Tuesday 4 December 2012 photo 166/166
stolt.se <3
10 sanningar + stolt directioner.
Thu 6 Dec 2012 18:46
Liam: *singing like in the 60's*
Harry: *Standing like a micrifon* saying: Liam shut up the fans are quiet...
Louis: *Upset and angry on the inside* Saying quietly: I think i pooped myself....
Zayn: *Looking up at someone and hes scary* saying: Holyy chesuuus,what the fuuck is that shit, that's deep shiiiiiit....
Niall: *No feeling* Thinking: I can do this,COM'N COM'N AND MAKE THIS GUITAR WORK!
Noha8 ville bara göra nåt åt bilden! xD
Harry: *Standing like a micrifon* saying: Liam shut up the fans are quiet...
Louis: *Upset and angry on the inside* Saying quietly: I think i pooped myself....
Zayn: *Looking up at someone and hes scary* saying: Holyy chesuuus,what the fuuck is that shit, that's deep shiiiiiit....
Niall: *No feeling* Thinking: I can do this,COM'N COM'N AND MAKE THIS GUITAR WORK!
Noha8 ville bara göra nåt åt bilden! xD
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