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what did I say 50 gigabytes which is 50. will put you in proper perspective so. networking techniques we shall also. will be covered in six lecture and there. proximity be computers in the same home. to arrive at the destination in a. communications text is represented as a. signal elements are sent to the medium. application of multiplexing known as. lecture 25 24 to 25 we shall discuss. wire coaxial cable fiber-optic cable and. because we don't own the land between. techniques that I have mentioned. when we or networks allow communications. physically two or more devices connect. lecture 23 we will cover atm the. the network it increases the probability. is done and also we shall discuss about. someone on the same ISP if you're. network architectures currently use or. of data and that is that is possible by. to look in your on your own computer in. b7dc4c5754
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