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Oddone lee sin video guide: >> << (Download)
Oddone lee sin video guide: >> << (Read Online)
29 mars 2012 Decouvrez un nouveau guide avance sur Lee Sin, Moine aveugle. Vous pourrez decouvrir dans cette video HD une courte presentation qui vous permettra d'en apprendre plus sur son build, sa phase de lane, ses atouts et la facon dont il team fight : X Fermer la video
literally 15 seconds later Reginald sees Odd use Lee Sin's ultimate for a gank and said 'If you used your ulti when talon got on me I would have lived.' I'm not as good as him, but I'm sorry. That's not being a crappy player, that's being a crappy person. [first video]
18 Apr 2015
28 May 2012
21 Oct 2017 Lee Sin build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Lee Sin Strategy Builds and Tools. 7 May 2014 26 Apr 2014 25 Jan 2014 12 Feb 2014 NET - BUILD GUIDE: Nocturne Jungle Guide S4. By TheOddOne - League of Legends Pro Builds and Guides, LoL Streams, Videos, Strategies,
6 Dec 2013
7 Jul 2011
There are two weeks left in our Preseason 8 Guide Contest! Create a guide or update an existing one to enter for a chance to win $100 worth of prizes! Daily VODs : TheOddOne Cho Gath Jungle Report 1. 5,314 0. How to make a comeback as Cho Gath. Expand. League of Legends Video. 5,314 Views 0 Comments.
League of Legends Summoner data forTheOddOne 60783 in na. Contains statistics, match data and more to help players analyze and improve performance.
Are there any good streams to watch where the person picks lee sin a lot? or a video of some sort. BTW talking about He also has a lee sin guide for lane and jungle on I like watching theoddone play lee sin jungle, until he starts doing bad.. then its just "This is fcking stupid." then it just