Monday 27 May 2013 photo 33/138
Halllåååå HJÄLP?
Behöver en mening som Niall har sagt,
Ungefär som...
"If you can dream it, you can do it"
- Walt Disney
Någon som vet något sånt som NIall sagt ????
- Walt Disney
Mon 27 May 2013 18:50
I would rather be called a boy for playing with paper planes than be called a man for playing with a womans heart - Niall Horan
är en av de till exempel! :)
är en av de till exempel! :)
Mon 27 May 2013 18:49
''Being single doesn't mean that you're weak, it means that you're strong enough to wait for what you deserve.'' -
Niall Horan
''I'd rather be a kid and play with paper planes. Then be a man and play with a women's heart!'' - Niall Horan
Menar du typ når sånt? ;)
Niall Horan
''I'd rather be a kid and play with paper planes. Then be a man and play with a women's heart!'' - Niall Horan
Menar du typ når sånt? ;)
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