Wednesday 26 December 2012 photo 142/145
Jag bara måste göra en imagine med Leeyum.
Du går ner för altaret bredvid din pappa och din brudklänning som du alltid velat ha, du har problem med att gå i dina högklackade skor och vinglar till ett par gånger. Men du tittar upp mot prästen och brudgummen. Brudgummens bruna djupa ögon tittade kärleksfullt mot dig med ett leende. Efter nästan en evighet kom du och din pappa upp för dom sista trapporna och brudgummen tar dig i från din pappa. Brudgummen håller din hand hårt när ni går den sista metern till prästen.
-Dear brides, you have come to the Lord make your love confirmed for me as servant of the church and before this congregation. In richly bless Christ, your love. You once were sanctified in Baptism, the sacrament of marriage, he wants to enrich and strengthen you to be in constant fidelity take on marriage mutual responsibility. So I ask you now before this House: Have you come here without coercion, voluntarily and with sincere heart to enter into your marriage? Prästen pratade högt och tydligt.
- Yes, du och brudgummen svarade samtidigt.
-Are you prepared to throughout your life living together as husband and wife in mutual love and respect?
- Yes
-are you prepared to accept the love of the children that God later you get, and to educate them according to Christ and his church's commandments?
- Yes
Någonstans i folkhavet kunde man höra snyftningar.
- When you then want to be holy covenant of marriage, I urge you to join hands and so before God and this congregation to express your consent
Du och brudgummen tog varandras händer.
- I'm Liam James Payne takes you (y / n), to be my wedded wife, and promise to be faithful to you in good times and bad times, in sickness and health, to love and honor you all the days of our life, Det föll en tår ur Liams öga.
- I (y / n) takes you Liam James Payne to my husband and promise to be faithful to you in good times and bad times, in sickness and health, to love and honor you all the days of our life, Du började också gråta lite.
Prästen började prata igen.
- May God in his goodness, confirm and bless the consent given by you before this Assembly clearly and openly stated. What therefore God has joined, let no man put asunder. Amen
Man kunde höra ännu mer snyftningar.
-Lord, bless and sanctify your servants in love with each other. Let them these rings see a sign of the faith and a reminder of the love that they have promised each other. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prästen pratade på. Sen gav Liam dig ringen.
- (y / n), take this ring and wear it as a sign of my love and fidelity. In God the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Han log smått.
- Liam, take this ring and wear it as a sign of my love and fidelity. In God the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Du log stort tillbaka och satte på han ringen.
- You can now kiss the bride.
Liam lutade sig mot dig och kysste dig mjukt.
Vigsel klockorna började ringa och ni gick sakta ut ur kyrkan.
- Hello mrs. Payne.
Alla killarna kom fram och kramade om er.
Thu 27 Dec 2012 00:04
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