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Grice Meaning Revisited Pdf Download ->->->->
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Google ScholarGrice uses his revised treatment of utterer’s meaning to refine the very rough and preliminary account of sentence meaning (structured utterance type meaning, in his terminology) he gave in “Meaning." His account thereof uses the notion of having a procedure in one’s repertoireThis paper considers the implications for philosophy of some recent approaches to pragmatics (with a focus on relevance theory) and makes two main points–––, 2007, “Grades of Meaning," Synthese, 161: 283–308If we did, there is a whole range of different kinds of value predicates or expressions which might be admitted in different types of caseBoth the analytic/synthetic distinction, which relies on a conception of truth by virtue of meaning, and the idea of a conversational implicature require for their full philosophical development a theory of meaning(1969) Speech ActsMore than two operators are required to handle the full range of things utterers mean, but a complete list is not necessary to formulate the revised account of meaning
D., 2005, Logic, Logic, Meaning and Conversation: Semantical Underdeterminancy, Implicature, and their Interface, Oxford: Oxford University PressReasoning 6Reprinted in SWWPGrice’s response is that to argue that in most circumstances it is conversationally inappropriate to make that assertion because it violates conversational principles, not because it is false
An Essay in the Philosophy of LanguageThis paper argues, however, that the versions of these notions most often attributed to Grice may not be the ones he intendedThis material may not be copied or reposted without explicit permission.) ." Abstract - Add to MetaCart 1995, ppOn this issue, Grice is not committed to an equivalence relation of synonymy (thus his remark above about indeterminacy), and he parts company with Quine over whether clear identity conditions are requiredBunin and E
These can both be illustrated with their pair of example sentences: My neighbor’s three year old child understands Russell’s theory of typesJosef Eisenmeier, Alfred Kastil, Oskar Kraus, in: Gesammelte Schriften, IIThis pattern of justifications also yields an explanationThus: “The utterer has the resultant procedure of uttering "He brandished his clarinet like a tomahawk“ intending (1) that the audience believe that the utter believes he brandished his clarinet like a tomahawk; (2) that the audience recognize that intention (1); and (3) that this recognition be part of the audience’s reason for believing that the utterer believes that he brandished his clarinet like a tomahawkGrice, as we have already noted, thinks that everyday psychological theory is of first importanceThis is a standard, non-deceptive use; hence I should believe that she brandished her clarinet like a tomahawk." Grice’s post-1957 work on meaning divides along two linesThe account does not capture this aspect of sentence meaning at allThis paper defends the broadly Gricean view that pragmatic interpretation is ultimately an exercise in mind-reading, involving the inferential attribution of intentionsRecall that he represented the indicative case by: (U) means that (vdash)(the door is closed);the imperative: (U) means that !(the door is closed)Many writers argued that it would be inappropriate for someone to make the assertion if they knew that George was not driving
The category of Quantity includes two injunctions, one to make your contribution as informative as is required, and the second to make it no more informative than is requiredOntology Grice’s ontological views are liberalFor example, as a result of reading the last sentence, you believe that we believe that audiences regard utterers as having the intentions specified in the account of utterers’ meaning when audiences are called upon to justify the beliefs and actions they form in response to utterancesBut in many contexts, the speaker would be taken to imply that the person had committed at least one crime and was likely to be convicted in the futureThe appeal to such counterfactuals is explanatory to the extent that speakers and audiences meet this condition: for a wide range of cases of speaker meaning, speakers reliably make utterances and audiences reliably respond without reasoning in (more or less) ways they would have if they had reasoned with sufficient time, insight, and attention c16eaae032