Saturday 17 December 2011 photo 7/7
I need that one thing, and these guys got that one thing. ♥<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, times" class="h3"><SPAN class="h1">#000000">
<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, times" class="h3"><SPAN class="h1">
<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, times" class="h3" sizset="0" sizcache012976199829469326="13301"><SPAN class="h1" sizset="0" sizcache012976199829469326="13301"><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000" sizset="0" sizcache012976199829469326="13301">
<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, times" class="h3" sizset="0" sizcache012976199829469326="13301"><SPAN class="h1" sizset="0" sizcache012976199829469326="13301"><SPAN style="COLOR: #000000" sizset="0" sizcache012976199829469326="13301">bäst! :D
Sun 18 Dec 2011 09:56
bara jag som inte fattar texten efter "I need that one thing and these guys got that one thing" :P
Sun 18 Dec 2011 13:55
" I need that oooone thing, and youuu got that one thing"
Gjorde om texten lite? ^^
" I need that oooone thing, and youuu got that one thing"
Gjorde om texten lite? ^^
Sun 18 Dec 2011 14:39
men det fattade jag med det står massa konstigt efter som man inte fattar ett skit av
Sun 18 Dec 2011 16:09
jaha, aa men jag venne vad det är för skit text, det kom typ bara upp när jag publicerade bilden.. xd
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