Saturday 11 May 2013 photo 1/5
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De första bilderna från nya Corocoro har släppts! Det är inte 100 % legit än, men det ser för bra ut för att vara fake.
Här har vi "Gogoat", en grass-pokemon som man kan rida på. En Ödle-pokemon, som kanske är electric-type. En klassisk Fågel-pokemon och så en Panda som är fightning-type!
Jag hoppas det är äkta, jag behöver pandan.

Hezo Kljox
Sun 12 May 2013 13:57
Fairy will be a new type. It is weak to Poison and Steel, immune to Dragon, super effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting, and Fire and Psychic-type Pokemon take half damage from it.
Sylveon is Fairy-type. Some older Pokemon will be reclassified to Fairy, such as Mawile (Steel/Fairy).
Mewtwo has two new formes, not just one. Both are activated via items.
The professor's English name is Patrice.
The Starter final evolutions are Fire/Psychic, Grass/Fighting, and Water/Dark.
The first Gym is Bug, the second is Fairy, and the fourth is Fighting.
A few attacks will be dual-typed.
There will be a new type of battling style that Flying-type Pokemon and Pokemon with Levitate can participate in.
You will be able to see a Pokemon's EVs at a certain in-game facility. You will be able to boost the EVs through mini-games. It will take about two hours to get one stat to max EVs.
Sylveon is Fairy-type. Some older Pokemon will be reclassified to Fairy, such as Mawile (Steel/Fairy).
Mewtwo has two new formes, not just one. Both are activated via items.
The professor's English name is Patrice.
The Starter final evolutions are Fire/Psychic, Grass/Fighting, and Water/Dark.
The first Gym is Bug, the second is Fairy, and the fourth is Fighting.
A few attacks will be dual-typed.
There will be a new type of battling style that Flying-type Pokemon and Pokemon with Levitate can participate in.
You will be able to see a Pokemon's EVs at a certain in-game facility. You will be able to boost the EVs through mini-games. It will take about two hours to get one stat to max EVs.
Sun 12 May 2013 02:02
Från serebii:
First, the Pokémon on the far right is called Gogoat (ゴーゴート literally Gohgohto) and is the Riding Pokémon. It's Grass-type, 1.7m and 91.0kg. You can actually ride this Pokémon in the field. It can learn Horn Leech.
The lizard is called Elikiteru (エリキテル) and is a Electric/Normal-type. It is the Generation Pokémon and is 0.5m and 6.0kg. It has a new move called Parabola Charge which heals the user while damaging opponents. It uses solar rays to generate electricity.
The bird is called Yayakoma (ヤヤコマ) and is the Japanese Robin Pokémon. It is Normal/Flying, 0.3m and 1.7kg. It announces itself with a beautiful voice. It can use the move Flame Charge.
The panda is called Yancham ( ヤンチャム) and is the Naughty Pokémon. It is Fighting-type, 0.6m and 8.0kg. It has a new move called Parting Remark which lowers the opponents stats and causes the user to switch out.
First, the Pokémon on the far right is called Gogoat (ゴーゴート literally Gohgohto) and is the Riding Pokémon. It's Grass-type, 1.7m and 91.0kg. You can actually ride this Pokémon in the field. It can learn Horn Leech.
The lizard is called Elikiteru (エリキテル) and is a Electric/Normal-type. It is the Generation Pokémon and is 0.5m and 6.0kg. It has a new move called Parabola Charge which heals the user while damaging opponents. It uses solar rays to generate electricity.
The bird is called Yayakoma (ヤヤコマ) and is the Japanese Robin Pokémon. It is Normal/Flying, 0.3m and 1.7kg. It announces itself with a beautiful voice. It can use the move Flame Charge.
The panda is called Yancham ( ヤンチャム) and is the Naughty Pokémon. It is Fighting-type, 0.6m and 8.0kg. It has a new move called Parting Remark which lowers the opponents stats and causes the user to switch out.

Sun 12 May 2013 01:39
Den ödlepokemon påminner lite om Mawile på något sätt

Sat 11 May 2013 22:11
Ödlan såg sjukt ful ut... Vad har den för svansar på huvudet egentligen?

Sun 12 May 2013 15:11
Det är bara rätt så... Efterblivet, enligt mig.
Pandan var fett ball, i alla fall.
Pandan var fett ball, i alla fall.

Sat 11 May 2013 20:55
Ödlepokemon var ju <3
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