Saturday 11 June 2016 photo 2/3
Sat 9 Jul 2016 17:11
Trump vill till skillnad från Clinton föra en dialog med Putin. :D Han har dessutom kritiserat NATO flertalet gånger. If I have to choose? I'd choose Trump.
Mon 13 Jun 2016 10:38
Pretty much. That and Trump being an absolutely moronic racist som har ingen koll på något kind of terrifies me.
♠♣ BringindanoiseBringindafunki ♣♠
Tue 14 Jun 2016 13:50
Men bu fucking hu har du inte fattat att allt är riggat?
♠♣ BringindanoiseBringindafunki ♣♠
Wed 15 Jun 2016 13:21
Are you suggesting that 9/11 didn't change everything?
Because it did, Synyster.
It changed EVERYTHING.
Because it did, Synyster.
It changed EVERYTHING.
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