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Bradwarden guide dota: >> << (Download)
Bradwarden guide dota: >> << (Read Online)
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INTRO. Bradwarden adalah tanker. apapun build up mu, dia adalah tanker. Apa itu tanker? “Pada dasarnya hero bisa disebut TANKER adalah dia yang dengan
5 Nov 2017 Unlike other tanks, Centaur Warrunner sacrifices some durability in exchange for damage output, and may have a hard time recovering if the
26 Oct 2012 Find top Centaur Warrunner build guides by DotA 2 players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and
12 Aug 2008 In this guide I will discuss the proper Item builds for Centaur, Skill builds, the Centaura€™s function in Dota Allstars, how to play him at all
Short description, In this DotA Hero Guide for Centaur Warchief - Bradwarden (aka Cent) you'll forge Centaur into a highly effective tank and battle starter that
22 Mar 2014 A brute centaur capable of dealing huge damage and returning damage Bradwarden the C. Subscribe to use this guide inside Dota 2.
Centaur Warrunner DOTA 2 Hero. Find all Centaur Warrunner stats and find build guides to help you play DOTA 2.
Bradwarden the Centaur Warchief is a hero from Dota Allstars, based in the Strength Sentinel Tavern.
6 days ago He is also a powerful tank, having the highest strength gain in the game. Bradwarden has immense natural health, and his skills' area of effect
14 Jun 2013 Dota Hero Item Build Bradwarden (Centaur Warchief). Bradwarden a tanker hero whose job is to protect her friends to be able to do its job.