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Cios36 rev 14 installer
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2 min - Uploaded by Xavier Floresinstall cios 38 rev 14 en tant que cios 249. Category. Gaming. License. Standard YouTube. "IOS38-64-v3867.wad" original WAD file (for WAD installation). - Network connection (for Network installation). [ HOW TO INSTALL IT ]: WAD Installation: - Copy "IOS38-64-v3867.wad" file to the root of a SD card. - Insert the SD card on your Wii. - Run the installer and select "WAD Installation". Network. [+] Custom IOS Installer (rev 21) |. Copy the WAD file of the IOS to be used as base to the root directory of a storage device (SD card or USB device).. Run the installer. - Select the IOS version to use as base (default option recommended). - Select "WAD Installation". - Select the storage device where you. [+] Custom IOS Installer (rev 19) |. Copy the WAD file of the IOS to be used as base to the root directory of a storage device (SD card or USB device).. Run the installer. - Select the IOS version to use as base (default option recommended). - Select "WAD Installation". - Select the storage device where you. Custom IOS36 rev 7. Filename, Date Posted, Nov 14, 2008. Categories, Applications, Wii. Tags, Wii. Downloads, 4507. Description: +-----------+| CHANGELOG |+-----------+[ CIOS36 rev 07 ]:- DIP plugin updated (lots of improvements). Custom IOSes such as IOS249 (aka cIOS36, cIOS38 and cIOSx) augment the way the Wii accesses data. For instance, in. Note that the 249 slot is not actually used in our installation (it was in previous versions of the tutorial). If installed. Dual layer games are buggy in rev 14 and rev 16. Try using rev 17. Step 3: Installing CIOS36 Rev 10. Picture of Installing CIOS36 Rev 10. 1. Open up your homebrew channel and launch the cIOS36 rev 14 installer. 2. You press A to accept the agreement and then use left and right to choose your installation method. I would reccomend Network, but there are the inevitable. cIOS38 rev14. Nachdem die erste cIOS Version basierend auf IOS38 nur Probleme machte, scheinen die Probleme nun behoben zu sein und man kann bedenkenlos von cIOS36 auf cIOS38 wechseln. Zur Installation wird das originale IOS38 "IOS38-64-v3610.wad" benötigt. Diese ist von Nintendo und darf deshalb nicht. Waninkoko has released yet another bugfix release for his popular Custom IOS. This should hopefully have fixed all the problems that have been plaguing his cIOS, including broken DL discs, and dodgy Error 001 prevention. According to reports from GBAtemp, Brawl works, there is no Error 001, NSMB. Ps: Comme d'habitude, pas besoin de désinstaller les anciennes versions ou quoi que se soit avant d'installer le rev14.. [ CIOS36 rev 06 ]: - Suppression du Custom DIP Module 0.2 - Ajout d'un patch DIP Module pour le lancement de backup avec la nouvelle version du Backup Launcher de WiiGator 125, Custom IOS X Installer rev21 / Uninstaller 1.1, 23/12/10 à 23:23:33, Homebrew Wii, 118811, 187430.. [ CIOS38 rev 14 ] - Support pour les jeux avec la nouvelle erreur 002. - Mise à jour du plugin DIP (émulation de la commande "cover" corrigée). - Mise à jour du plugin ES. - Mise à jour du plugin FFS. - Amélioration du. SDHC-Support * Das Installieren von Wad-Dateien funktioniert nur unter IOS38 als Basis-IOS wenn man nicht den WAD Manager 1.7 nimmt... Juni 2009, 11:14. Original von Timberman Punchout bringt bei dieser Version immer noch den 002 Error... EDIT: Rev 13b wurde soeben released. Damit sollte der. CIOS36 rev 07 Installer CIOS36 rev 08 Installer CIOS36 rev 09 Installer CIOS36 rev 10 Installer CIOS38 rev 12 Installer CIOS38 rev 13 Installer CIOS38 rev 13b Installer CIOS38 rev 14 Installer CIOS38 rev 15 Installer CIOS38 rev 16 Installer CIOS38 rev 17 Installer CIOS 38 Build 24-01-2010. CIOS X rev 18. IOS36-64-v3351 - Used by: Smash Bros. nsmb proper fix added. SignCheck usbloader_gx, wAD Manager.5 database. Be sure you understand what you are removing before diving in and clearing out your Wii, as you may cause a brick.Misc improvements and fixes.DIP plugin improved.Cios36 rev 08: - Custom. Tutoriel de création et installation de cIOS à partir de l'IOS. With the release of his new SD/USB iso loader (above) Waninkoko has released revision 10 of his CIOS. All the important bits are below +--------------- meta.xml. version="1.2"> Custom IOS38 Installer 17 2.0version> Waninkoko Installs the latest CIOS. This is a Custom IOS, an IOS modified to add some. aqui en una carpeta del pc tengo guardado desde que se sacó lo primero por waninkoko ios36-64-v1042.wad solo que aun no me han devuelto mi wii.. La duda que tengo es si he perdido la funcionalidad del cIOS36 rev 10 al instalar el IOS36-64-v1042.wad y si puedo recuperarlo reinstalándolo sin. HackMii installer (HBC, BootMii, DVDX): – cIOS36_rev10_Installer: não tenho link aqui mas no deve ter. – cIOS36 rev14: * – NeoGamma R7 (backup launcher): Téléchargements: 14. Uploads: 3. Merci: 365. Remercié 833 fois dans 523 Posts. infos [Topic Unique] Le cIOS de Waninkoko - Actuel = rev21 / d2x v7 - Maj... rev20b = rev 20 + correction bug d'installation de la rev20 sur certaines Wii + support du pas GC pour l'installation + support de slots customs pour installer. Custom IOS36 installer rev09 cios36 即安装后ios249 离线安装-转自91WII,作者kavid 仔细按照安装说明来进行安装,不要用CFM安装IOS36 两种安装方式:. [ CIOS36 rev 09 ]:. - 由kwiirk 制作的EHCI module 增加了进来. - 在Dip 插件中支持usb模式 - 移除NAND 允许检测. (907.79 KB,. uso una sd, uitilice el nus installer, con el iso36-64-v3351 y nada dice que no puede leer la memoria. Ayuuuuuuda por favor y aqui envio mi reporte de consola: sysCheck v2.1.0b14 por Double_A y R2-D2199.corre en. IOS58 (rev 6176). Region: NTSC-U. Menu de. Sistema 4.3U (v513). La unidad es Toute l'information sur cios 36 rev 14 sur GAMERGEN.COM, le portail français consacré à l'actualité du geek. IOS 34 (rev 3348),No,Disabled,Disabled,Disabled,Disabled,Disabled,Disabled,"Mostly used by the HackMii Installer as long as it's not fakesigned." IOS 35 (rev 3349),No,Disabled,Disabled. Cios36 rev 14 download. Click here to get file. Run backups on any wii without a modchip updated . During the install process of this, you need to go back to step 7.5 above and make sure the version of ios 36 installed is the hacked cios version with. custom ios installer v36 rev 10 developed by waninkoko. CIOS36 Rev9 Installer Zip ->->->-> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . custom ios installer 2.3 custom ios installer cydia ios installer custom ios installer 2.2 custom ios installer 2.3 freeze cydia ios installer.weebly cios installer wii 4.3e cios installer wii 4.3u cios installer rev21 cios installer. Introduction and Tips for Wii Homebrew By SoraK05 Last edited by SoraK05; 03-14-2009 at 08:51 AM.... Through the Wii via Homebrew You will need to have the following: 1) Waninkoko's cIOS 36 rev 7 (IOS36 WAD required on root of SD Card, and not provided in downloadable package file) - A Custom. Post last updated: 19th of August 2011, but before that it was February 2010. If the screenshots don't exactly match up (i.e. says to install WAD Manager v1.5 mod3, screenshots have v1.4 etc) – don't panic, I've just updated the article but not the screenshots. Also, I've added mention to using LetterBomb. rev14 推進 オフラインでの使用の場合 以下の2つのWADをNUSDownloader で用意して下さい NUSDownloader の使い方は コチラ. IOS36-64-v3094.wad. IOS38-64-v3867.wad SD内の構成. SD ┣ appsフォルダ - cIOS36_rev10-Installerフォルダ - boot.dol ┣ appsフォルダ - cIOS36_rev15-Installerフォルダ - boot. Die IOS249 ist im Grunde eine gepatchte IOS36, neuerdings IOS38. Daher wird sie auch meist cIOS36 (bis rev11 - ab rev12 basiert sie auf IOS38) genannt. Diese IOS249 wird von fast allen Homebrews benötigt die ins System eingreifen oder aber zusätzliche Systemfunktionen benötigen, die Nintendo von. 第2回目、TBR(Trucha Bug Restorer)を使ったcIOS249の導入と、一番よく使われるcIOS36,55,223の導入について紹介させていただきます。 ご購入時のファームウェアが4.0/4.1J. 的にダウングレードされます。) 2.cIOS38_rev14-InstallerでIOS249をrev14にバージョンアップし、IOS250 rev65535を インストールします。
Since: 10-14-11. I want to install a wad file on my Wii. I have the homebrew channel installed so I think my Wii is ready to install wad files. I have looked up some information about wad files and how they work but there are still a couple of things I am not sure about. - How safe are wads? I don't wanna install. Homebrew installed. I am trying to get this working. I have a 1TB Western Digital Essential HD USB and SD Card Upon reading let me see if I have the proper procedures so I dont brick my Wii I first get wad manager to load CIOS36 Rev 9 Waniniko Then CIOS60 wad. Load USB GX Format HDD to WBFS. Wii Custom IOS36 rev 10 Installerをインストールしたらエラーが出てリセットされてしまうんですが、どうすればいいですか? Pimp My Wiiでインストールしたほうがいいですよ。IOS36はもちろんインストールができ... Q. I have formatted the device correctly and have cIOS 36 rev 8+ but I am still getting this error; how would i fix this? A. Be sure to have the device hooked up to the Wii before you power it on. You may lack USB support as well. Installing cIOS38rev14 would clear this up. -1: Wad Install Error Most likely have. 1.- Copiar el contenido de de la carpeta SD de este archivo en la SD. 2.- Iniciamos el canal HomeBrew Channel. 3.- Ahora seleccionamos el sIOS installer.Instalar todos los cIOS (rev10, rev12, rev13b y rev14). - Elegir el cIOS36 rev10 Installer e iniciarlo. - Elegir "Network Installation" pulsando derecha con. 2009年4月7日. Wiiハックの第一人者(異端児と呼ばれてたりもする)、Waninkoko 氏のブログ にて USB Loader というものがリリースされている。 なんと. ついに. USBにコピーしたISOイメージからの起動に成功である。 USBから起動できるとどうなるかと言うと… ・ バックアップ「ディスク」を作成し. 1. ติดตั้ง cIOS36 Rev10 และ cIOS38 Rev14 และ cIOS 222 Installer ตามลำดับ เพื่อที่จะทำให้เครื่อง wii ใช้งาน usb เป็น usb2.0 นะครับ และเพื่อ support โปรแกรม usb loader ด้วย 1.1 เข้า HomeBrew Channel เลือกที่ cIOS36 Rev10 Installer กด A เลือก Load จะเจอหน้าจอ DISCLAIMER ให้ กด A 1.2 หน้าจอ Select installation. 29. Nov. 2009. Habe eine Wii mit System 3.2e Edit: Muss man vielleicht dann mit dem IOS38 rev. 14 Installer das IOS36 installieren? Welches. Also habe ich das jetzt richtig verstanden, daß vorher überhaupt kein IOS249 bei mir installiert war und der CIOS36 rev 6 Installer ein IOS249 einfach zusätzlich installiert hat? 1. ติดตั้ง cIOS36 Rev10 และ cIOS38 Rev14 และ cIOS 222 Installer ตามลำดับ เพื่อที่จะทำให้เครื่อง wii ใช้งาน usb เป็น usb2.0 นะครับ และเพื่อ support โปรแกรม usb loader ด้วย 1.1 เข้า HomeBrew Channel เลือกที่ cIOS36 Rev10 Installer กด A เลือก Load จะเจอหน้าจอ DISCLAIMER ให้ กด A 1.2 หน้าจอ Select installation. Update ครับ ลองทำตามแล้ว เข้า cIOS38 Rev14 มีแต่เสียงเพลง แล้วค้าง ไม่สามารถ กด A เพื่อดำเนินการต่อได้ เข้า wadmanager ลง USB Loader GX-UNEO_Forwarder.wad และ USBLoaderCFG_Forwarder-UCXF.wad ได้ แค่รันแล้วค้างแฮ้งเลย เข้า cIOS36 Rev10 และ cIOS Unstaller แล้วค้างมืดเลย ขอบคุณครับ ตอนที่เข้าไปลง. תוריד wad manager 2.מההורדות שאני הבאתי יש iosים שהם בקובץ wad 3/אתה שם אותם בתיקיית WAD בכרטיס זיכרון 4.נכנס להומברו צ'אנל ולwad manager בוחר את הiosים הרצויים ומתקין אם אתה רוצה להתקין מcios installer אתה מוריד cios installer גירסה 18 1.שם את הwadים שמתאימים לcios rev installer 18 אבל אתה לא שם אותם. ... luck with AMD. They said it should work. Can anyone help Ray Adams, Subin Abraham1, stalemate1 and 1 others like this. Test Automation o Execution of automated test scripts o. Development of automated test scripts Capture full desktop window Open up your homebrew channel and launch the. cIOS36 rev 14 installer. 2009年4月8日. 2、選擇cIOS Installer如下圖紅框,按remote的 usb0002.jpg. 3、再按remote的 usb0003.jpg. 4、看到版權宣告,一樣再按remote的 usb0004.jpg. 5、用remote j 來選擇「Network installation」安裝 usb0006.jpg. 6、開始安裝 usb007.jpg. 5、看到下面的安裝畫面了,安裝就是成功。按任何一鍵離開。 usb0009.jpg. Q. I have formatted the device correctly and have cIOS 36 rev 8+ but I am still getting this error; how would i fix this?【问:我. 也有可能你缺乏USB的支持;安装cIOS38 rev14应该能解决这个问题。】 -1:. 如果你是在使用cios38rev14安装程序时看到的这个-1错误,那就要把ios38-64-3610.wad放到SD卡的根目录。 ... bisogna installare il CIOS 36 rev 10. CIOS sta per Custom IOS, è un "file di sistema" del Wii contenente determinate modifiche. Per maggiori informazioni, leggete che cos'è un CIOS; Scaricate il CIOS da qua; Estraete lo zip sulla una scheda SD, mettendo il file cIOS36_rev10-Installer.dol in X:appscios e. 14. Wow, sudah bisa main game kopian juga yach? Sst. jangan keras-keras. 15. Terus kalo saya beli Wii saya dapet apa aja? Untuk Wii versi US kamu mendapatkan consolenya itu sendiri, 1 buah wiimote, 1 buah nunchunk,... 5 = install ciosfix diperlukan untuk bisa menjalankan cios36 rev 10 installer Homebrew On The Wii - How To Run Your Games From A USB Hard Drive. 20/05/2009 at 20:10 Richard Horne 20 COMMENTS. -. The Wii's homebrew scene is, believe it or not, a surprisingly burgeoning and active community. And there are actually numerous legal and legitimate reasons for wanting to. 2012年7月8日. 久々にWiiハックをしたので最近のハック事情を調べてやった備忘録。 wikiをみたかんじ、2012/07/07現在の最新バージョンは4.32Jの模様最近のハックはDiscなしで簡単にハックできるようになったみたいで、敷居がだいぶ下がりました。 今回は、LetterBombによるハックと、d2x-cios-installerを使ったciosのインストールまで. Bonjour à tous, Alors voilà : ma WII était une 3.1E avec un CIOS36 rev10 et un backup launcher 0.3 gamma, le tout lancé via la chaine homebrew launcher.. Là je lance la chaine homebrew launcher et je vois le cios38 rev14 installer dans APPS, je clique sur l'icône et. rien, juste le lecteur qui s'éclaire. 請勿安裝IOS222-64-v65280、IOS223-64-v65280、IOS249-64-v65280、IOS250-64-v65280, 這是任社的Stub IOS, 只作為Wad Manager 中刪除Stub IOS 用, 請不要安裝它! 請注意, 如果.. (9) Problem: CIOS36 與CIOS38 要安裝哪個呢? Solution:. (14) Snes9xGX --- v4.1.9 (15) Wii64.
Custom IOSとはPSPのCFWと同じです. Custom IOSはWiiのPSP CFW版だと考えていただければわかると思います。 なお対応しているWiiのバージョンは3.3J rev1以前 ですので予めダウングレードを施してください。 Wii ダウングレード 導入解説記事. Wiiをダウングレードしたかたや最初から3.3J rev1 のかたは. Wii Custom. cIOS 36 rev14 to play games via usb? adewii says: February 1, 2010 at 9:19 pm. Yes, follow all the steps in the guide!!!!!! Tigre1973 says: February 1, 2010 at 5:52 pm. Hello. I have updated my Wii a few months ago, and last week I updated a new Wii from a friend of mine. I notice that some cIOS files and. 先在WII上安装USBLOADER频道和CIOS36 REV14(已安装的可以跳过) 下载附件的USBLOADER傻瓜包解压,把里面的文件复制到SD卡根目录然后进入HBC频道选取wad manager程序,选择里面的3个WAD文件按手柄的+号进行安装。 选择USB设备,转化格式 首先,我们要先确定下究竟自己想要用哪一种USB. I recently bought a hacked Wii and I have no idea what's been done to it or how it was hacked. The Wii is up to 4.3, but HBC is only on 1.0.8, so... I will explain here how to get cIOS38r14 by waninkoko. You can also install another rev of this cIOS (don't go lower than r9) or a rev of IOS222/223 by hermes. All IOS have different uses and bugs. Its up to you to find out what these are. Get the installer here: . 27 april 2009. Voor mensen met al hbc, draai de installer gewoon daarmee. ook te starten met twilight hack. en ook met de nieuwe bannerbomb uiteraard. De installer.. [ Bericht 49% gewijzigd door __Saviour__ op 14-05-2009 14:24:08 ]... En ik had nog gehoord dat er binnenkort nog een cIOS36 rev 11 update komt. cios36 rev 14 wad download, wii ios249 rev 14 download. グーグルで調べてもios202-222-223_offline-installerものが必要みたいなのですが、上記の物をインストールしても大丈夫なのでしょうか? また、インストール. 私もCIOS38のrev14及びrev15で試してみましたがどちらもブラックアウトしてしまいました( ̄□ ̄;)!. もしくわCIOS38 rev・・・からCIOS36 rev・・・あたりに下げるか。 4.0J cIOS36-rev10 です. まず CIOS USB2 MLOADをインスコ GXのrevを575にして(今 573です) Yaulctは1.1(今 1.2です) で やってみます Wii Sport リゾートの時は 又 設定を変えないと出来ませんか?.. Custom IOS38 rev 14 Installerを導入後、SDカードからインストールしたwadを起動させればいいんでしょうか? just take assurance that this is how my wii is setup and how I think your wii should be (if you care). System Menu 4.1 v544##. IOS14 (rev 520 ): No Patches. IOS15 (rev 523 ): No Patches.. cios36 has trucha, es-identify, nand, r13 dip- allows for recovery via mario kart patched channel install or Castelvenia. 開啟HBC後,執行IOS38rev14 Installer,載入IOS36後選擇Wad Installation 安裝1.2... 沒硬即軟-軟改需裝: (1)HBC(版本不限) (2)USB Loader ConFiG v50~v52a & WiiFlow 1.1 & USB Loader GX 898皆可(3)cIOS38-rev*版本v12~v17任一版即. 早期是cIOS36-v9或v10) Kyo大神強烈建議是用cIOS38v17版! Come ben tutti (o la maggior parte) saprete, vi sono varie utility per gestire i WAD ed ISO. A mio parere la migliore, ed anche quella con l'interfaccia grafica più gradevole, è Wiizle Diizle Shiizle (WDS). Con questa utility potrete non solo analizzare l'ISO di un gioco, patchare la regione e rimuovere l'update. [1] Prerequisites & setup [1a] Installing an IOS that accepts fakesigning [1b] Channel & Forwarder [1c] [OPTIONAL]Autobooting and returning to USB loader GX [1d].. cIOS38r14: cIOS installers cIOS38r12:. HOW TO INSTALL IT WAD Installation: - Copy "IOS36-64-v1042.wad" file to the root of a SD card. - Insert the SD. CIOS36 rev 08 - Custom IOCTL_DI_OFFSET command (for multigame support). - Support for. 14 and thats all? zzk2001: OK, i'll try to help you understand =PWith the New cios Rev15 they Set one of the IOSs. 46.SDカードをWiiに入れて起動させ、HBCから『cIOS38_rev16-Installer』を選びます。 rev16-3.jpg 47... ↑236のインストールてのはCustom IOS38 rev 14を236でインストールできないってことですか? Wiiバージョン... かずさんのCIOS36-rev10とIOS36-64-v1042.wadで試してもブラックアウトとフリーズです。初めから. Revisão como se fosse versão, por exemplo, rev14 é Revisão 14, ou seja, criaram-se 14 tipos diferentes desse programa, cada uma mais atual que o outro e com... bom meio de verificar se está tudo certo é olhando a primeira IOS do Wad Mananger, a descrita pelo Neogamma e a primeira dos cIOS36/38/x revY Instaler. Wii Error Message 에러 메시지원인 및 발생해결책#001 / #002Big-N 방식으로 구현된 것cIOS 249 rev 14 이상의 버전 설치네오감마 또는 겟코로 실행네오. 3.3 / 3.4로 다운그레이드시 발생cIOS 37 삭제 > cIOS 36 재 설치 후 작업(벽돌 위험 있음)ret= -1035IOS가 잘못 설정되어 WAD Manager 실행시 발생WAD. LocalizaciónZA WARUDO. Publicado 25 October 2010 - 10:36 PM. Yo tengo una duda similar, y es que desde que actualice el homebrew al 1.0.8, no me van ciertas apps. Si intento reinstalar el cios 249 SIEMPRE ME DA ERROR -1 Y ME SACA DEL INSTALLER DE VUELTA AL MENU DEL HOMEBREW 5. ios36설치 후 재부팅 6. wad manager 재구동후 Homebrew channel.wad, Gecko OS v1.8.0.2-GEKO.wad, IOS249r7.wad, usb loader 설치 7. 재부팅후 홈브류채널 실행 8. cioscorp 구동후 재부팅 9. 홈브류 채널 실행후 cios36-rev9-install 구동(WAD설치) 10.홈브류 채널 실행후 cios38-rev14 설치(network 설치) Necesitaremos primeramente instalar la última versión del custom IOS de Waninkoko, cIOS36 rev10. Esto es un IOS modificado (IOS36) que se instala como IOS249.. wii -> 4.2e, homebrew chanel, cios 38 rev 14 (la del sonic en el dibujo). Responder. Lican. P.D.: alguna forma de poner los 500GB de mi. Extract the zip file and copy the d2x-cios-installer folder in. your preferred slot - most people use slot 249. use base 57, and choose a different slot (250.. on a wii part 1 Mp3.Wad ios250 rev 20 ios249 19 cios 249 base 57 57 puscifer rev 22 20 wii ios249 19 wad Underworld ios249 57 rev 19 neogamma r7 14 puscifer 22 20. Now under your 'apps' folder on the SD Card copy the folder 'cios36 rev10 installer'. Insert the SD card on your Wii and launch 'Home Brew' and run the. Jan 14, 2009. Can't install CIOS36-rev-64-v1042.wad When I go to install I get the (ret= -2011) error. Need to install. Need to install this app so I can. Kann mir wer erklären wie man mit dem WBFS Manager Kanäle erstellt? Da gibts ja sonne option! Installation du cIOS rev14 sur Wii par !. hack avec le firmware 4.2, Nintendo a mis en place l'IOS 249 STUB, c'est-à-dire un IOS vide. Copy the Cios Rev 14 folder into the SD://apps/ folder 3.. Open up your homebrew channel and launch the cIOS36 rev 14 installer. 2.... IOS249> (My Wii freezes if I. 1° Use o Wii Scrunner para abrir a ISO do jogo, procure na partição “DATA" o arquivo “opening.bnr", clique com o botão direito no arquivo e clique em “extract/save" e salve-o na pasta “Wad Packer and Unpacker" com o nome “" 2° Abra a ISO do jogo novamente, porém desta vez com o “Wii. 也就是透過neogamma來執行備份片,來判定是軟改是否成功。 不過這很不準,原因是太挑片… 所以說進入neogamma之後看下方。 他會寫ios249 rev14. 以kyo大的懶人包為基礎成功以後應該是這樣顯示。 (這邊希望有請大大可以確認) =============================== cIos installer ios 簡單打個. Benq-iXtreme-1.41-Rev-2-Non-Stealth-Multispeed.rar, 2013-01-24 15:04, 304K. [ ], Benq-iXtreme-v1.41.rar, 2013-01-24 15:., 2013-01-24 15:04, 1.2M. [ ],, 2013-01-24 15:.., 2013-01-24 15:04, 231K. [ ],, 2013-01-24 15:. 25 Tháng Chín 2009. Nó có thể được dùng để cài đặt Homebrew channel, DVDx và các phiên bản beta BootMii thông qua trình cài đặt HackMii installer.Có thể tìm thông tin.. cIOS36 là một IOS tùy biến dựa trên IOS36 system. Nó cài đặt như. Tuy nhiên rev14 không hỗ trợ đĩa dual layer và cổng USB thứ hai.Rev13 có hỗ trợ. Hace más historias -Hackmii: Instalador necesario para instalar HBC con el exploit del Bannerbomb (el Wad manager no funciona)... 26/05/2009, 14:05. Por fin un tuto para noobs, se agradece :D P.D. Ahora el problema es que la wii ya no me pilla el wifi, ¿a alguien más le ha pasado? Antes me iba bien. 2、rev10,是与SD/USB Loader v1.2同时发布的cIOS36,最早支持支持从前端SD卡槽的存储设备读取游戏的版本。. 7、rev14,相对完善、稳定的一个版本. 另外一点就是,waninkoko大神发布的cIOS36/cIOS38/cIOSX,全部都是只有一个Installer,也就是一个安装器,或者说是IOS补丁程序(不是Wii的补丁程序),. However, those games are fully playable by simply inserting any dvd into your drive (I just stick a blank one in) OR by loading those specific games with cIOS 249 rev 12 or higher. -Make sure you always delete the 00000001 folder from the root of your SD/USB before doing any network installation of cIOS. Cios36 Rev10 Installer Zip >>> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1). Run Backups on Any Wii Without a Modchip (Updated) Run Backups on Any Wii Without a Modchip (Updated) .. Unzip .. Open up your homebrew channel and launch the cIOS36 rev 14 installer.. 2. 1. ติดตั้ง cIOS36 Rev10 และ cIOS38 Rev14 และ cIOS 222 Installer ตามลำดับ เพื่อที่จะทำให้เครื่อง wii ใช้งาน usb เป็น usb2.0 นะครับ และเพื่อ support โปรแกรม usb loader ด้วย 1.1 เข้า HomeBrew Channel เลือกที่ cIOS36 Rev10 Installer กด A เลือก Load จะเจอหน้าจอ DISCLAIMER ให้ กด A 1.2 หน้าจอ Select installation. 1. ติดตั้ง cIOS36 Rev10 และ cIOS38 Rev14 และ cIOS 222 Installer ตามลำดับ เพื่อที่จะทำให้เครื่อง wii ใช้งาน usb เป็น usb2.0 นะครับ และเพื่อ support โปรแกรม usb loader ด้วย 1.1 เข้า HomeBrew Channel เลือกที่ cIOS36 Rev10 Installer กด A เลือก Load จะเจอหน้าจอ DISCLAIMER ให้ กด A 1.2 หน้าจอ Select installation.