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qrc extraction user manual
cadence qrc extraction tutorial
cadence qrc manual
It used to be possible to get Assura RCX to extract just an "LVS Extracted" view. Perhaps because we upgraded to a newer version of (Assura 3.2 USR2 HF11), this option is no longer available from the drop down list on the first page of the RCX form. Is there some way to manually include this option in the
As advanced-process geometries continue to shrink, parasitic extraction has become critical throughout the design implementation flow and the signoff phase. The Quantus solution is a production-proven signoff extraction tool ideal for all nodes including advanced nodes and FinFET designs. The solution includes a built-in
30 Mar 2014 ADE L. • Understand AC simulation of a frequency-dependent transmission element (aka your follower-integrator). 6.1 Instructions. 1. Finish the exercise from last lab, i.e. build a new layout file that instances pads into a padframe and wires your Select Assura - Run QRC. O.k. the run directory. In the QRC
I am using Assura RCX(not qrc,since I dont have it.) for this.However run on cadence614 from /Cadence/ASSURA/tools.lnx86/assura/bin/32bit/assura on Tue Mar 5 23:23:37 2013. Checking out 1 I'm making a standard cell library,and so the analog extracted view is very important for me. Please guide
Design Rule Check (DRC). First of all, start cadence layout tools using icfb &. Open your inv layout view for editing. Refer to the beginning of Tutorial 3 on how to open an existing cell view for editing. Now we are going to check if there are any DRC errors in the layout. The layout DRC rules are summarized by the design
1. Parasitic Extraction Using QRC. 1. Set up QRC (EXT81). Add these lines in the .cshrc file. 2. Set up Assura. Add these lines in the .cshrc file. 3. Open icfb (IC5141). Assura and QRC add-ons will show up. 4. Run DRC/LVS in Assura. DRC/LVS: Note on LVS:.
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I was trying to design a traveling-wave amplifier, using foundry RF mosfet and HFSS simulated transmission lines. I found that Post-layout simulation was done by both Assura QRC (RC mode) and Calibre PEX (R+C+CC mode), the resulting H21 curves from Assura and Calibre almost overlap exactly.
12 Nov 2017 Hi Quek,. It was "decoupled" cap extraction mode. I switched to "coupled" mode as you recommend, and now the problem is cleared. For anybody reading this post, I recommend to refer the QRC extraction user manual (page 169/170) for this issue. There are examples showing the different extraction results with "coupled"
Before starting a Parasitic Layout Extraction (PEX) with QRC an LVS run using the resimulate_extracted switch has to be performed to extract also all the parasitic diodes not considered during the standard LVS. The parasitic diodes will not be compared for LVS but will be in the database for the extracted view that will be