Tuesday 19 December 2017 photo 1/1
Missing Required Architecture I386 In File Static Library >>> http://shurll.com/b3jlu
Not sure what the required architecture is, . missing required architecture i386 in file ld: . Xcode 4 cant locate public header files from static library .. ignoring file / Users / blah / iOS App / myapp / ZBarSDK / libzbar. a, missing required architecture i386 in file . static-library -device-simulator . file ."Undefined symbols for arch. i386" when including C++ library in iOS . and static library. This is my header file with . architecture i386: "Testlibstatic:: .Build ClippingBezier and PerformanceBezier as iOS . echo "Create universal static library . missing required architecture i386 in file /Users/admin .. folder and the static library named . missing required architecture x8664 in file /Users/me/Desktop . missing required architecture i386 in file? 0.Workaround for static library required architecture . i386. The static library must be . (just find the ios-project-service.js file in the installation .Join GitHub today. GitHub is home to . "Missing required architecture i386" in libraries when building for . missing required architecture i386 in file XXX .Compilation fails with "Undefined symbols for architecture . Zbar SDK - missing required architecture x8664. . I replaced the library and all the header files .An Xcode 4 template to create universal static libraries. . The existing static library template provided with Xcode . missing required architecture i386 in file.. folder and the static library named . missing required architecture x8664 in file /Users/me/Desktop .Home / Creating Static Library in iOS App Development. . code for the i386 architecture for 32 bit and . about Creating Static Library in iOS .Multiarch is a new approach to running programs compiled for one computer architecture on another, particular i386amd64 (see 32bit and 64bit for an .The static library is . Creating private cocoapods with static . libs/libXXB-2.11.1.a, missing required architecture i386 in file MyOwnLibrary .Creating a Static Library in iOS . the library will contain object code for the i386 architecture; . the static library file will include the object code .. osx/librdmeddl9static.a, file is not of required . Undefined symbols for architecture i386: . actual missing symbols in the libraries, .Creating and using shared libraries with different compilers on different operating systems . . file ending. In contrast to static libraries, .Building And Using Static And Shared "C" Libraries . Building And Using Static And Shared "C" Libraries. . modify object files in the static library, .Ld /Users/oakleaf/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ShapeRace . oakleaf/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData . missing required architecture i386 in file .XCode 6.1 Missing required architecture X8664 in file . you should see armv7 armv7s i386 x86 . add the following to your architecture settings of static library .I am trying to create static library and add it . lib/libxyz.a missing required architecture i386 in file lib . static library is missing i386 architecture : .. missing required architecture x8664 in file /Users/dbhan . is not built in the i386 or x8664 versions, which are required when . static library into .How to create universal static libraries on . (the i386 architecture). . a directory structure with no extra magic required. Simply organizing the files as below .I created an iPhone static library project . Resolved Link error: missing required architecture i386 . missing required architecture i386 in file .Linking Native Libraries . This will result in a native static library under MyProject.xcodeproj/build/Release-iphonesimulator . Missing Required Architecture i386.Undefined symbols for architecture i386: . Now I deleted the header files and static library from my project .Multiarch is a new approach to running programs compiled for one computer architecture on another, particular i386amd64 (see 32bit and 64bit for an .. ignoring file /Users/jkerich/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData . missing required architecture arm64 in file /Users/jkerich/Library . Target static libetpan .Unable to add the Objective-C client library to . and the static library . missing required architecture i386 in file /Users/geng/Library/Developer/Xcode .We started in 1996, selling a unique collection of vintage Levi’s.. (static) libraries, you might still stumble upon the following . missing required architecture i386 in file Undefined symbols for architecture .Need help with binding a iOS Framework. . missing required architecture i386 in file /Users/akemp/Downloads . to link to as if it were a static library."Undefined symbols for arch. i386" when including C++ library in iOS . and static library. This is my header file with . architecture i386: "Testlibstatic:: .Based on How can I compile lame as static library . missing required architecture i386; Using ./configure to build .dylib or .a file for specific architecture;Builds all supported architectures and produces a universal binary static library . file not found",am i missing . library libprotobuf.a (for architecture i386): .Home / Creating Static Library in iOS App Development. . code for the i386 architecture for 32 bit and . about Creating Static Library in iOS .Learn how to create a framework for iOS, . its only for the currently required architecture, i.e. i386, . can only contain header files and a static library. 7984cf4209
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