2 0: Introduction. JSF 2.0: Introduction and Overview. Originals of Slides and Source Code for Examples: Customized Java EE Training: Servlets, JSP, JSF 2.0, Struts, Ajax, GWT 2.0, Spring, Hibernate, SOAP & RESTful Web Services, Java 6. Introducing JavaServer Faces 3. 2 □. JSF fundamentals 38. 3 □. Warming up: getting around JSF 88. 4 □. Getting started with the standard components 137. 5 □.... an additional 300 pages of this book, called the online extension, in PDF format... JSF is destined to become a part of Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE). ix. JavaServer Faces Specification • June 2009. 1.3. Introduction to JSF APIs 1–24. 1.3.1 package javax.faces 1–24. 1.3.2 package javax.faces.application 1–24. 1.3.3 package javax.faces.component 1–24. 1.3.4 package javax.faces.component.html 1–25. 1.3.5 package javax.faces.context 1–25. 1.3.6. State Management Considerations for the JSF Implementor 2–18. 2.5.4. Resource Handling 2–19. 2.5.5. View Parameters 2–19. 2.5.6. Bookmarkability 2–20. 2.5.7. JSR 303 Bean Validation 2–20. 2.5.8. Ajax 2–21. 2.5.9. Component Behaviors 2–21. 2.5.10 System Events 2–22. 2.6. Resource Handling 2–. 2. Developing Web Applications using JavaServer Faces. Introduction to JSF. The JSF framework allows users to utilize pre-built components and easily create web applications. For example, JSF provides an Input Text, Output Text, and a Data Table component. You can add these components easily to a. The baos will only be filled when you call document.close() . So, basically, you're writing an empty baos to the response. Replace that baos by response.getOutputStream() so that iText writes directly to the response instead of via an unnecessary circumvent. PdfWriter.getInstance(document, response. 15. . Listing 1-2 defines the application resource bundle globally in order to be used from the JSF expression language.... DataExporter (PDF). Apache poi version 3.7. DataExporter (Excel). Rome version 1.9. FeedReader. Commons file upload version 1.2.1. Commons io version 1.4. FileUpload. Today we have an interesting use case for you. Our sample JSF 2 application displays a PDF file after button is clicked. Provides summaries of the tags and attributes needed for JSF programming, a summary of the JSF expression language, and a list of code snippets for common operations.. 44.2k. Free .PDF for easy Reference. Written by. JavaServer Faces (JSF) is the “official" component-based view technology in the Java EE web tier. GitHub is where people build software. More than 27 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 80 million projects. GitHub is where people build software. More than 28 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 79 million projects. For live training on JSF 2, PrimeFaces, or other. Java EE topics, email Marty is also available for consulting and development support. Taught by the author of Core Servlets and JSP, this tutorial, and JSF 2.2 version of Core JSF. Available at public venues, or customized versions can be held on-site. For live training on JSF 2, PrimeFaces, or other. Java EE topics, email Marty is also available for consulting and development support. Taught by the author of Core Servlets and JSP, this tutorial, and JSF 2.2 version of Core JSF. Available at public venues, or customized versions can be held on-site. Index of /Course-Materials/pdf/jsf/jsf2. Parent Directory · JSF-2.2-Faces-Flow-1.pdf · JSF-2.2-Faces-Flow-2.pdf · JSF2-Ajax.pdf · JSF2-CSS-Overview.pdf · JSF2-Composite-Components-1.pdf · JSF2-Composite-Components-2.pdf · JSF2-Composite-Components-3.pdf · JSF2-Composite-Components-4.pdf. We cannot use the approach from JSF2 Export PDF Portlet because it only works with the application scope and in our environment we cannot use the application scope because then we cannot use CDI. In our scenario it is necessary to access our normal scoped beans (which is mainly session and view. A chaque fois qu'une version aura été construite, nous la porterons dans un environnement JSF2 / Spring / JPA sur un serveur. Tomcat 7. Nous construirons donc six. [ref3] : la documentation de PrimeFaces [],. •. [ref4] : la documentation de. Sun, 25 Mar 2018 02:43:00 GMT beginning jsf 2 apis pdf - JSF 2. Tutorial Series JSF 2 with. Facelets, Ajax, and PrimeFaces. Interested in live training from the author of these tutorials? See the upcoming JSF 2.2 and. Sat,. 24 Mar 2018 12:38:00 GMT JSF. 2.2 Tutorial (JavaServer Faces 2. Tutorial) with Eclipse - Complete. Sat, 10 Mar 2018 19:50:00 GMT primefaces tutorial prime faces pdf - USER GUIDE 5.0 Author. ÇaÄŸatay Çivici First Edition. PrimeFaces User’s Guide. Table of Contents. (PDF). apache poi 3.7 Optional. DataExporter (Excel). Sun, 18. Mar 2018 08:06:00 GMT USER. GUIDE 5 - PrimeFaces -. 2. Agenda. • Introduction: set the context. • Basic Operation of JSF. • Request Processing Lifecycle. • What is it? • Why do I have to understand it? • JSF 2.0, from two viewpoints. The Four Pillars of JSF. New Feature Traversal. • JSF 2.1 Before end of year 2010. • JSF 2.2 With JavaEE 7. JSF1 does not support the usage of annotations but JSF2 supports annotations that makes it far better than JSF1. JSF1 Ajax support was limited, however JSF2 support all the ajax features. JSF1 does not provide Template concepts whereas. Binding converters to backing bean properties · RichFaces and standard converters · RichFaces and custom converters · Instance variables in converters · Client-side converters with MyFaces Trinidad · 2: Using Standard and Custom Validators in JSF · Chapter 2: Using Standard and Custom Validators in JSF · Introduction. JSF - page 2. Plan (1). ❑ Présentation. ❑ Cycle de vie. ❑ Java EE 6. ❑ Une application Web. ❑ Rappels sur HTTP. ❑ Page JSF. ❑ Fichiers de configuration. ❑ Implémentations de. Services rendus par JSF (2/2). ❑ Internationalisation.. Autre exemple : si on génère un fichier PDF à renvoyer à l'utilisateur. I need your assistant in showing the content of a PDF document in an object component.Currently the PDF is shown as blank. The bean code is: ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. public void CreatePDF() throws IOException {. try {. Mon, 26 Mar 2018 07:35:00. GMT jsf 2 2 java pdf - Extensive set of free JSF 2.2 tutorials, with source code, exercises, and exercise solutions. Includes. PrimeFaces. From popular author and developer Marty Hall. Sun,. 25 Mar 2018 14:46:00 GMT JSF. 2.2 Tutorial (JavaServer Faces 2. Tutorial) with Eclipse. ICEpdf is an open source PDF engine for viewing, printing, and annotating PDF documents. The ICEpdf API is 100% Java, lightweight, fast, efficient, and very easy to use. ICEpdf can be used as standalone open source Java PDF viewer, or can be easily embedded in any Java application to seamlessly load or capture PDF. PDF 33. Section 9.4.1 “" and Section 9.4.19 “valueChangeListener>" 33. Chapter 10 33. Section 10.3.1 “General Requirements" 34. Section 10.3.2 “Facelet Tag Library mechanism" 34. VDLDocs and PDL documentation 34. Possible error in section Section “" of the JSF. 2. Vehicle Systems Safety Critical Coding Standards for C, and. 3. C++ language-specific guidelines and standards. The MISRA Guidelines were written specifically for use in systems that contain a safety aspect to them. The guidelines address potentially unsafe C language features, and provide programming rules to avoid. Hello everyone i am working my Graduation Project with jee technology (JSF 2 ,Spring,richfaces4) and i have to generate report (pdf file) , i tried.
2. Overview. ▫ Proposal Summary. ▫ Brief summary of the project proposal including Scope of the project. ▫ Community feedback. ▫ Community response to. component framework for Java-based web applications. JSF has become a popular technology that is increasingly used in building Web applications. Some PDF documents prevent the user from copying and pasting or printing it's contents. This sometimes presents a problem since the author of the PDF might have used a font that is not available in the sytem trying to read it. This page contains a free online utility that allows you to upload a PDF, once uploaded, a version. 9 min - Uploaded by Roby DarmansyahIn this video, will show how to convert xhtml page to pdf within current session in JSF using. And I would like to open generated PDF in the browser immediately when.... 2 Solutions. LVL 20. chaitu chaituCommented: 2010-06-17. 0. Rose_TaylorAuthor Commented:...;. 41–2 Chapter 41 JSF and Visual Web Development. 41.1 Introduction. The use of servlets, introduced in Chapter 39, is the foundation of the Java Web technology. It is a primitive way to write server-side applications. JSP provides a scripting capability and al- lows you to embed Java code in HTML. It is easier to develop. Mon, 12 Mar 2018 03:19:00. GMT jsf 2 2 tutorial pdf - JSF 2. This chapter will guide you on how to prepare a development environment to start your work with JSF Framework. You will learn how to setup JDK, Eclipse,. Maven, and Tomcat Tue, 20 Mar. 2018 18:26:00 GMT JSF - - Extensive set of free JSF. JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a Java specification for building component-based user interfaces for web applications and was formalized as a standard through the Java Community Process being part of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition. It is also a MVC web framework that simplifies construction of user interfaces (UI) for. 2015 Marty HallJSF 2: Page Templating with Facelets JSF 2.2 Version Originals of slides and source code for examples:. Final, HTML · HTML (single page) · PDF (3.1 MB) · API Javadoc · JSF Controls API Javadoc. JBoss Seam 2.3.0.Final, HTML · HTML (single page) · PDF (3.1 MB) · API Javadoc · JSF Controls API Javadoc. JBoss Seam 2.2.2.Final, HTML · HTML (single page) · PDF (4.2 MB) · API Javadoc · JSF Controls API Javadoc. 1. configure JSF : check for file WEB-INF/faces-fonfig.xml, add the following element: . org.springframework.web.jsf.el.SpringBeanFacesELResolver. . 2. create jsf page index.xhtml. 3. create jsf page user-list.xhtml. 4. create jsf page create-user.xhtml. 5. in index.xhtml. jsf2-tutorials. JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0, is an MVC web framework which focus on simplifies building user interfaces (comes with 100+ ready UI tags) for Java web application and make reusable UI component easy to implement. Unlike JSF 1.x, almost everything is declared in faces-config.xml , with JSF. Nadzieje wiązane z JSF (2/2). • Technologia JSF jest standardem, który w połączeniu ze wspierającymi go środowiskami. IDE ma ułatwić i ustandaryzować tworzenie interfejsu użytkownika w aplikacjach J2EE. – Koncepcja JSF zbliżona do WebForms w .NET. – JSF jako standard ma szanse na większe wsparcie przez. 2013年4月9日. 仕様の中にPDFファイル操作が幾つかあって、検証のため以下試してみました。 画面の一部に埋め込み表示する 別ウィンドウで表示する ファイルとしてダウンロードする 画面の一部に埋め込み表示する PrimeFacesにはMediaコンポーネントがあって、これを利用すると簡単に実装できました。 xhtmlは以下をbody,formの中に置く. Site criado para a divulgação de notas de aula e outros conteúdos de apoio ao discente. jsf 2 2 java pdf - Extensive set of free JSF 2.2 tutorials, with source code, exercises, and exercise solutions. Includes PrimeFaces. From popular author and developer Marty Hall. Sun, 12. Dec 2010 10:54:00 GMT JSF 2.2. Tutorial (JavaServer Faces 2. Tutorial) with Eclipse - JSF 2.2 -. Build a Real JSF Web. ... ProgrammingPython ReferencePython ToolsPython TutorialPython WebRaspberry PiSamsScalaSEOSharePointSoftwareSQLSwiftSystem CenterUbuntuUnityUnixVisual BasicWeb DesignWeb DesigningWeb DevelopingWindowsWirelessWordWordpressXHTMLXML · Free PDF Books > PDF > Beginning JSF 2 APIs and. 2. The web server is not a normal server, but rather a Java server, with the extensions necessary to identify and handle Java servlets. The web server recognizes that the HTTP request is for a JSP page and forwards it to a JSP engine. 3. The JSP engine loads the JSP page from disk and converts it into a. ... I/O Utilities · JDBC Extensions · JDBC Pools · JPA Implementations · JSON Libraries · JVM Languages · Logging Frameworks · Logging Bridges · Mail Clients · Maven Plugins · Mocking · Object/Relational Mapping · PDF Libraries · Top Categories · Home » com.liferay.faces.demos » jsf2-export-pdf-portlet » 4.2.5-ga6. JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a component-based framework for developing web applications. The distinctive feature that sets component-based frameworks apart is the ability to create and distribute reusable UI components. In general, a component represents an abstraction, a well-defined contract with the implementation. 2002 Executive Director of BOJ. May. 2006 Senior Advisor of Aflac Japan. 2 Eizo Kobayashi. Jul. 2007 Vice Chairman of Aflac Japan. 39,000. (Sep. 8, 1948). May. 2010 Adviser of JSF. Jun. 2010 Senior Managing Director of JSF. Jun. 2012 President of JSF. (to the present). 【Significant concurrent positions】.
Typ: JSF-2 E. Art.-Nr.: JA060300. Ausstattung: Flow monitor for 1...8", mechanical, adjustable, for aggressive media, Toggler, 24-230 VAC, 15(8)A. Anwendung: Flow monitoring of liquid media in pipes from 1/2" to 8", for example, oil, cooling and lubricant circuits or as safety against a shortage of water. Assembly: Vertical in. 2. Agenda 1. □ What is JavaServer Faces (JSF)?. □ JSF vs neighbor technologies. □ IDE Selection. □ JSF after OracleSun deal. □ JSF Lifecycle. □ JSF request/response. □ JSF components. Program został skontrowany tak aby przedstawić zagadnienia w kontekście konkretnych problemów, które ilustrują praktyczne wykorzystanie każdej z funkcjonalności JSF. Program szkolenia zawiera rozszerzenie o najlepsze praktyki projektowe i architektoniczne. Tematyka szkolenia obejmuje wszystkie cechy frameworka. Through the end of November, the program completed 10. Block 2B WDA events and deferred 2 to Block 3F testing due to deficiencies and limitations in Block 2B capabilities. The remaining 3 Block 2B WDA events are scheduled to be completed by the end of January 2015. - Multiple deficiencies in mission systems, aircraft. JSF-2 Acid Filter in Gas Analysis. APPLICATION. For extractive gas analysis. •. For emission and process monitoring. •. For removal of aerosols (liquid particles) from. • sample gas even at high pressures. For protection of the analysers. •. For integration in gas analysis systems directly. • upstream the analyzer. BENEFITS. javaee/6/tutorial/doc/javaeetutorial6.pdf. • JSR 344. • A. Goncalves, « Beginning Java EE 6 Platform ». Mise en place des JSF. • 2)(Optionnel). Fichier faces- config.xml dans. WEB-INF. xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>. . config>. sem necessidade de atualizar a página por completo. Essa tecnologia está bastante difundida e a versão 2.0 do Java Server Faces. (JSF2) trouxe uma integração nativa com AJAX. Este artigo apresenta os principais recursos para desenvolvimento AJAX utilizando tags do próprio JSF2. Além disso, foi desenvolvida uma. za, 17 mrt 2018 23:16:00 GMT coreservlets com java jsf pdf -. Customized training and free tutorials on Java 7 and 8, J2EE,. Ajax, JSF 2, PrimeFaces,. Hadoop, GWT, jQuery, REST,. Hadoop, and related topics. From popular author and. do, 22 mrt. 2018. 06:57:00. GMT. Java, JSF 2,. were used before release of JSF 2.0. Chapter 1 provides introduction to JavaServer Faces. It explains request lifecycle of JSF pages, UI component tree and event handling. It describes interface, which is used to work with AJAX and declarative template language called Facelets. Chapter 2 deals with custom components. 1. Introduction: A new jet fighter for the Royal Netherlands Air Force. 2. Arms procurements: Geopolitics and geoeconomics. 3. The Dutch military tradition. 4. American opportunities: How the JSF programme came about, was planned and fared so far. 5. The geopolitics of defence profiling: threat narratives. Yatin has graduated in Electronics & Telecommunication. During his studies, he has been involved with a large number of projects ranging from programming and software engineering to telecommunications analysis. He works as a software developer in the information technology sector where he is. JSFの全体像や、JSFで何ができるかなどが綺麗にまとまっています。 PDF(直リンク) 動画 JSFアプリケーションライフサイクル 6つのフェーズおよび. マスタリングJavaEE5 第2版 (DVD付) (Programmer's SELECTION). com/liferay/faces/demos/jsf2-export-pdf-portlet ../ 3.0.0-ga1/ 2012-08-30 00:46 - 3.0.0-legacy-ga1/ 2012-08-30 00:48 - 3.0.1-ga2/ 2012-12-01 23:14 - 3.0.1-legacy-ga2/ 2012-12-02 00:11 - 3.0.2-ga3/ 2013-06-01 23:21 - 3.0.2-legacy-ga3/ 2013-06-02 00:14 - 3.0.3-ga4/ 2013-09-05 20:18 - 3.0.3-legacy-ga4/ 2013-09-05 21:27. The JSF Data File Description is not covered by any license. It is being provided to you to facilitate reading and processing the JSF files produced by EdgeTech's sonar products and systems. This document is the property of EdgeTech and is being... Figure 1-2: Example C Code for Reading a JSF File . The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) is one of the most technologically ambitious aircraft development pro- grams ever seen, in many respects more ambitious than the TFX program which realised the F-111. This ambition offers the promise of a battlefield interdic- tion and close air support optimised fighter with survivability. the Unemployment Compensation Act, appeals1 from the judgment of the trial court reversing the decision of the employment security board of review (board),2 which had found the plaintiff, JSF Promotions, Inc. (JSF), liable for unemployment compensation contribu- tions with regard to individuals recruited. $services.officeviewer.view($attachmentReference) Z-06「九段下」駅下車(2 番出口) 徒歩約 800m. 【都営地下鉄新宿線】. S-05「九段下」駅下車(2 番出口) 徒歩約 800m. 竹橋駅 1b 出口から、毎日新聞社前の竹橋交差点を渡り、「竹橋」を渡って、国立公文書館を. 過ぎて歩道橋の直前で右側の坂道を上ります。右手に科学技術館があります。 九段下駅 2 番出口から、日本武道館方面へ行き、. Thesis (PDF Available) · May 2012 with 155 Reads. Figure 2. Example of Tree-tier architecture. IBM (2010). Figure 3. MVC concept. Wikipedia contributors (2012a). Figure 4. Cloud computing adoption in. “How to develop the most optimised and the most versatile multitenant web form using JSF and. as we build and integrate the software that breathes life into the F-35 aircraft. Building on the successes of 2004, our team remains vigilant in its day-by-day quest for flawless execution of program tasks and milestones for designing a highly effective and affordable fighter. Air. Vehicle. Development. F-35 JSF PR. OGRAM 2. Brigadier General Leslie Kenne, USAF. Director, Joint Strike Fighter Program Office. The Affordable Solution - JSF. - 2 , 1 7 6 7 5 , . (. ) , * + 7 ( 5. Designing The Next Generation Strike Fighter. (2) 常勤役員とは、評議員会で選任された役員のうち、原則として当法人を主たる勤務場所とし、事務局職. 員に準じた勤務をする理事をいう。 (3) 非常勤役員とは常勤役員以外の役員をいう。 (4) 報酬等とは、公益社団法人及び公益財団法人の認定等に関する法律第5条第 13 号で定める報酬、賞与. その他の職務遂行の対価として役員が受ける. com.algaworks.financeiro.controller.NomesBean. managed-bean-class>. view. /managed-bean>. Nas versões anteriores ao JSF 2, não existiam as anotações para registrar managed beans, e por isso, o arquivo faces-config.xml era obrigatório. This section has a good collection of JSF Interview Questions and Answers.There are more than 25. will help you to prepare for job .Read to get tutorials and PDF materials.. 1. 2. FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();. String connection = fc.getExternalContext().getInitParameter( "connectionString" );. In this tutorial, let us see how to upload files from client to server with the use of JSF h:inputFile tag.. Create a Dynamic WebProject in Eclipse (JSFFileUpload). 2. Create web page (JSFFileUpload.xhtml) to accept Name using h:inputText and file using h:inputFile.... ii) the content type should be a PDF Example: JSFSHROUD 5IN DB WWH. Note: 1 Emergency battery available with 11IN and 13IN only. 2 Emergency battery is only available with MVOLT ZT. 3 BWH only available with downlight baffle. Series. Size/Lumens. Color Temperature. CRI. Voltage/Driver. Finish. Emergency Battery1,2. JSF. SlimForm. Surface Mount. 1 Importing JSF Files into SonarWiz. This technical note describes the recommended technique for importing Edgetech JSF files containing sidescan or sub-bottom sonar data into a SonarWiz project. 1.1 Importing JSF sidescan data. 1. Create a project as you normally would. 2. Use the File->Import Sidescan Sonar Files. Créez une application Dynamic WEB myapp basée sur la version 3.1 et le serveur précédent. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. najznačajnije unapređenje kompletnog JSF okruženja dolazi sa pojavom verzije 2.0. • u ovoj verziji ispravljeni su nedostaci otkriveni praktičnom primenom i uvedene su značajne promene u logici razvoja. Web aplikacija. • specifična priroda unesenih promena arhitekture za posledicu ima paralelnu egzistenciju dve verzije. Page 2. Fighter (JSF). As pioneers of many of the technologies employed today in modern Pilot Flight Equipment, RFD Beaufort continues to provide robust and cost effective PFE through a combination of product advancements, efficient supplier network management and unparalleled in-service support. Our extensive. Sun, 18 Mar 2018 21:35:00 GMT coreservlets com java jsf pdf -. The second edition of Core. Servlets and JavaServer Pages is. See Includes the servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2, and JSF 2.0 APIs. Java. Mon,. 12 Mar 2018 03:19:00 GMT Free. Online Version of Core Servlets. of the JSF Air System to meet the requirements of the. Participants. This MOU establishes the framework that will enable the Participants to cooperate effectively to accomplish this objective and that will detail their responsibilities and benefits under this MOU. 2 .2. The specific objectives to be accomplished. Infine per quanto riguarda il ciclo vita dell'elaborazione di una richiesta JSF prevede. 6 fasi (vedi Fig. 2.1):. 1. Restore View: durante questa fase si procede alla costruzione della vista della pagina, dei gestori degli eventi, dei validatori e dei componenti presenti nella vista;. 2. Apply Request Values: durante questa fase. Lately I have been working on a personal project using JSF2. In that project I had to display PDF files to users on demand. I wanted to deploy the project in the cloud and I chose CloudBees. The only problem I encountered with CloudBees is that you cannot upload files via your application to their servers. OPINION 2/13 OF THE COURT (Full Court). 18 December 2014. Table of contents. I – The request for an Opinion. II – The institutional framework and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. A – The Council of Europe. B – The European Convention for the Protection of. Mozilla PDF.js DocumentViewer is a JSF wrapper of Mozilla Foundation project PDF.js a general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs. Features Include: Localized language support; Inline display of PDF documents without the need for a browser plugin or Flash; Supported Browsers. · ejb. This is a simple web-app showing how to use dependency injection in JSF. `calculatorBean` is available here, and we use EL to display the values. ## Source. ## Calculator package org.superbiz.jsf; import javax.ejb.Local;. @Local. 2. KCDC Presentation. Thursday, June 25, 2015 at 10:10 am. Brandon Klimek JSF + Bootstrap 3. Building a more responsive design.. 2 ways to use component bindings. 1. Bind the component to the current view scope. 2. Bind the component to a UIComponent object on the backing bean, then perform. data export features in complex formats (ex: PDF, Excel, etc.). However, it would. that this kind of storage is a major difference between JSF and ASP.NET. ASP.NET does not natively supports server side storage of a. ViewState. 1.3.2. Client side storage. Fig 2: ViewState encoding without a security layer. 1.3.3. Choice of. Scores of. Panel. GOE. J1. J2. J3. J4. J5. J6. J7. J8. J9. Ref. Info. Program Components. Factor. Judges Total Program Components Score (factored). Deductions: X Credit highlight distribution, base value multiplied by 1.1 ! Not clear edge. Nation. 0.00. 1 3F+3T. 9.60. 1.60. 11.20. 3. 3. 2. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2 3Lz! ! 6.00. 0.70. 6.70.