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Daily Notebook: Keep Your Head in the Clouds: Lined Journal, 200 Lined Pages, 8"x10" (Journals, Notebooks and Diaries)
by Daily Journal
Inspire your creativity and get journaling!
For home, office, school or on the go, this professionally designed 8"x 10" notebook is the perfect size to take anywhere, and the perfect place to record all of your thoughts!
- 200 lined pages
- Durable matte cover stock
- Perfect bound
- Larger 8"x10" size accommodates all of your biggest ideas
Makes a wonderful purchase for yourself, or a great gift for birthdays, holidays, back to school and more.
Most designs available in 3 different sizes: 5.25"x8" (mini), 6"x9" and 8"x10". Visit the Daily Journal author page to view additional sizes and designs of this product.
Creativity follows its own rules!
Details:Price: $8.99bound: 202 pagesPublisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 3, 2017)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1545066256ISBN-13: 978-1545066256Weight: 1.1 pounds
Daily Notebook: Keep Your Head in the Clouds: Lined Journal, 200 Lined Pages, 8"x10" (Journals, Notebooks and Diaries) Daily Journal
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