Thursday 20 September 2018 photo 7/7
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The Alien Invasion In Tamil Pdf Download
After decades of watching aliens wreck havoc in America, "The Alien Invasion" brings the absurd battle to the comical side of Singapore. After seven thousand earth years, they have returned to harvest their newly grown planet of slaves. Discover how a glitch in alien technology allowed a small university, in a small country, to help save the world. Featuring Singapore's modern culture of diverse races and mixed languages, local occupational stereotypes, and the country's oldest university building, the adventure is told by over 80 cast members of real life university students, staff, and professors from the Singapore Management University. There's the ever-present desire to be heroes, even if only for a day.
This is a very clever and silly idea for a short film. Instead of the typical sci-fi film where aliens invade Washington, DC, here they attack the tiny nation of Singapore. However, with a can-do attitude and aliens who never seem to be able to hit their targets, you can rest safely tonight--knowing that the students of Singapore Management University have taken it upon themselves to save us!! Yes, tiny SMU (not the one in Texas) doesn't just sit back and watch it happen--students and faculty declare an all-out war against the alien scum! In some amazingly funny (and cheesy) scenes, you see lots of physical education students attacking the ships with bow and arrow, ken-do swords and even bowling balls! My favorite part of all this, though, was how the aliens first attacked Singapore's weakest spot--their hatred of littering (yes, it is actually a serious crime to litter or not pick up others' litter in Singapore)! Now all this is in very good fun and because it was a school supported project, I was not expecting a Hollywood production--which it clearly wasn't. However, it's low budget technology worked pretty well and gave the entire project a sort of cheesy fun. In fact, you can't help but laughing at all the silly jokes. A few fall flat, but because they come so quickly and are done in such fun, it hardly matters.
Overall, an exceptional student film and one not to be missed if you'd like a good laugh. My only reservation is minor. While English is widely spoken in this nation and unifies the many diverse ethnic groups, non-Singaporans may have a hard time understanding a bit of the dialect. Subtitles would have helped--especially for world-wide viewing--and we all SHOULD see it throughout the world. We owe it to SMU for saving us all!!
After traveling over 2,000 light years across the universe a pernicious race of no-good extraterrestrials decide to invade our planet in July, 2004. However, said evil aliens make the big mistake of attacking the tiny city of Singapore. The foul intergalactic fiends more than meet their match when the brave, gung-ho and resourceful staff and students of Singapore Management University rally their forces together to stand up and fight against them. Director/co-writer/editor/cinematographer Rich Ho Kok Tai crafts a delightfully silly, lively and outrageous parody of tacky sci-fi alien invasion movies like "Independence Day" that unfolds at a nonstop brisk pace, offers plenty of major belly laughs (you'll bust a gut watching a handful of physical education students repel the invaders on a rooftop while armed with such items as tennis rackets, bows and arrows, an acoustic guitar, and even bowling balls!), and boasts a few priceless lines ("Everyone to battle stations!"). The special effects are pretty rough around the edges, but still get the job done just the same. The photography is likewise raw and scratchy, yet possesses a genuine flair and vigor that's nonetheless really impressive. Kudos are also in order for the suitably stirring and spirited score. But ultimately it's this film's infectiously rampant sense of pure go-for-it energy and enthusiasm which makes it a total sidesplitting blast to watch.