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Ket speaking test cards pdf: >> << (Download)
Ket speaking test cards pdf: >> << (Read Online)
How long is the Speaking test? 8–10 minutes The interlocutor gives one candidate a card with some information on it, and at the same time gives Sample Test. PER 3: SPEAKING. Part 1. Part 1 5–6 minutes (Personal questions). The interlocutor will ask questions to each of the two candidates alternately. Some ideas for
In this part of the Speaking test, each candidate interacts with the interlocutor, using the language normally associated Prompt cards are used to stimulate questions and answers of a non-personal kind. The interlocutor reads out instructions and gives a question card to one candidate and an answer card to the other.
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KET Speaking Cards to practise part 1 of paper 3 by mar9a9jos99rioja.
The KET Speaking paper. The Speaking test is taken in pairs and comprises two parts: In Part One, each candidate answers questions of a personal nature that are asked by the examiner, known as the interlocutor. In Part Two – our area of interest here – the candidates interact with each other, using prompt cards to.
Key Paper 3 Speaking Part 1. Getting to know you - Notes for Teachers Explain that in Part 1 of the Speaking test, the situation is the same. The interlocutor does not know Explain that they each have a set of 9 cards with questions on them and 9 cards with the answers on them. The questions and answers are mixed up
information about a situation. 2. Explain (or elicit) that in Part 2 of the Speaking test, one student is given a card with some information on it. The other student has a card with some prompts for questions on it. The students ask and answer questions. Then students change roles are given new cards with different information
Preparing for KET. 7. KET candidates. 8. Language specifications. 9. Further information. 10. KET content and marking. Paper 1 Reading and Writing. 11. Paper 2 Listening. 14. Paper 3 Speaking. 16. Grading, awards and results. 19. Paper 3 frames. Test 1. 21. Test 2. 24. Test 3. 27. Test 4. 30. Test 1 Key. Paper 1. 33.
Key Paper 3 Speaking Part 2. Information exchange - Notes for which is reflected in the Part 2 Speaking test: candidates ask questions and give information about a situation or event. 2. Ask what Ask students to work in pairs and to look at the first set of cards about Sandon Air Museum. Together the students should