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dojo request iframe
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Returns:dojo/request.__Promise. post(url,options). Defined by dojo/request/iframe. Send an HTTP POST request using an iframe element with the given URL and options. dojo/request/iframe.__BaseOptions (version 1.10). Note: This is not a real constructor, but just a description of the type of object that should be passed as a parameter to some method(s), and/or the return value from some method(s). In other words, the type exists only for documentation purposes, and you cannot call new. Introduction¶. The iframe IO functions are intended to handle complex IO operations that cannot be done through a basic dojo.xhr*() call. These situations are fairly common and include the following: Calling a service on a server other than the one that originated the calling page (cross-domain request). Note that in this case. It is the default provider for node.js. dojo/request/iframe - Provides an IFrame transport for the asynchronous request. This is useful in situations where files need to be submitted or certain cross domain situations. dojo/request/script - Provides a transport where the return payload is expected to be embedded in a script> tag. Well, I don't know about the blank.html page, but the second part of your question is something I understand. As far as I know, most (all) browsers deny cross-domain requests from XHR/JavaScript and neither can they send data from file upload form elements due to security reasons. If it was possible,. dojo/request/iframe error callback. hi, using dojo/request/iframe i have: require(["dojo/request/iframe"], function(iframe){ iframe("some_url",{ handleAs:"json",. dojo request iframe question / issue. I am using a dojo request iframe to send a CSV result set to my server and it then echos it back as an excel doc This works perfect on the 1st call.. One area that has been sorely lacking, in this regard, is Dojo's IO functions. We've always provided developers with a way to make requests in the browser ( dojo.xhr* , , ), but the API has been less consistent than some of us would like ( dojo.xhrGet , , etc.). Using to get a simple json file. 2. require(["dojo/parser", "dojo/request/iframe", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-attr"], function (parser, iframe, dom, domAttr) {. 3."/echo/html/", {. 4. data: {. 5. html: "" + JSON.stringify({. 6. "test": "test test". Sends a request using an iframe element with the given URL and options. 82. console.warn('dojo/request/iframe: When using cross-domain Dojo builds,' +. 83. ' please save dojo/resources/blank.html to your domain and set dojoConfig.dojoBlankHtmlUrl' +. 84. ' to the path on your domain to blank.html');. 85. } 86. uri = (has('config-dojoBlankHtmlUrl')||require.toUrl('dojo/resources/blank.html'));. 87. }. PASSED test: ioIframeGetHtml 49 ms. PASSED test: ioIframeGetXml 49 ms. PASSED test: ioIframeDataArray 49 ms. PASSED test: iframeQueue 149 ms. Total time for GROUP " dojo/request/iframe " is 590ms. Total time for GROUP " dojo/request/iframe " is 590ms. WOOHOO!! ------------------------------------------------------------. Promise: dojo.promise.tracer; dojo_request: dojo.request.default: dojo.request.handlers: dojo.request.iframe: dojo.request.node: dojo.request.notify: dojo.request.registry: dojo.request.script: dojo.request.util:; dojo_data_ext: require(["dojo/request/iframe"], function(iframe){. }); require(["esri/config",. ], function(esriConfig,. ) {. }); Set a proxy for the application. = "/proxy";. Create a HTML Form with File Input control. Users can click on this file input control and select a file from their computer. So when the request is sent by the Dojo iframe, the cookie goes with it. Just wanted to communicate the workaround. Thanks – Mark. Anish Devasia. Posted March 10, 2006 at 8:35 am | Permalink. Alex,. I am able to upload the file using iframe.That's great and thanks. But after uploading file i am not able to. textarea>" The only notable change to the request itself is that the handleAs type is different:{ form : dojo.byId("foo"), handleAs : "text", //response type from the server url : "http://localhost:8080/upload/", load : function(response, ioArgs) { console.log(response, ioArgs); //response is "Thanks! I attached a screen shot of errors that are displaying. The map displays underneath 7 errors that read "DEPRECATED: dojo/io/script Use dojo/request/script. -- will be removed in version: 2.0." "DEPRECIATED: dojo/io/iframe Use dojo/request/iframe -- will be removed in version: 2.0." "DEPRECIATED: dojo. I am using a dojo request iframe to send a CSV result set to my server and it then echos it back as an excel doc. This works perfect on the 1st call. However on additional requests it does not open the response. I have to refresh the browser between each export. here is my code. Would love some advice on how to clear this. Like this? require(["dojo/request/iframe", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/json", "dojo/on", "dojo/domReady!"], function (iframe, dom, domConst, JSON, on) { var dfd = iframe.send(); dfd.cancel(); iframe(wcf_exportReportCSV + "/UnitRoster_" + CurrentOrgViewName.replace(" ", "_"), { form: document. request/iframe" ], function(config, json, kernel, /*===== declare, =====*/ lang, xhr, has, win, dom, domConstruct, query, require, aspect, _iframe){ // module: // dojo/io/iframe kernel.deprecated("dojo/io/iframe", "Use dojo/request/iframe.", "2.0"); /*===== var __ioArgs = declare(kernel.__IoArgs, { // method: String? // The HTTP. Friday, May 17, 2013 12:38 PM 6534 iframe.js. Friday, May 17, 2013 12:38 PM 11743 iframe.js.uncompressed.js. Friday, May 17, 2013 12:38 PM 2160 node.js. Friday, May 17, 2013 12:38 PM 5190 node.js.uncompressed.js. Friday, May 17, 2013 12:38 PM 849 notify.js. Friday, May 17, 2013 12:38 PM 2057. Index of /doh/DOH_RTK/js/dojoroot/dojo/request/. Name Last modified Size Description. [DIR] Parent Directory [ ] default.js 23-Mar-2015 13:16 1K [ ] handlers.js 23-Mar-2015 13:16 1K [ ] iframe.js 23-Mar-2015 13:16 6K [ ] node.js 23-Mar-2015 13:16 2K [ ] notify.js 23-Mar-2015 13:16 1K [ ] registry.js 23-Mar-2015 13:16 1K [ ]. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/iframe Use dojo/request/iframe. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. EXPERIMENTAL: dojox.dtl -- APIs subject to change without notice. EXPERIMENTAL: dojox.validate.check -- APIs subject to change without notice. EXPERIMENTAL: dojox/widget/Calendar -- APIs subject to change without notice. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/iframe Use dojo/request/iframe. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/script Use dojo/request/script. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. Init. client token generated. ignoring bumper modal firstName cookie value not found: undefined. storeIndicator:SM. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/iframe Use dojo/request/iframe. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/script Use dojo/request/script. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. EXPERIMENTAL: dojox.fx.Shadow -- APIs subject to change without notice. DEPRECATED: dojo.moduleUrl() use require.toUrl -- will be removed. Dojo 1.8 Release Notes. Browser Support; Dojo. dojo/dojo (the dojo AMD loader); dojo/_base/Deferred; dojo/_base/xhr; dojo/_base/sniff; dojo/dnd; dojo/Deferred; dojo/DeferredList; dojo/hccss; dojo/html; dojo/io/iframe; dojo/io/script; dojo/node; dojo/parser; dojo/promise; dojo/request; dojo/router; dojo/sniff; dojo/Stateful. Listing 4.1 Hidden IFrame written in JSP for Making Server Requests (iframe.jsp) request.. parseInt(second); out. println(result); } %> If both first and second are provided as request parameters, then first and second are converted to integers, added together, and. function calculateResult(){ var first = dojo. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/iframe Use dojo/request/iframe. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/script Use dojo/request/script. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. Init. ignoring bumper modal firstName cookie value not found: undefined. storeIndicator:AG. Adding.. MiniShoppingCart to. 本文对比了 和dojo.request.iframe 实现相同功能的用法,同时还给出了使用一般form来实现同样功能的代码。的代码出自:fun with这篇博文,该博文介绍了使用dfd解决脚本加载后iframe不能多次执行send请求的问题,比设置timeout更合理。dojo.request.iframe. ERROR IN: function ioIframeGetText(t){ var d = new doh.Deferred(); var td ={ url: "../request/iframeDummyMethod.php?type=text", method: "GET", timeoutSeconds: 5, preventCache: true, handle: function(res, ioArgs){ if(!(res instanceof Error) &&"iframe succeeded", res)){ d.callback(true); }else{. dojo/request/xhr: cross browser kompatibilis XmlHttpRequest, ez az alapértelmezett; dojo/request/node: node.js számára biztosít aszinkron kéréseket (node.js esetén ez az alapértelmezett); dojo/request/iframe: iframe-eken keresztül oldja meg az aszinkronitást, hasznos lehet fájlok küldése esetén, illetve cross-domain. 实际上dojo在这一模块的处理中抽象了很多概念:. 平台侦探器:dojo/request/default; 请求分发器:dojo/request/registry; 全局通知器:dojo/request/notify; 数据传输器:dojo/request/xhr dojo/request/script dojo/request/iframe dojo/request/node; 数据转化器:dojo/request/handlers. 处理器的总体关系如下图所示:. ERROR IN: function ioIframeGetFormJson(t){ var d = new doh.Deferred(); var td ={ url: "../request/iframeDummyMethod.php", form: "contentArrayTest", content: { type: "json", color: "blue", size: 42 }, timeoutSeconds: 5, preventCache: true, handleAs: "json", handle: function(res, ioArgs){ if(!(res instanceof. I installed the IFrame widget to view (and if possible, edit) the Capture of Sprintr. So I choose the following settings: URL Attribute: [ProductID] (=productID from Sprintr) URL Prefix: Now the frame shows the Mendix environment but the following error. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/iframe Use dojo/request/iframe. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/script Use dojo/request/script. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. Init. client token generated. undefined. ignoring bumper modal firstName cookie value not found: undefined. aspect; reference module id: dojo/on plugin resource id: host-browser?dom-addeventlistener?:../on:; reference module id: dojo/request/watch warn(221) Assumed layer is referencing a dojo module. layer name: dojodesktop.js layer name: dojodesktop-rwd.js layer name: dojotablet.js layer name: dojomobile.js warn(224) A. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/iframe Use dojo/request/iframe. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/script Use dojo/request/script. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. TH-Opti. goodwill loaded. goodwill loaded complete. No WC_CSR_FindCustomerLastSearch cookie found. goodwill onload. goodwill object. DOJO 1.8 / dojo / request / iframe deletes & lt; form & gt; & Lt; / form & gt; when downloading a file I'm seeing a really strange behavior under DOJO 1.8.0. I'm trying to asynchronously upload a file. The file is uploading just fine and I'm getting the payload as expected, but when clicking the submit button the tags and. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/script Use dojo/request/script. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/iframe Use dojo/request/iframe. -- will be removed in version: 2.0. DEPRECATED: dojox.charting.Chart2D Use dojox.charting.Chart instead and require all other components explicitly -- will be removed in version:. I try to migrated to Dojo V1.8 : now, when I try to focus in a widget in the iFrame, the focus is automatically moved to 1st item of the Dialog box.. I'm using a simple dojo xhr request: require([dojo/query, dojo/on, dojo/dom-style, dojo/request/xhr, dojo/domReady!], function (query, on, domStyle, xhr) { xhr(api/products,. Request a character for the amazing game for both DSi and 3DS, Photo Dojo! I'll be happy to make a character for you. request. Shared: 5 Nov 2011 Modified: 5 Nov 2011. Favorite this project 0. Love this project 1. Total views 221. View the remix tree 1. ... David Webster */ define(["dojo/_base/declare", "alfresco/services/BaseService", "alfresco/core/CoreXhr", "alfresco/core/topics", "service/constants/Default",. An IFrame is required because * it is possible that the full metadata for the node to download may need to be requested over an XHR request * and the use of an. [SOLVED] Cannot read property 'value' of undefined" on dojo/request/iframe post | I have an image upload function that uploads form with image like this: iframe(url, { form: dom.byId("myform"), handleAs: "json", timeout: 5000, method: "POST" }).then(function () { console.log("Success"); }, function (Err) { console.log(Err); }. On server side I get the image, but on client side I get TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined↵ at I [as handleResponse] (↵ at r (". I have no returned value! I do not get. Is there a way to set document.domain for dojo/request/iframe? If I understand it correctly, dojo/request/iframe works by creating an iframe from which the request will be sent... If that's the case, I should be able to somehow set document.domain to that iframe, right? GNU gettext utilities - GNUorg Aw Snap aw-snapinfoExamples of malicious JavaScript aw-snapinfo does NOT use cookies, I do not store information about websites that are checked, visitors preferences, File Viewer · Request a ReviewExamples of malicious php code - Aw Snap aw-snapinfo articles. JAVA examples codes. ... 1540 | Cullowhee, NC 28723 | 1-866-262-8429 | 5. Finn Rock to Leaburg Dam, McKenzie Oregon, US (mobile). 0.19697093963623 sec. server 15.20 MB 0.03 sec. client. Clear; ReCSS; Console; DOM; Object; Close. DEPRECATED: dojo/io/iframe Use dojo/request/iframe. var acdc = $('#ab').attr('class') attempts to retrieve the string value of the attribute class, which in this case is resolving to undefined. If you'd like to use the jQuery html method, you should do it on a DOM node, such as: var acdcElement = $('#ab'); var html = acdcElement.html();. same error here - $(".vote").click(function() { var. In order to know about CRM user in my application all ajax requests go via SAML App and i have the next issues: Ajax request - Mixed content Setting... 10 Oct 2013 Yes, there is the small matter of security, but sometimes theres a need to open an https:// website that has iframe content using http://. Using dojo/i18n helps with internationalization of your application by loading a specific resource bundle based on the locale... Localize-Swift is a simple framework that improves i18n and localization in Swift iOS apps A “Port to Android" pull request that has been recently merged into the official Swift repository master. ... HTMLFieldSetElement · HTMLFormControlsCollection · HTMLFormElement · HTMLFrameSetElement · HTMLHRElement · HTMLHeadElement · HTMLHeadingElement · HTMLHtmlElement · HTMLIFrameElement · HTMLImageElement · HTMLInputElement · HTMLIsIndexElement · HTMLKeygenElement. 18 時間前. ブログでの反応. ブログでの反応をすべて見る. 元に戻す. 関連記事. HelloWorld - JotSpot Wiki dojo · 12 25K request/secをさばいた「LINEのお年玉」のアーキテクチャの裏側 : LINE Engi... 578 users · · 1日に3〜5万円だったアプリ収益が「プロモーションで大化け」数百万円を. 18 時間前. この記事に対して1件のコメントがあります。コメントは「 json」です。 August 27th, 2009 Let's take a look at how JSONP is handled with jQuery, MooTools, and the Dojo Toolkit. aspx", // Send the login info to this page I know JSONP is JSON with padding. Typical web browser prohibit cross domain request due to I am using Security Center's API http://static. com/prod_docs/SecurityCenter_4.