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Code-mixing as a bilingual instructional strategy in the classroom: >> << (Download)
Code-mixing as a bilingual instructional strategy in the classroom: >> << (Read Online)
a paper on code switching among university students
code switching in english classroom
benefits of code switching in the classroom
does code switching help students learn a second language
positive and negative effect of code switching
research papers on code switching in classroom
effects of code switching in language
disadvantages of code switching in the classroom
This research investigated the code-mixing technique from perspectives of teacher and student in university teaching contexts, more specifically the use of L1 (Chinese) in L2. (English) in Chinese university English education programs. Through the analysis of results of semi-structured interview, several themes emerged:
Dec 23, 2015 For example, when teaching a unit on the lifecycle of butterflies, a content objective might be for students to explain the lifecycle in a poster presentation, while the language For the teacher, studies also show that monolingual lesson delivery is more effective than language mixing during lessons.
This article discusses code-switching as used as a strategy for teaching and learning in selected Botswana primary schools. Codeswitching from Setswana (Botswana's ..
the ESL classroom and that instructors teaching in lower proficiency levels used the L1 in significant quantities as a Keywords: Code Switching, Purpose of L1, Strategy, Language acquisition, Target language. (TL). Introduction definition is only available to bilingual teachers" (Macaro, 2005, p.63). Although this area
Dec 11, 2014 This study investigated code-mixing practices, specifically the use of L2 (English) in an L1 (Chinese) class in a U.S. bilingual program. Our findings indicate that the code-mixing practices made and prompted by the teacher served five pedagogical functions: (a) to enhance students' bilingualism and
make a systematic comparison in code-switching strategies used in different situations. Rather, we wish to highlight a few of the multiple functionings of code-switches in the classroom, and to emphasise the need to understand such strategies better and to appreciate their role in the learning process. Bilingual Interaction in
This study investigated code-mixing practices, specifically the use of L2 (English) in an L1 (Chinese) class in a U.S. bilingual program. Our findings indicate that the code-mixing practices made and prompted by the teacher served five pedagogical functions: (a) to enhance students' bilingualism and bilingual learning, (b) to
Key words: Bilingualism, Code-switching, Mother tongue, Multilingual, Strategy. I. Introduction. The abysmal performance of students in public examinations in English Language as a subject in recent times and poor communication skills of literate people in our society has called for a reflection on the present teaching
Dec 16, 2016 Part of the Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons Code Switching. In Teaching English. To Speakers Of Other Languages. A Field Project Presented to. The Faculty of the School of Education . code switching as both a teaching and learning strategy in order to accomplish.
Code-Switching and Code-Mixing. ELT Voice - India, Volume, 5 (1),. 45-50. Abstract: This study is an attempt on Code-switching and Code-mixing strategies in English language and liter- ature teaching at the Under Graduate level at the king Saudi University. In addition, it explores how such linguistic practices can be more