Wednesday 31 March 2010 photo 1/1
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Har jag nämnt hur jävla mycket jag älskar Primordial på sistone? Lyssna på The Gathering Wilderness och To the Nameless Dead så ser ni. Ingen annan (utom Magnum) lyckas kombinera text och musik så bra för att få fram en sådan ångestfylld och underbar stämning.
Speciellt två står ut för min del -
"Days drift and I rise to the cold sun
I was born an old child
With no place for faith in my heart
Aged in my sleep or bitter times ahead
You may say I've given up the ghost
Once and for all admitted defeat
And laid out my hand for all to see
And made peace with the beast in me
Winter mocks me though he does not need to
call my name
He thinks my bones are brittle
And the grip of my resolve is tired
Sullen and weakened just the same
I don't remember when it happened
When the clocks stopped
Their hands tied
And my heart stood still
I have saved the least for last
Torn out all who reached for me
A beggar before beauty
Failures burden rests with me
Every man is evil
Every man a Liar
And every word he speaks
Kindling to the Fire"
- Failures Burden.
Texten summerar hur jag mått under den senaste tiden perfekt, även om det har dyckt upp ett svagt ljus i tunneln. Och för en gångs skull tänker jag inte nämna något om ett tåg :P Sista versen är för övrigt en ganska klockren (om än överdriven) kopia av min människosyn.
The sea will be as a desert
When my bones are long to dust
Beneath shifting dunes
And the searing Unconquerable son
Pile the bodies on the pyre
Warm the old heart of the earth
This is no place for faith, nor for hope
Just a journey through the darkest of nights
To the old heart of the earth
These are wounds made by cold hands
That know the bite of steel
Hands that have rendered life extinct
And punished the weak at heart
Tell me what Nation on this Earth
Is not born of Tragedy?
That has not felt such harsh weapons
Wielded by cruelty's desire"
- No Nation On this Earth
Det låter som om de spelade in låten samtidigt som världen långsamt brann ned och mänskligheten dog runt omkring dem. Ingen annan låt (Cult of Lunas Somewhere Along the Highway och Red Sparrowes At The Soundless Dawn skivor kommer nära men inte på samma sätt) har en sådan tung känsla av ren och skär undergång och ångest. Måste jag ens säga att jag älskar låten?
Se till att få tag på diskografin pch lyssna. SKitvärt det. En av de bästa sångarna (och jag vet att jag säger så lite för ofta :P) någonsin med.
I was born an old child
With no place for faith in my heart
Aged in my sleep or bitter times ahead
You may say I've given up the ghost
Once and for all admitted defeat
And laid out my hand for all to see
And made peace with the beast in me
Winter mocks me though he does not need to
call my name
He thinks my bones are brittle
And the grip of my resolve is tired
Sullen and weakened just the same
I don't remember when it happened
When the clocks stopped
Their hands tied
And my heart stood still
I have saved the least for last
Torn out all who reached for me
A beggar before beauty
Failures burden rests with me
Every man is evil
Every man a Liar
And every word he speaks
Kindling to the Fire"
The sea will be as a desert
When my bones are long to dust
Beneath shifting dunes
And the searing Unconquerable son
Pile the bodies on the pyre
Warm the old heart of the earth
This is no place for faith, nor for hope
Just a journey through the darkest of nights
To the old heart of the earth
These are wounds made by cold hands
That know the bite of steel
Hands that have rendered life extinct
And punished the weak at heart
Tell me what Nation on this Earth
Is not born of Tragedy?
That has not felt such harsh weapons
Wielded by cruelty's desire"