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Pathfinder program book pdf: >> << (Download)
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the Guiding principals the Award program values the natural environment, develops an appreciation of. Canada and its diversity and fosters cultural understanding and knowledge of the global community. The Award & the Pathfinder Program. Description of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award from the Pathfinder Program book
Specialized Programming. National Service Project program information · Guider Resources for Girls for Safer Communities · Tree Planting Grant program information · Twinning Information · Lady Baden Powell Challenge for Guides (PDF) Be A Model Citizen Challenge for Pathfinders (PDF)
The Canada Cord is the highest award that a Pathfinder can earn. The requirements include completing the Pathfinder Program as well as extra initiative in the areas of Community Service, Volunteering, and specific hours spent in developing Leadership Canada Cord Resource and Tracking Booklet (Single Sided PDF)
Resources in your District. Ask your district or area program adviser to locate the tool kits available within BC. See district program adviser about activities in a box, and any other program connections.
The Program Book. 14. Program Areas and Interest Badges. 14. Community Service Badges. 15. Camping Badges. 15. Lady Baden-Powell Challenge. 16 .. Pathfinders. So you've enjoyed being a Guide — where can you go from here? Pathfinders is the next branch of Guiding for girls aged 12 to 15. In. Pathfinders, you'll
Due to its importance to the Scouting movement, this book is recommended reading for any. Scout who wishes to work their way towards being awarded First Class status and will help provide a better understanding of the origins and aims of the Pathfinder program itself. An electronic version (PDF) of this book is available
Bridging Activities. Bridging is when girls of different ages come together to have fun! To earn your Canada Cord you need to plan and participate in bridging activities with Rangers and girls in younger branches. (Sparks, Brownies, and/or Guides). See the “Rise to the. Challenge" section in your Pathfinder program book for.
Canadian Guiding Badges & Insignia. Pathfinders. 5: Pathfinders. Pathfinders, a program for girls aged 12-15, was started in 1979. In 2006, the program for this age group received a major revision. Nine program “Areas" were established, and within these Areas between four to twelve “Modules" were attached. There is a
Discuss if you are going to have specific roles for Pathfinders (such as secretary, treasurer, president) and have girls think about what roles they would like to do. Start work on Choosing Your Own Direction under Finding the Path (page 21 of Program book). - Review the Promise and Law. 0 Make a what's hot/what's not list
Pathfinders. #2 make a Guide History game. #3 plan a party. #4 play some icebreakers. #5 plan a wide game. #6 talk to younger girls about selling cookies . #12 discuss weather hazards. #13 learn about hypothermia. #14 know how to deal with outdoor emergencies. Camping, Here We Come! #1 book a campsite.