Wednesday 19 September 2018 photo 2/3
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A Force Of One 720p Torrent
When the detectives of an undercover police unit are being mysteriously killed by a martial artist, a professional kickboxer is hired to assist them.
A team of undercover narcotics agents is conducting an investigation when things mysteriously begin to go haywire. One by one, the squad is eliminated by an assassin. To help discover the identity of the karate killer, the police enlist the aid of karate champion Matt Logan.
Chuck Norris may have had top billing, but it was the debut of Bill Wallace as the psychotic "Sparks" that drew some of us to this one. The first full-contact middleweight karate champion of the world, Wallace was ideal for the part: he had the charisma as well as the genuine physical skills (as his reign as undefeated middleweight champion attests) to pull it off. (Even better than the fight scenes here are the fight scenes with Jackie Chan in THE PROTECTOR.) Wallace also went on to do some of the ringside commentary for the first of the Ultimate Fighting Championships. (The most recent UFC- 91- was a throwback to UFC 1, when there were no weight divisions: the hulking Brock Lesnar- big and strong and fast and mean and unafraid to prove it to a man half his size- hammered sentimental favorite Randy Couture into submission in the second round. Prior to the mismatch, Lesnar had loudly proclaimed himself big and strong, etc., and made a clear delineation between himself and the classier prizefighters of yore. Like Wallace.)
This is a for the most part a watchable action film,but It's only average at best. It has a couple of good scraps, and the finale is excellent, however it was a bit talky at times,and some of the dialog bored me, but it did have a couple powerful moments, and Chuck Norris was a lot of fun to watch. It's very low budget,and it had a couple of laughable moments, but it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't really that good either. The Direction Is average, but decent for a low very low budget film. Paul Aaron,does what he can, but it's nothing special, rather bland actually, but still he keeps the film at least watchable throughout. The Acting is not bad. Chuck Norris is very good here,while he was somewhat wooden at times, he was a lot of fun to watch, and did a credible job for the most part!(Norris rules). Jennifer O'Neill is very good here, she had good chemistry with Norris, and was very likable. Clu Gulager is a great character actor and was excellent as the detective. Bill Wallace is terrible acting wise, but shows off his outstanding martial art skills. Overall worth one watch i suppose but nothing more then that. ** out of 5