Friday 21 November 2008 photo 2/2
To what extent can this photo be trusted as a reliable source depicting what happens in Peset's basement a friday afternoon? Discuss!
Comment the photo
Tue 2 Dec 2008 19:08
I hate sources and stuff, IB History is fun, but not when it comes to sources... *weep*
Tue 2 Dec 2008 19:09
IB history is not fun, it is a sad and brutal story of evil deeds. Well, okay, a little fun as well - Hitler was a funny man.
Sat 22 Nov 2008 16:03
this is just a part of the great IB-basement-hoax. The photo is obviously a studio set-up since IB never have resided in the basement...
Sat 22 Nov 2008 16:04
Now, why did you make the assumption that this photo is depicting IB-students? You must build your arguments on concrete exaaaaaamples, preferably referring to origins, purpose, value and limitations.
You get zero points.
You get zero points.
Sat 22 Nov 2008 12:34
fniss!! this shows that people such as erik and john have a tendency to fall under the rule of a more influential person, such as gustav. it also indicates that we have had a inspark as one of the pre's ribbon is tied around the rail. in addition, the photograph shows that erik has a bold spot:o -och nej, jag har inte alls tråkigt.
Sat 22 Nov 2008 12:35
But do you think it provides a true and balanced picture of the everyday life at Peset? What about origins and purpose? You need to evaluate the usefulness of the source! Have you learned nothing!?!?
-haha, inte jag heller... Vad händer i dag/kväll?
-haha, inte jag heller... Vad händer i dag/kväll?
Sat 22 Nov 2008 12:00
Lol. X) Hur mår du nu?
Sat 22 Nov 2008 12:01
tja.. rent fysiskt är det lite sådär, jag slits mellan behovet av att vila och behovet av att jobba med extended, och både och är lika viktigt och inget av det kan inkludera det andra. det är en paradox :(
Fri 21 Nov 2008 23:00
heh ja det måste du SO TO SPEAK! eller du kanske inte hade anders i historia...
Fri 21 Nov 2008 22:48
Åh, man känner sig bra för att man förstår (:
Fri 21 Nov 2008 22:49
Haha man borde ägna mindre tid åt att plugga och mer tid åt att tänka ut IB-jokes. Typ:
Warning for A2 students: On your first date, do NOT "contrast and compare" your date with your ex. Not even an excellent structure and and highly academical language will save you from a certain failure.
Warning for A2 students: On your first date, do NOT "contrast and compare" your date with your ex. Not even an excellent structure and and highly academical language will save you from a certain failure.
Fri 21 Nov 2008 22:48
Ja jag förstår det! Vad skulle man göra utan den liksom? Särskilt när våran otroligt uppmuntrande historia-kurs inte handlar om något annat än mänskliga vidrigheter och ond, bråd död...
Fri 21 Nov 2008 22:31
To what extent does your bald spot trouble you? Account for all the suffering it has caused throughout the last decade!
18 comments on this photo