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Example for both cases, using German style: The first stands for omitted letters, the second All Rights Reserved.The combination "ellipsis+period" is replaced by the ellipsisAccording to the Associated Press, the ellipsis should be used to condense quotationsWhen applied in Polish language syntax, the ellipsis is called wielokropek, which means "multidot" ABC DEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ ABC DEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX YZ () pRat fr deutsche RechtschreibungThe reason behind its popularity is the fact that it allows people to indicate in writing several functions:
^ Maness, Jack MBackground[edit].3-, Ramsey, Jane E"Disagreement, Confusion, Disapproval, Turn Elicitation and Floor Holding: Actions accomplished by Ellipsis Marks-Only Turns and Blank Turns in Quasisynchronous Chat"For example, when Sue says "I never drink wine...", the implication is that she does drink something elsesuch as vodkaLook up ellipsis in Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Hah Additional site navigation About eBay Announcements Community Security Center Resolution Center Seller Information Center Policies Affiliates Help & Contact Site MapCopyright 1995-2017 eBay IncDepending on their context and placement in a sentence, ellipses can indicate an unfinished thought, a leading statement, a slight pause, an echoing voice, or a nervous or awkward silence1 + 2 + 3 + ⋯ + 100 = ∑ n = 1 100 n {displaystyle 1+2+3+cdots +100 =sum {n=1}^{100}n} 1 2 3 ⋯ 100 = ∏ n = 1 100 n = 100 ! {displaystyle 1times 2times 3times cdots times 100 =prod {n=1}^{100}n=100!} (see factorial) Not to be confused with EllipseThe horizontal ellipsis character also appears in the following older character maps:^ ^ Goldstein, Norm, editor^ ^ as coined by Virginia Woolf in her short story The Mark on The Wall -- or so do notes in Penguin Books' edition (Virginia Woolf: Selected Short Stories) suggestSkip to main contenteBayShop by categoryShop by categoryEnter your search keywordAll CategoriesAdvancedHi (Sign in to bid or buy) Daily Deals Gift Cards Help & Contact Sell My eBayExpand My eBay Summary Bids/Offers Watch list Wish list All lists Purchase history Selling My Collections Followed searches MessagesNotification {"url":" Browse Torrents
in Windows-1250Windows-1258 and in IBM/MS-DOS Code page 874, at code 85 (hexadecimal) in Mac-Roman, Mac-CentEuro and several other Macintosh encodings, at code C9 (hexadecimal) in Ventura International encoding at code C1 (hexadecimal) The most common character corresponding to an ellipsis is called 3-ten rd ("3-dot leaders", )In legal writing in the United States, Rule 5.3 in the Bluebook citation guide governs the use of ellipses and requires a space before the first dot and between the two subsequent dotsName Glyph TeX markup Lower ellipsis … {displaystyle ldots } ldots Centred ellipsis ⋯ {displaystyle cdots } cdots Diagonal ellipsis ⋱ {displaystyle ddots } ddots Vertical ellipsis ⋮ {displaystyle vdots } vdots ^ User's Guide for the amsmath Package15When an ellipsis replaces a fragment omitted from a quotation, the ellipsis is enclosed in parentheses or square bracketsExample: I think that The Chicago Style Q&A recommends to avoid the use of (U+2026) character in manuscripts and to place three periods plus two nonbreaking spaces (...) instead, so that an editor, publisher, or designer can replace them later.[27]This page does not exist
Fourth Canadian EditionOn the Internet and in text messaging[edit]In German[edit]In the 19th and early 20th centuries, an ellipsis was often used when a writer intentionally omitted a specific proper noun, such as a location: "Jan was born on ...Street in Warsaw."Note on the Texts.) or a precomposed triple-dot glyph ()The Chicago Manual of Style, edition 16References[edit] c3545f6b32