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Protection's Brood: A Presentation of the Direct and Indiret Consequences of the Continuance of a Protective Tariff System in the United States
by William W. Crehore
The original advocates of a tariff for protection in this country were compelled by the ravages of a great civil war to find a method of increasing revenue for meeting the obligations of our government. Previous to the War between the North and the South our tariff laws were framed on the basis of a tariff for revenue only. After the war it was thought wise by the party in power to arrange a tariff schedule which would incidentally benefit certain manufacturing interests, and at the same time add materially to the income of the Federal Government.
The men who suggested this innovation and those who were intrusted with the task of preparing the tariff schedules were at that time high in the confidence of the Republican Party. They felt particularly the responsibility which accompanied victory in the terrible scenes of the preceding years and they assumed the task of raising additional revenue with a deep sense of their duty to an impoverished country. In the discussions which marked that period the feeling evidently prevailed that a protective tariff ought to be adopted mainly for the purpose of raising revenue, and only incidentally for the protection of infant industries. It was argued that by the adoption of protection certain lines of manufacturing could be undertaken in this country which had not previously been thought to pay, and that by the aid of protection during the first few years of their existence they would then be firmly established on a basis which would be self sustaining.
It was only because of the difficulty and uncertainty in determining how long a period protection should be continued in each case that a time limit was not incorporated in the tariff laws framed in those days. Even as late as 1878 and 1879 the sentiment among prominent leaders of the Republican Party was for a protective tariff whose tenure should be limited merely to the extent of establishing each protected industry upon a firm commercial basis, and after that it should be withdrawn. "I am for that kind of Protection," said James A. Garfield on the floor of the House of Representatives, "that leads to free trade.''....
Price: $10.99
bound: 256 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 24, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1546913793
ISBN-13: 978-1546913795
Weight: 15.8 ounces