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Radiographics submission guidelines: >> << (Download)
Radiographics submission guidelines: >> << (Read Online)
The process of converting an education exhibit into a manuscript formatted for submission to RadioGraphics can prove difficult. While solicited exhibits have, in the opinion of the panelists and editor, the potential for becoming excellent articles for the journal, only 55% of selected exhibits are submitted as manuscripts for
Before you submit your manuscript, please review the editorial policies, preparation, and submission instructions at left. For an overview of how to prepare and submit your manuscripts and presentations for consideration for publication in RadioGraphics, watch our video tutorial below. Please note that submissions based
Manuscript Preparation Checklist. This checklist applies specifically to original research articles, but much of it will apply to submission of other manuscript types as well. Please see the section "Manuscript Types" in the Radiology Instructions for Authors for complete information.
exhibit submissions, with a minority of exhibits being produced as backboard panel presentations. Jeffrey S. Klein, MD—Editor, RadioGraphics. Susan Poole Harmon—Managing Editor, RadioGraphics. Publication of RadioGraphics. Manuscripts: Guidelines for. Authors and Description of Solici- tation Process and Peer
Submitting Your Manuscript. Log on to the RadioGraphics manuscript submission system, hosted by ScholarOne. Create an account if you have not already done so. If you already have an account, enter your user ID and password and log in.
Contact information for the corresponding author given on the title page must exactly match that in the RadioGraphics manuscript submission system; if it does not, “Publication of RadioGraphics Manuscripts: Guidelines for Authors and Description of Solicitation Process and Peer Review," (RadioGraphics 2012; 32:3–8).
RadioGraphics Manuscript Submission Checklist. More detailed information about each item can be found in the Publication Information for Authors in each issue of RadioGraphics. MANUSCRIPT CONTENT. Abstract Did you read the CME Question Writing Guidelines? Did you provide three Learning Objectives for the
Learn how to review a PowerPointTM submission for the Training and Fundamentals online section of RadioGraphics. Appropriate screening criteria and imaging guidelines are described for blunt cerebrovascular injury (BCVI)—a rare but potentially devastating finding in patients with generalized trauma or direct cervical
The submission by authors of similar material to advertising, news media, or other forms of publication must be indicated at the time Radiology receives the manuscript, and a copy of that material should be . Radiology follows the guidelines on authorship given by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
Materials submitted for consideration must be prepared according to the Journal's editorial policies and instructions, which are in accord with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals ( ). All submissions are