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Killing American Style Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Mp4
Walking jawline Tony Stone (Robert Z'Dar), is a tough criminal with questionable recruitment criteria for his henchmen. After he and his goons pull off a heist at a surprisingly well-guarded ice cream truck depot, they're caught by Lt. Sunset (Jim Brown) and shipped off to the slammer. En route, Stone's brother-disguised as the most unconvincing woman ever-springs the gang and gets gut-shot for his efforts. In search of medical help, the bad guys invade the home of all-American bad ass John Morgan (Harold Diamond). Morgan plays along with the criminals to save his family, but an all-American bad ass can only take so much before deciding to kill.
I had high hopes for this film, having found Samurai Cop to be hilarious in its ineptitude. Unfortunately, director Amir Shervan seems to have learned a few things about film-making since then, and that's a bad thing. What I was hoping would be an incompetently funny movie is instead just plain boring. It does contain Shervan's usual tropes - big beefy men, hot 80's chicks, crappy fight scenes - but lacks the corniness of Samurai Cop.
There are a few things recycled over from Samurai Cop; some locations seem familiar and one song was straight from the last movie. But the biggest letdowns in the film are what's not in it. Everyone in this film who has long hair keeps it - there are no wigs that are in danger of falling off. Every reverse shot in a conversation takes place in the same location, unlike in Samurai Cop where actors are in obviously different rooms. And there are no bad pontificating speeches, reuse of locations (like the parking lot in Samurai Cop), or senseless stunts like Robert Z'Dar hiding in a laundry basket for no apparent reason. The result is just a bad movie that makes me want to fall asleep. A complete letdown.
A gang of vicious criminals who include the savage Tony Stone (the one and only Robert Z'Dar in fine ferocious form) and sexual sadist Lynch (a supremely slimy turn by John Lynch) pull off a bank robbery. The gang gets arrested, but manages to escape from a prison bus with assistance from an ugly transvestite (!) and seek refuge from the authorities in the home of tough guy John Morgan (hopelessly wooden slab of beef Harold Diamond, who sports one hell of a wicked mullet).
Writer/director Amir Shervan covers all the pleasingly putrid bad movie bases: We've got ineptly staged fights and shoot outs, cartoonishly nasty bad guys, outrageous over-the-top violence, a bitchin' rock soundtrack, a satisfying smattering of yummy gratuitous female nudity, choice cruddy dialogue (Tony shouts "What do you want from me?" during a heated confrontation with the police), and lots of hammy acting (Jimmy Williams clearly cops the top scenery-scarfing honors with his gut-busting histrionic portrayal of dim-witted hood Loony). Token big name Jim Brown as the hard-nosed Lt. Sunset looks suitably dazed and confused amid all the rampant absurdity. The always delectable Delia Sheppard positively sizzles as a tantalizing blonde babe (and, yep, Z'Dar does indeed do the deed with some foxy chick!). Alan Der Marderosian's pumping score does the heart-pounding trick. A real schlocky hoot.