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Manamune varus adc guide: >> << (Download)
Manamune varus adc guide: >> << (Read Online)
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2 days ago Hit Your Mark (Lethality). Varus Build. Summoner Spell 1 Heal Summoner Spell 2 Flash. Sorcery. LoL Path: Sorcery. LoL Rune: Arcane Comet Example Build. Muramana LoL. Muramana · Ionian Boots of Lucidity LoL. Ionian Boots of Lucidity · Youmuu's Ghostblade LoL. Youmuu's Ghostblade · Duskblade
I haven't gone bad with this build so I though I'd share it. (Can be played ADC or Mid lane) Build: Ionian Boots, Manamune, Hurricane, Rageblade,
Now with the buff on varus passive which i explain below Critical Damage varus build Is the way to go now.ITEM ORDER:Infinity Edge-Bersekers Greaver-Runnans Hurricane-Last Whisper-Phantom Dancer-Mercurial Scimitar-Lord Dominik's Switch qss for Bloodthirster if they dont have hard cc. As an adc Always rush bf
Runes: 9 AD Marks, 9 Armour Seals, AS or MR or MR/lvl Glyphs (however you like to run your glyphs on ADCs, I love running 9 AS personally when I can), 3 AS Quints. Items: Manamune, Berserker Greaves, Ghostblade, Essence Reaver, Runaans, Lord Dominik's OR BT/Merc Scim. This build you don't
Personally I think he suits mid a lot better and is a realtively poor ADC, who's responsibility (especially in this meta) is to just outlay as much AD over time. You don't have enough DPS if you use the Manamune > Armor Pen build, but you don't have enough poke when you go IE > PD/SS to use your poke.
My personal thoughts on this probably 90% pick rate mid champ now. Early game: Harass out the ass. Mid game: Manamunes done, you're dead. Late game: Pre-Rework Nidalee 2.0. Varus as an adc is fine, but when you bring him to mid lane, with a root for assassins, and unbearably strong poke against
Feb 17, 2017 So we can no longer build an attack speed item, after his core items, and turn him into adc. This doesnt work now. Explained Item and Purchase Order : (also see item notes) varus actually builds early Tear of the Goddess just so he has enough mana to spam his q. he doesn't really favor from the Muramana
I feel the same way about Varus, if you're going to be building a Manamune then you should might as well play in the midlane since you'd be itemizing for poke. ADC Varus can carry pretty well with a more standard build especially when boosted with his passive. You are now blinking and breathing
Feb 7, 2017 [Updated patch 7.2] Varus Guide (adc, lethality and ap). Varus build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Varus Youmuu's Ghostblade · Edge of Night LoL. Edge of Night · Muramana LoL. Muramana · Mortal Reminder LoL. Mortal Reminder · Mercurial Scimitar LoL. Mercurial Scimitar
Apr 11, 2016