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C Programming - Question Bank.pdf - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online.
15 Jun 2013 QUESTION BANK. Object Oriented Programming With C++. UNIT – 1 Principles of Object – Oriented Programming. SR. NO. QUESTIONS. 1. Define Object-oriented programming and Explain feature of Object oriented programming. How it is different than procedure oriented programming. 2.
C Programming Sample Question Paper. Multiple Choice (Only ONE choice is the RIGHT answer for each question below). 1. Choose the correct answer void main(argc,argv). { int argc; char* argv; printf(“Hello");. } 1. There are no errors. 2. Main cannot have parameters. 3. Declaration of parameters should be before curly
C programming I & II. • Multiple choice & one line questions. 1). The C language consist of ____ number of keywords. A] 32. B] 40. C] 24. D] 56. 2). Which of the following is a keyword used for a storage class? A] Printf. B] external C] auto. D] scanf. 3). The prototype of the function in the header file is-. A]Stdio.h. B] stdlib.h C]
24 Sep 2010 Programming in C Part A: Answer any 10 questions 2 x 10 = 20 1. What is an Algorithm? 2. What are the advantages of high level languages over machine language? 3. Give any two differences between compilers & interpreters. 4. Give any 2 differences between while statement and a Do- while statement
C programming question bank, c language multiple choice questions answers pdf download, online c language learning as operating system that is specifically developed for artificial intelligence area is.
Introduction to Programming. Sample Question Paper. Note: Q.No. 1 is compulsory, attempt one question from each unit. Q. 1. a). What is an algorithm? 2.5 X10 b) What do you mean by Program? Write a small code for any program. c). What is the difference between while and do while loop. d). What is the use of getchar
Question Paper Code : 96703. M.C.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2011. DMC 1912/DMC 1602 – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING. (Regulation 2009/2007). Time: Three hours . (a) (i) Write a program in C to compute the sum of the digits of a given integer number. (8). (ii). Compare in terms of their
The first chapter deals with the fundamental concepts of C language. The second chapter focuses on introduction C programming. The third chapter provides with detailed program on next level to the basic C program. Fourth chapter focuses on C debugging. The fifth chapter deals with the simple C questions and Answers.
GE6151 Computer Programming Question Bank. 4. double. 5. What is meant by Enumerated data type. Enumerated data is a user defined data type in C language. Enumerated data type variables can only assume values which have been previously declared. Example : enum month { jan = 1, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul,