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Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Full Movie In Hindi Download-----------------------------------------DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/qz1yy -----------------------------------------After an explosion on their moon, the Klingons have an estimated 50 years before their ozone layer is completely depleted, and they all die. They have only one choice - to make peace with the Federation, which will mean an end to 70 years of conflict. Captain James T. Kirk and crew are called upon to help in the negotiations because of their experience with the Klingons. Peace talks don't quite proceed, and Kirk and McCoy are convicted of assassinating the Klingon High Chancellor, and imprisoned on Rura Penthe, a snowy hard-labor prison camp. Will they manage to escape? And will there ever be peace with the Klingons?After a lunar cataclysm brings the Klingons to their knees, the foreign concept of peace with the Federation may be finally within reach. After 70 years of hostility, the Federation and the Klingon Empire prepare for a peace summit. Ironically, Captain James T. Kirk has been assigned as the first emissary to broker that peace. However, the prospect of intergalactic glasnost with sworn enemies is an alarming one. When the Klingon flagship is attacked and the USS Enterprise is held accountable, the dogs are war are unleashed again, as both worlds brace for what may be their final, deadly encounter.This is the best of all of the Star Trek movies, including the Wrath of Khan. This has to be the best directed, best scripted, and best acted of all of the movies. Nicholas Meyer returns to direct an incredible written script. This movie is also a return to the old political days of trek. There is still the swashbuckling feeling of TOS, but with a more mature feel. This also has to be the best cast of all the movies, not counting the regulars. Christopher Plummer as General Chang was perfect as the "intelligent" bad guy. Most of the other Trek villains tend to be cardboard cutout characters, very one dimensional, but Chang has a wonderful quality to himself. I also want to note Leonard Nimoy's performance in this movie. He is incredible in this. This is a wonderful culmination of the original cast, and quite a fanfare. This has to be the best of all the Star Trek movies to date! 5 stars!"Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" had the difficult job of finally--finally--ending the adventures of the original crew of the Enterprise from The Original Series, in a way that doesn't leave its many fans disappointed. And overall, the movie succeeds well at this.
The plot is a VERY obvious allegory of the ending of the Cold War between the U.S. and Soviet Union.
Praxis (Chernobyl), a key Klingon energy facility, is destroyed. The Klingon economy is badly hurt and its leader, Gorkon (Gorbachev), decides to make peace with the Federation. But a vocal minority of folks on both sides are unhappy with this, due to habit, distrust, suspicion, and outright prejudice.
Unknown assailants attempt to assassinate Gorkon. Kirk and McCoy are blamed by the Klingons, arrested, and exiled to Rura Penthe, a frozen, forbidding wasteland (Siberia). Kirk and McCoy must escape, figure out who is really behind the plot, and stop them before they finally succeed in murdering Gorkon.
This "whodunit," while darker in tone than previous Star Treks, is both engrossing and suspenseful. Each of the famous characters has a decent part in this movie as a fitting end to their playing these roles. The characters have grown more and are more multi-dimensional than they ever were in the past. Kirk is old now, and his years of battling the Klingons and losing his son have made him bitter and prejudiced toward them. Sulu shows he's capable of commanding a starship now.
Where the movie loses points, is in continuity with previous Star Trek. Star Trek always had to strike a balance between inventive new plots but still remaining faithful to the basic concepts and characterizations that had already been established--something Nicholas Meyer never cared much about. Showing treacherous Vulcans, Federation officers who are racially prejudiced toward Klingons, and Spock mind-melding a captive against her will (a kind of mental rape) were inconsistent with everything in previous Star Trek. Given that this was to be the last feature of The Original Series crew, this was not a great time to introduce such major departures.
Overall: 7/10Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is one of the finest installments in the saga. [6 Dec. 1991, p.5]The assassination of Chancellor Gorkon (David Warner) of the Klingon High Council, while on his way to Earth on a peace mission to seek aid for the dying Klingon planet, is blamed on Captain James T Kirk (William Shatner) and Dr Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelley). Consequently, they are sentenced to life on Rura Penthe, a gulag (penal colony) on a frozen asteroid. Knowing that he never gave an order for the Enterprise to fire on Gorkon's ship, Kirk effects his and McCoy's escape in order to prove that the Enterprise is innocent and to prevent another assassination attempt upon the new Klingon peace ambassador, Azetbur (Rosanna DeSoto), daughter of Chancellor Gorkon. All but one of the main crew members of the USS Enterprise return. Besides Captain Kirk and Dr McCoy, there is Captain Spock (Leonard Nimoy) (now a special envoy), chief engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (James Doohan), communications officer Lt Uhura (Nichelle Nichols), Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig), and Hikaru Sulu (George Takei), now captain of the USS Excelsior. Janice Rand (Grace Lee Whitney) puts in an appearance as a communications officer under Sulu's command. Only Christine Chapel (Majel Barrett) is missing. Spock's father Sarek (Mark Lenard) reappears as a Vulcan ambassador. Kirk's son David (Merritt Butrick) (who died in The Search for Spock) returns, but only in name and picture. This film also introduces Michael Dorn as an unnamed Klingon defense attorney. Dorn went on to play Worf in movies involving the crew of future Enterprise Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). In the year 2293 A.D. (6 years after the events in the previous movie) An explosion on Praxis, the moon that provides the Klingon Empire with most of their energy, results in their planet, Kronos, having an estimated 50 years before the ozone layer is completely depleted. In his report to Starfleet Command on Earth, Spock also says that the explosion of Praxis has caused a deadly pollution of Kronos' ozone layer. Consequently, the Klingons want to make peace with the Federation in order to ask for aid, since most of their monetary economy has been tied up in their massive military expenditures. If negotiations go well for the Klingons, then they'd be allowed to settle in Federation territory after they'd evacuated Kronos. Kirk was on a diplomatic mission, and a fight between the two ships could have sparked an inter-galactic war. Kirk probably felt that surrendering was the best option to keep the peace talks on track, while buying time to resolve the mystery. There are several possibilities. One possibility is that Martia (Iman) as Kirk still has Martia's eyes (watch closely during the fight scene and also note the eyes of the Kirk on the right versus the real Kirk on the left). Second, because the real Kirk called him an idiot. Kirk has a long and infamous reputation for standing up to authority figures, though he probably hasn't insulted many of them as openly as he would a brutish Klingon. The warden, knowing of Kirk's general demeanor throughout Federation history (Kirk is not only famous in the Federation but also throughout the galaxy, certainly within Klingon society) and his hatred for their race, instantly deduced that the Kirk to the left was the real one. Another possibility is that Martia being a shape shifter and likely a fact known to the Warden, didn't have shackles, as made clear by the overhead shot immediately after the vaporizing. The Warden was instructed to kill all witnesses and set the conditions for Martia to assist in the charade under the false pretense of a full pardon. Shooting Martia first was the logical choice, assuring that the truth would never come to light. US President Richard Nixon (in office from 1969 to 1974) was known for his firm anti-communist politics. When Communist states China and the Soviet Union broke up their alliance in the 1960s, Nixon perceived this as a perfect opportunity to gain an advantage in the Cold War against the Soviets by improving relations with China. The visit was controversial, because China was at that time considered to be an enemy state. Paradoxically, this made President Nixon the appropriate person to visit Communist China, because he was clearly an antagonist to their government. Had it been a more moderate politician, then this person could have been blamed for having too much sympathy for the Chinese, or of not serving the United States' best interest in negotiations. Spock alludes to this fact, because Kirk is the most famous Klingon adversary in the Federation, so they know that he will not let the Klingons off the hook easily during negotiations. They can safely send him to eliminate all suspicions of fraternizing with an enemy. It is also another reference to the Cold War, of which there are many in this film. Spock is jokingly attributing the phrase to his own Vulcan culture—a running joke throughout the movie with different characters. For instance, Chancellor Gorkon claimed Shakespeare must be read in its "original Klingon," Chekov claims that Cinderella is a "Russian epic," and Spock also refers to Sherlock Holmes as an ancestor. The Enterprise speeds toward Camp Khitomer where the peace conference has already begun. The Klingon warship, piloted by Commander Chang (), begins to fire on the Enterprise but, because the prototype Bird of Prey is able to fire while remaining cloaked, the Enterprise is unable to accurately return fire...until Spock and Uhura get the idea to use the equipment they are carrying for detecting gaseous anomalies to detect the emissions from the Bird of Prey's "tailpipe." With the Excelsior helping to distract the Bird of Prey, Spock and McCoy modify a torpedo to carry the equipment, which homes in on the Bird of Prey's exhaust and reveals its position long enough for the Enterprise and the Excelsior to destroy it. Meanwhile on Khitomer, a sniper (who is actually Colonel West disguised as a Klingon) is seen assembling his rifle and aiming it at the Federation president (Kurtwood Smith). Crews from the Enterprise and the Excelsior beam down just in time to stop the sniper, Kirk knocking the President to the floor and Scotty shooting the sniper. When Azelbur asks what is going on, Kirk explains, "Your father called the future 'the undiscovered country'. People can be very frightened of change." Azelbur replies, "You have restored my father's faith," to which Kirk adds, "...and you have restored my son's..." After a round of applause, the Starfleet crews return to their respective ships, and Kirk thanks Sulu for his aid. Uhura announces that she's just received orders from Starfleet Command telling the Enterprise to return to spacedock to be decommissioned. As the look of disbelief passes across everyone's faces, Spock says, "If I were human, I would tell them, Go to hell." When Chekov asks for their course heading, Kirk replies, "Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning." Kirk then enters into the log that this is "the final cruise of the Starship Enterprise under my command" and that a new crew will take over the Enterprise and continue "to boldly go where no man...no one...has gone before." The Enterprise then goes to warp and disappears. As the credits begin to roll, the signatures of each of the main crew members of the Enterprise appear one-by-one. Yes. Star TrekVI: The Undiscovered Country, a novelization of the movie by American science fiction writer J.M. Dillard (pen name for Jeanne Kalogridis), was released in 1992. So far, there are 13. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country was preceded by Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) (1979), Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (1982) (1982), Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) (1984), Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) (1986), and Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) (1989), all of which feature the original series crew and the Enterprise captained by James T Kirk. Star Trek: Generations (1994) (1994) begins with Kirk, Scotty and Chekov aboard the new Enterprise B before jumping to the timeline of Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) (1987-1994) where Kirk unites with Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) who commands the Enterprise D. The other Star Trek movies featuring Picard as captain include: Star Trek: First Contact (1996) (1996), Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) (1998), and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) (2002). Star Trek (2009) (2009), Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013) (2013) and Star Trek: Beyond (2016) (2016) harken to an alternate reality which began when the circumstances of Kirk's birth changed. The network TV versions not included there are three main versions available. First of all, there's the old theatrical version. Later on, an extended version was created that features several new scenes, e.g. Federation President's office scene. There's also a Special Edition that features a slightly changed cut. a5c7b9f00b http://dayviews.com/flexporkins/526813348/ http://dayviews.com/rysubva/526813349/ https://disqus.com/home/discussion/channel-deutrocacpoce/como_dedos_en_un_pu_o_in_hindi_free_download/ http://dracexib.yolasite.com/resources/the-Betoverend-Turnhout-full-movie-in-hindi-free-download-hd.pdf http://chioteni.jugem.jp/?eid=322 http://albaburopa.wapka.me/site_115.xhtml http://mcspartners.ning.com/profiles/blogs/outlaws-don-t-get-funerals-full-movie-in-hindi-free-download https://diigo.com/0d6bkj http://reflect.guildwork.com/forum/threads/5ba0892f002aa82e0f4de43b-the-that-nazty-nuisance http://laugarnecaravans.ning.com/profiles/blogs/sonic-the-hedgehog-full-movie-with-english-subtitles-online