Friday 16 November 2012 photo 5/126
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Här alla mina dirtyminded directioners :3 orkade inte översätta <3
Louis looked me square in the eye. “Y/N, I know you’re 18, but I’m still your older brother, and I love you very much. I would be very upset if something ever happened to you."
“You’re always so protective of me! You won’t even let me hang out with my friends anymore!" I shouted.
“Who knows if they’re doing drugs or something?" Louis spat in my face.
“I’ve known them my whole life! Geez, Lou, you know my friends!"
I stormed upstairs, and slammed my door, falling onto my bed, crying.
The only sound you heard throughout the whole house was Louis’ faint voice talking on the phone.
“She’s upset because I won’t let her do anything, apparently."
“I know, but… fine. I’ll go talk to her."
I heard footsteps up the stairs, and I turned to look out the window.
There was a knock on my door. “Y/N?"
“What do you want? I hate you, Lou. You never let me do anything."
I felt my bed creak and a hand on my shoulder. I jerked my shoulder away.
“Y/N… I talked with your friend’s mom on the phone."
“Oh, great. Now I can’t even hang out with my friend anymore, either?" I sat up, red puffy eyes staring at him.
“No, we’re gonna let you hang out with her and her family for tonight." He dried my tears.
I sniffled. “Thanks."
I got to my friend’s house, and she had a few friends over, as well as her brother’s friends. One of her brother’s friends had brown curly hair, light green eyes, and really cute dimples that I can’t stop staring at.
I walked up to him, smiling. “Hey there, curly."
“Hey." He winked at me. “What’s your name?"
“Y/N. I’m Y/F/N’s friend."
“I’m Harry. Y/F/N’s brother’s friend." He shook my hand.
“Hold on." He said, retrieving his phone from his pocket.
“Sure, you can come over anytime. Y/F/N and her brother are hosting a party here, and it’s totally safe with their parents." Harry said, before hanging up.
“Sorry about that. Friend wanted to know if the party was a yes."
He looked around, and took me by the wrist, pulling me upstairs. The place was pretty crowded, so nobody would notice we were gone.
“Harry, what’re you doing?" I asked, confused.
“Look, you’re just so sexy in that leather minidress and I needed to get this out of my system." He placed my hand on his crotch, and I blushed.
“I hate to admit this, but I just met you, and I’m already attracted to you." I whispered, winking.
Harry’s long fingers fiddled with the zipper on the back of my strapless dress, and within seconds, it was on the floor.
I quickly got on my knees, unbuckling his pants, pulling that and his boxers down in one quick movement, as he tore off his shirt and tie.
I began unbuckling my heels, when he stopped me.
“Leave those on. You look very fuckable and sexy in those heels." He sneered.
I felt myself get wet at his voice, and seeing that massive cock of his.
I swapped positions with him, and I was straddling him within seconds.
I grabbed onto him, and teased my slit with the tip of him, and we both moaned at the contact.
“Harry, there’s something I need to tell you."
“What is it, Y/N?"
“Because of my brother, who is VERY protective of me, I have never done this before… he won’t let me do anything…"
“So, you’re a virgin?" Harry looked deep into my y/c/e eyes.
I nodded. “My brother is very overprotective of me."
“I’ll keep this a secret between the two of us, too, ok?" Harry smiled.
I slid myself onto him slowly, and readjusted, as he was fully inside me.
“God, Harry, you’re so big…" I threw my hands on his chest for leverage, a tear slipping down my cheek, falling onto his chest.
“And you’re so damn tight, Y/N. Jesus Christ." Harry’s huge hands were on my waist, keeping me in line.
He grabbed onto my hands, and held them tightly, interlocking them, one quickly wiping away my tears.
Harry began thrusting into me hard and fast, as the pain went away, replaced with pleasure.
“Ohhhh, Harry…." I moaned.
He brought my chest down towards him, and he began sucking on my breasts, taking one in each hand.
“I’m so damn close!!!" I screamed.
“Scream my name for the whole party to hear." Harry spoke roughly.
“HAROLD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, releasing myself all over his thick cock.
Harry pulled out, and grabbed onto my waist, pulling me towards him.
I held onto the headboard, facing the wall, as I rode Harry’s mouth, while he licked me clean.
“Harry, at this point, you’ll send me into a second orgasm…" I shut my eyes tightly, biting my lip.
I came for the second time that night.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m on the house." Harry said, as he finally licked me clean for good.
“Harry? Someone said you were in here." A voice said through the door, and it opened. I assumed it was his friend.
“Oh, should I leave you two alone?" He said.
Harry sat up. “Oh, it’s OK. We were just finishing up."
I turned around, and my heart literally jumped out of my chest, as I attempted to cover myself up.
“Y/N Y/M/N Tomlinson…"
I knew I was in some deep shit whenever I hear my full name…
the end

Fri 16 Nov 2012 18:49
hehehe vet vilken tumblr-blogg detta kommer ifrån ^^

Fri 16 Nov 2012 12:22
Vadå inga äkta fans vafan. Louis har fan sagt " dom som inte gillar alla av oss. Kallar jag inte för äkta directioners!" dom har sagt i en intervju att dom inte gillar att man skriver snusk om/med dom! Hur skulle du själv känna om nån skrev snusk om dig som "turn me on" osv.. Dom sa att dom svenska fansen va dom snuskigaste bara för att såna som "du" skriver snusk om dom vafan lägg ner! Respektera vad dom har sagt och sluta skriva snusk om/med dom! Jävla perversa jävel! Enligt mig är du inte en äkta directioner mer en Directionater! Jag har vart en directioner i över ett år och kollar alla deras intervjuer och sånt så jag vet vad dom har sagt och skrivit! // Tindra!!

Sat 17 Nov 2012 07:47
nialls nando's jag tog inte bort nån kommentar O.o skrev inte småfittor heller, skrev SMÅFLICKOR ;)

fer oohz
Sat 17 Nov 2012 11:23
Nej jag vet, såg det efteråt att jag råkat skriva ''småfittor'' hahah ;)
Nej jag har ingen aning om vad som hände med kommentaren.. ;o
Nej jag har ingen aning om vad som hände med kommentaren.. ;o

Sun 18 Nov 2012 12:23
Uhm, @realDirectioner dom har inte sagt nånting om att dom inte tycker om att vissa skriver såna här noveller om dom. Och det dom sa om svenska fans är att dom är dom enda som flashar och inget annat. Tycker du ska ta det lugnt, finns viktigare saker att hetsa upp sig över.

Fri 16 Nov 2012 10:22
wow o.o
Skrev du det?!?! o.o
Skrev du det?!?! o.o

Fri 16 Nov 2012 11:10
Gillar lite snuskiga texter men inte alldeles för snuskigt xD
Evelina Styles
Fri 16 Nov 2012 09:31
Haha kan inte läsa slutet, får göra de när jag kommer hem xdddd @UnitedForHarry

Fri 16 Nov 2012 08:49
1D gillar inte när man gör snusk Imagines om dom..

Fri 16 Nov 2012 09:54
Men detta är ju en berättelse, inget ur verkligheten??

Fri 16 Nov 2012 11:31
Jag vet det. Men dom gillar det fortfarande inte att man skriver snusk om/med dom osv. Äkta directioner gör inte så.

Fri 16 Nov 2012 11:39
Det finns inget som heter äkta Directioners eller inte, alla är fans och ingen är mer fan bara för att man gör en viss grej dessutom har jag aldrig hört eller sett en intervju när de yttrar sig om detta och så länge man inte skickar 18+ grejer till /dem/ så är det enligt mig ingen fara. Freedom of speech and writing you know? Dessutom så hänger de runt på internet själva och läser allt möjligt ahaha. Både Liam och Lou har sagt "they write pretty graphic things" och sedan brutit upp i leende liksom, så tror inte det är någon fara att skriva sånt här. :)
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