Monday 18 September 2017 photo 7/30
Drupal form redirect arraylist: >> << (download)
function batch_process. 8.4.x $redirect_callback = 'drupal_goto') It should be documented that $redirect is eventually set as the form_state
hi, i am trying to redirect form after submitting and it works fine like $form['#reditrect']=path but i want to pass value to that url or path any idea???
Redirect the user to a URL after a form has been processed. Parameters $form: An associative array containing the structure of the form. $redirect: An optional value
This document provides a programmer's reference to the Drupal Form API. Drupal builds a form element with a set of #ajax properties.
Printing mutiple array list on jsp page in tabular format import java.util.ArrayList; You probably want to forward rather than redirect.
function drupal_goto. 4.6.x drupal_goto($path = '', drupal_redirect_form in includes/ Redirect the user to a URL after a form has been processed.
Drupal Answers is a question and answer Accessing Webform 4 Submitted data. you have to implement some hooks in your custom module to redirect your form
Using hook_form_alter, how can I redirect a user to a a custom page after creating or editing a node instead of the node that was created or edited? The current code
I'm using the node gallery module in Drupal 6, and I'm having some trouble modifying it to suit my needs. When the manage images form is submitted, the function node
In my form: $form_state['redirect'] Drupal Answers Meta How can I assign a URL with a fragment (#) as an array value?
I have a module that I've built for Ubercart that allows an admin to add different form redirects depending on what page a product is being added from. This can be
I have a module that I've built for Ubercart that allows an admin to add different form redirects depending on what page a product is being added from. This can be
How do I change the default URLs to contribution or event registration pages? is to use drupal rules and the redirect module to into ArrayList
I am trying to pass ArrayList which Passing ArrayList from servlet to JSP. not the in the request. 2.the array you set is null. redirect the page
It goes through several form examples of increasing complexity to demonstrate Drupal 7 Form // Simple submit function that changes the redirect of the form based