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Operating Instructions: A Journal Of My Son's First Year Download ->->->->
He gets in the way of her "me time" & neurotic self-pitying uselessnessI love a parent that doesn't buy into the idea a good parent keeps their damned mouth shutI love the viewpoint from a parent of a cholicy child (even if her child did sleeping through the night fairly - mine is 16 months and still not to that point.)I love her liberal, human take on faithWhile I acknowledge that feeling overwhelmed is very real for some mothers, especially those without a partner (myself included in the latter category), reading "Operating Instructions" me a dark feeling, somewhat akin to the feeling that reading Dostoevsky causes (minus the mastery of the prose)He didn't even have a way to communicate, except to spends quite a bit of time crying over Bush (Sr.!) and mentions Donald TrumpYet when I think about those days, I don't find myself imitating Mary Hopkin singing "Those Were the Days" -- because, even without having kept a diary, I know that we didn't "sing and dance forever and a day" or "live the life we choose" or "fight and never lose." No, THOSE days were not those days -- for me or for LamottShe's a closet racistThoughts that all new mothers have but none will admit toHence why it lands in my favorite non fictionHowever, found countless other things about it to be problematicOrdinary people seem to have accomplished the impossible--raising children without going insane or killing someoneMy place was still marked, so I polished it off this afternoonEverything was like some show she saw or poem she read, or moonlight or starsApr 19, 2017 Aneesa rated it really liked it Shelves: memoir, pregnancy-childbirth-parenting It took me about a year to read this bookHer innermost thoughts are right there on the pageKnowing there are other parents that think those crazy thoughts and don't actually DO them can make a world of difference in the way new parents handle the stress of it all.The birth of your child is also the death of the life you once knewShe actually gets that theres something not quite right about running on hatredShe's alternatingly hilarious and sadI finally called in sick, sent my kid to day care, and read this entire book in one da This is the best parenting book Right when you feel like you have hit the wall, Anne Lammott makes it OK to feel all the frustrations and pain as well as the awe and overwhelming love for your little offspringThis would cut me sometimes on my way to or may way home from work, because it's just so hard to leave my infant for twelve hours at time, five days a weekReviewers swore up & down that even if I thought Anne Lamott was an ape-shit mother-in-law, I'd like her as a momFeb 06, 2008 Emily rated it really liked it Recommended to Emily by: Melisa, Amy, Noelle, Carrie, etc., etc., etcAug 27, 2012 Teresa rated it really liked it I read this book because I love Anne Lamott's blurts; the way she speaks raw truth and it feels like a personal conversationHowever, I am glad that she didI only withheld one star because I can't unabashedly recommend it to all (due to some of the TMI and values espoused)And that pisses me offSep 05, Melissa rated it really liked it Shelves: ladies-writin This is a great, lovely book about having a newborn 45e1f1341d