5 August 2007
Sunday 5:th of August, whale watch!
Went to a whale watch with one of the au pair groups, not my own though. Was pretty amusing, then we strolled around the town after that.
Unknown au pair to the left, to the right...hmm...Anja? I think..and in the background the New England Aquarium!
Boston view, the aquarium in the fore-ground. Our boat to out from the dock left to the boat in the right low corner of the picture.
"I'm sure that I saw something in the water over here, ohh, look! never mind it was just the ocean."
Each whale got a unique shaped hump/fin/what-ever-it's-called on their back, and can thus be idendified when seen.
This was the famous light house where captain hook lived out his last remaning years befor passing on to the other side so to speak.
...for a drink of water, at least that was what I hade, the other two tried to buy alcohol but with no luck.
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