9 April 2013
Okay så en liten foto story på G. Så att ingen blir upprörd eller så ( donno om någon skulle bli det av någon å anledning så ja... ) men Ravi har åkt ganska ordentligt på stryk och blivit l
Jasper: *walks into the room and finds Ravi there* Oh so you are home... i thought you went out last night Ravi: .... ah well yeah...*hides away from Jasper* Jasper: Hm... Is something wrong?
Jasper: So it has nothing to do with this dog tag being thrown into our bedroom trough the window last night? Ravi: ... Jasper: Come here and show me.... Ravi: ugh fine...*moves closer* just give me t
Jasper: Not until you show me... Ravi: whats up with the stupid outfit either way? Jasper: Just woke up...
jasper: Well? Ravi: my boyfriend showed up, and I broke up with him... he did n ´t like it... so he took my tags and tossed it away....beat me up and left... Don´t tell Rei about this...
Benji: wait... did you say gifts? Jasper: NOW you react? yes the boys from the band sent you the Easter gifts Benji: out of the way! *shoves*
Jasper: *struggles around under the blanket* Benji: oh eggs in different colors and chocolate from the guys!
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